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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by superdave5221 Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:48 pm

Dr. Stanley Monteith reveals the true origins of the New World Order agenda, who's behind it, and it's ancient Satanic influence.


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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by strangelove Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:32 pm

Ok I watched it, and the guy seems to have a good handle on the many MANY groups that are involved in this thing. And his conclusion after naming many names is simply that the bad guys are the....



A bit generalistic I guess. But true.

I think the more important question is what is the ultimate goal, and Dr. Monteith rightly points out that a NWO is the whole point of the thing.

But after you get to that point, that we have a luciferian NWO coming upon us....then you gotto ask yoursef...

who really benefits from that NWO?

Where does it look like it will be run from?

Which religious/philosophical groups look like they will be in charge?

Where does Jesus and His antichrist opponents come into the picture?

Where does DECEPTION in ESCHAETOLOGY come into it?

I dont think its enough to say "its the luciferians and the NWO is the product"

So what do you think Dave?

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by superdave5221 Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:03 pm

Strangelove wrote:Ok I watched it, and the guy seems to have a good handle on the many MANY groups that are involved in this thing. And his conclusion after naming many names is simply that the bad guys are the....



A bit generalistic I guess. But true.

I think the more important question is what is the ultimate goal, and Dr. Monteith rightly points out that a NWO is the whole point of the thing.

But after you get to that point, that we have a luciferian NWO coming upon us....then you gotto ask yoursef...

who really benefits from that NWO?

The immediate beneficiaries would be the elite ruling class. By reducing the population, and taking control of the world's resources, they and their ancestors could live in oppulence and fancy free, for a very long time, (at least that is what they think). The "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce spoke of an ancient civilization called Atlantis. In his "readings", the elite of this civilization had developed scientifically to the point where they had "airships", and they could reproduce human organs, with the effect of allowing humans to live for many hundreds of years. They were able to channel energy, and use it for amazing purposes. It was this chanelling of energy, which, according to Cayce, brought about the destruction of the Atlantean continent. Now, I am not saying that we should believe everything that a prophet, (who was probably chanelling a demon)
says, but it is possible that such a civilization did exist. I am sure that the elites have much faith in their scientific abilities to go beyond those accomplishments of the legendary Atlanteans, and perhaps live forever. This may even be the lie that their master Satan is telling them. Of course, most of the world's population will be nothing but subservient slaves to the elite.

Where does it look like it will be run from?

I don't know enough to answer this question. Jerusalem is certainly a possibility. My guess would be Rome. It is not outside the realm of possibility that Washington D.C. could be the capital. However, according to my understanding, which admittedly is limited, there seems to be little or no reference to the U.S. in apocalyptic literature.

Which religious/philosophical groups look like they will be in charge?

Certainly Luciferian would be the order of the day. Christianity would not be tolerated.

Where does Jesus and His antichrist opponents come into the picture?

The antichrist will come into the picture to unite all of the various groups who are now working for Satan into a coherent group. They will seek to eradicate the Spirit of Christ from the world by killing all of the Christians. But just as Satan tried to eradicate Christ from the world 2000 years ago by killing him, it only served to glorify God in that God glorified Jesus by raising him from the dead. In the same way, our deaths, if done to glorify God, will allow Jesus Christ to glorify Himself, and God the Father, by raising us on the last day. One almost pities Satan, when it is revealed how futile are his efforts in opposing Christ.

Where does DECEPTION in ESCHAETOLOGY come into it?

Deception is important, and the devil has definitely used it to his advantage. It is interesting in the video what philosophical underpinnings in which the NWO sprang. Many of those who were in favor of it, really thought that they were doing the right thing. It seemed to many that a united world could eliminate the wars, famine, and injustice, as well as protecting the environment. It was also interesting that he pointed out the "fraternity within the fraternity" in regard to the masons. I have known many masons, and they, in my opinion, are good people. Just as people in the U.S. are often unaware of attrocities perpetrated by the government, I believe that those in the lower orders of the Masons are unaware of the goals of the upper elite. Does this exonerate them from responsibility? Jesus will have to decide that one.

It is also important, as I stated in another thread, to have the correct eschatology, so that we can prepare ourselves for what is to happen. Because Peter wasn't ready to sacrifice himself on a cross in Luke 22, he failed the test. He was given another chance after the resurrection, but we won't get another chance. We must prepare ourselves, by building an ever stronger relationship with Jesus Christ, (becoming ever more sanctified), so that whatever he requires of us, we will be able to give it, including our lives to torture and suffering.

I dont think its enough to say "its the luciferians and the NWO is the product"

So what do you think Dave?


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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by strangelove Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:13 pm

superdave5221 wrote:
The immediate beneficiaries would be the
elite ruling class. By reducing the population, and taking control of
the world's resources, they and their ancestors could live in oppulence
and fancy free, for a very long time, (at least that is what they

I was thinking more religiously. I know you're solid that true Christianity doesnt call for an earthly one world Kingdom. Being Amil, your down with the one and only SPIRITUAL kingdom of God. Amen.

How about other religious groups? Who's goal is the earthly kingdom?

superdave5221 wrote:
I don't know enough to answer this
question. Jerusalem is certainly a possibility. My guess would be
Rome. It is not outside the realm of possibility that Washington D.C.
could be the capital. However, according to my understanding, which
admittedly is limited, there seems to be little or no reference to the
U.S. in apocalyptic literature.

Nor is there much about Rome in apocalyptic there?

Lets take the main (claimed) biblical religious groups.

Christian zionism. Judaism (talmudism). Islam. Wheres the focus?


superdave5221 wrote:Certainly Luciferian would be the order of the day. Christianity would not be tolerated.

Dave, do you think that having Lucifereans in charge would appeal to the masses?

Do you think they would be ok serving people who termed themselves Lucifereans?

Would/could the masses be fooled into being subserviant to open satan worshippers?

superdave5221 wrote:The antichrist will come into the picture to
unite all of the various groups who are now working for Satan into a
coherent group. They will seek to eradicate the Spirit of Christ from
the world by killing all of the Christians. But just as Satan tried to
eradicate Christ from the world 2000 years ago by killing him, it only
served to glorify God in that God glorified Jesus by raising him from
the dead. In the same way, our deaths, if done to glorify God, will
allow Jesus Christ to glorify Himself, and God the Father, by raising us
on the last day. One almost pities Satan, when it is revealed how
futile are his efforts in opposing Christ.

AMEN Dave! (I prefer to use 'antichrist' as a verb and any particular prominent evil individuals as either false messiah or son of perdition, but I know what you mean...lets continue)

I'm not sure that the various religious groups would settle for coming together coherently and united into you? I dont think they would find it very appealing. They are probably gonna need something a bit more....biblical sounding?

Who was Christs enemies in the Gospels? Who opposed Him?

Lucifereans? Certainly...but what were they posing as?

superdave5221 wrote:
Deception is important, and the devil has
definitely used it to his advantage. It is interesting in the video
what philosophical underpinnings in which the NWO sprang. Many of those
who were in favor of it, really thought that they were doing the right
thing. It seemed to many that a united world could eliminate the wars,
famine, and injustice, as well as protecting the environment. It was
also interesting that he pointed out the "fraternity within the
fraternity" in regard to the masons. I have known many masons, and
they, in my opinion, are good people. Just as people in the U.S. are
often unaware of attrocities perpetrated by the government, I believe
that those in the lower orders of the Masons are unaware of the goals of
the upper elite. Does this exonerate them from responsibility? Jesus
will have to decide that one.

Totally agree Dave. Theres many wrapped up in the web who simply dont understand what they are into.

superdave5221 wrote:
It is also important, as I stated in
another thread, to have the correct eschatology, so that we can prepare
ourselves for what is to happen. Because Peter wasn't ready to
sacrifice himself on a cross in Luke 22, he failed the test. He was
given another chance after the resurrection, but we won't get another
chance. We must prepare ourselves, by building an ever stronger
relationship with Jesus Christ, (becoming ever more sanctified), so that
whatever he requires of us, we will be able to give it, including our
lives to torture and suffering.

Yeah mate. I know. We really need to stay rooted in what Jesus and the Apostles described for us regarding the end.

I was wondering though....the major eschaetalogical deceptions out there in Christianity, they seem to involve an earthly kingdom, being ruled by Jesus from Jerusalem. Premil and postmil (dominionism) basically.

Do you think that deception IS the NWO coming?

Do you think the fake earthly kingdom and the NWO could be one and the same thing?

Great talking to you SD. Very Happy

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by superdave5221 Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:40 am

Nice talking with you too Doc!

You make a lot of good points. The Jews are the only ones who would have the earthly kingdom as a goal, therefore, the reestablishment of temple worship. All Christians see heaven as the final goal, not a millennial kingdom. Those Christians whose eschatology includes a temporal millennial kingdom (misguided as they are) see it as only a stepping stone to the final goal.

As to a world religion to be observed in the NWO, certainly it would be secularism. A religion need not include a supernatural agent. If one looks at political correctness in the U.S., as well as other similar sets of moral codes in other western countries, these codes are in many ways similar to religious doctrine. The survival and well being of the state would take precedence over individual needs. The state's leader or leaders would become objects of worship. This is practically true even today when one sees the reaction of some to Obama. This would be the religion of the common people, whereas, Luciferianism would continue to be practiced in relative secrecy, becoming more open as Christians suffered death at the hands of the authorities. With the Christians out of the way, the secularists would offer little resistance to open Luciferian worship. Many today, even Christians, consider pagan ritual, and even Wiccan membership as relatively harmless.

Fake earthly kingdom and NWO the same thing?

Never thought of that one. I suppose you could see it that way.



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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:28 pm

hi dave & doc!

interesting video and discussion. may i join you and ramble? LOL.

we're already seeing globally that "secularism" ultimately doesn't hold up even for so-called humanists: nearly every person on earth believes themselves to be and looks to "spirituality" in some form. and really only a tiny tiny portion of people (generally in the dying/suffocated former european states, china etc...) actually will say "there's no God/no afterlife.

really, if we look at history, it's ONLY after the scourge of communism has passed through a land do we see entire nations willing to 'confess' no faith in any 'god'. this is NOT the ultimate goal.


all the things monteith (who really was a pioneer in terms of speaking publically over mass media about such matters) lists in the first 1/2 of the video as NOT the head of the beast are actually the stepping stones or means to the end that will come - financial tyranny by bankers/communism/illuminati [in the west now known and operating as the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the CFR] etc.

the bad guys at the top use the dialectical system of thesis + antithesis = synthesis.

OR: black + white = GREY.

in other words, they conspired to use Hegel's dialectic method of manipulation to steer the whole world into the NWO [which is only a term used to describe the one-world control/beast system].

one example is east vs west/communism vs capitalism - but they CREATED and controlled BOTH SIDES from the beginning):

the dialectic method goes like this:

1) create a PROBLEM (example false flag attacks blamed on an "enemy/outside threat")

2) which generates a REACTION (from the masses, almost always fear-based, anger generated resulting in division and chaos/or 'unity/nationalism against others)

3) propose a SOLUTION (example: 'muslims did 9-11....we must go to them and destroy them for our safety'....AND more importantly and closer to the goal and the starting point for the next round of the dialectic process: WE NEED AN ANTI-TERRORIST PROGRAM DOMESTICALLY...for your safety - POLICE STATE)


so while this problem (9-11 inside job false flag blamed on 'arab enemies') generated a reaction (revived 'nationalism/unity against an outside enemy and permission to go to war), it delivered up the SOLUTIONS which would have been UNTHINKABLE only months before (torture, secret arrests, pre-emptive war, submission to the police state, relinquishing freedom for safety provided by the state - Patriot Act).


now if the "elite" control EVERYTHING (politics/media/education/history & publishing/war and finance), and since they have used a 'scientific' method of studying us as animals....they know HOW WE WILL REACT before they ever start the next round of dialectical processes.

because they have prepped us through brainwashing and predictive 'programming' through TV and propaganda, they know when the next round comes, that we will react in fashion X,Y & Z, and they know we will accept and consent to the 'solution'.


the bad guys INVENTED modern "democracy" as a way to STOP us from rebelling against an oligarchy or monarchy by promising that within 4 years we would have a chance to make A CHANGE to the SYSTEM (which is a total lie, since they control all sides).

they INVENTED 'captialism' as we know it to:

have 'free peoples' consent to working hard and using all their own creativity to generate unimaginable wealth (do this and that and you can 'have it all/own things); while at the same time creating COMMUNISM as the counter-balance and outside 'enemy'.

the people will NEVER consent to perpetual CHANGE without a continual THREAT to their well-being.

and the 'elite' system REQUIRES CONSTANT CHANGE (think obama/CHANGE)....always the promise of UTOPIA for the masses: if you do this and that we WILL BE FREE IN A PERFECT WORLD....all the while they control all sides and their plan is NEVER to permit any freedom rather to lead into slavery and control.


summary in this post:

the ULTIMATE End Game is:

RUTHLESS and horrific GLOBAL COMMUNISM (read about the soviet gulag system) for the people who work for the CORPORATIONS/STATE (at one time called Fascism, now called Communitarianism)

with GLOBAL, DECADENT WEALTH AND CONTROL for the ruling familes ruling over the masses.


this is not surprising.

but what is surprising is that though Monteith is correct that the god of this system is satan, it will (after all the ATHEISM/WARS AND CHAOS) manifest itself or be presented to the world as a return to a 'familiar' old MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION which has been tweaked to be 'acceptable' (WITH CONDITIONS) to every tribe and nation. those who refuse to accept it will be killed.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:49 pm

The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Thumbnail

the money system is Babylonian....more on this shortly.

it appeared in the US (speaking broadly) this way:

Wallace Recollects that Day
in letters he wrote in 1951 and in 1955:

Turning to page 53, I noted the colored reproduction of the reverse side of the Seal. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the New Deal of the Ages.
I was struck by the fact that the reverse side of the Great Seal had never been used. Therefore I took the publication to President Roosevelt and suggested a coin be put out with the obverse and reverse sides of the Seal.
Roosevelt, as he looked at the colored reproduction of the Seal, was first struck with the representation of the "All Seeing Eye," a Masonic representation of The Great Architect of the Universe. Next he was impressed with the idea that the foundation for the new order of the ages had been laid in 1776 but that it would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason.
He suggested that the Seal be put on the dollar bill rather than a coin and took the matter up with the Secretary of the Treasury... He brought it up in Cabinet meeting and asked James Farley [Postmaster General and a Roman Catholic] if he thought the Catholics would have any objection to the "All Seeing Eye" which he as a Mason looked on as a Masonic symbol of Deity. Farley said "no, there would be no objection."*

The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. FDRDollar1935
FDR's notes on the preliminary draft of the new dollar design plus initials of officials.
When the first draft came back from the Treasury, the obverse eagle side was on the left of the bill as is heraldic practice. Roosevelt insisted that the order be reversed so that the phrase "of the United States" would be under the eagle side.
The Eagle and the Shield:
A History of the Great Seal of the United States

now nobody believes it just APPEARED for no reason... it was planned from ages ago.

remember this conspiracy has been going down for a long long time (see next post on the COMMERCIAL SYSTEM OF DEBT SLAVERY that covers almost the whole earth now...the countries being currently bombed are the few that refuse central banking and usury)

so, its clear that the SECRET SOCIETIES (masons/skull & bones/theosophy etc) have been the carriers of the secrets and the plan through their meetings and brotherhoods from the start.

but is it REALLY luciferian worship that will openly be offered to the world? as Doc said, only stupid teenagers who think Anton Levay was real would agree to such a thing, and only as long as it seemed cool (which would be about 5 minutes). they CONTROL all sides remember....they gave the world the NEW-AGE religions we see now (because there will always be people who will refuse monotheism/and, they needed the legitimacy of witchcraft, as well as the never-ending global cry from new-agers for PEACE! PEACE!)

no, they TELL their people its this 'religion', and in reality IT IS, but NOT inthe form we see above with the limited hang-outs and introduction of obvious satanic symbology etc. the higher masons etc do end up at MID-LEVELS swearing allegiance to lucifer or satan....they are told his name is THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE. (G.A.O.T.U)......but even THIS is a RUSE (ultimately as Christians we do know they serve the devil...all lost men do)

but thats NOT what the world-religion will LOOK LIKE. that part will be REJECTED (supposedly).

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:13 pm

The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Thumbnail

here is israel's prophet Zechariah prophesying and seeing visions from about 520 BC: he 'saw' these things IN JERUSALEM, going FORTH FROM THERE:

Zechariah 5 (the flying scroll, which is an ensign or a message of a curse and destruction for the things mentioned):

1Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. 2And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. 3Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it. 4I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.


5Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth. 6And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth. 7And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. 8And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof. 9Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven. 10Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah? 11And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.

[keep the mark of the beast in mind]:

an ephah is a commerical measure (grain etc)

zechariah was told this system would be throughout the earth.

there's a 'woman' in the commerical basket. women are symbols of RELIGION/religious peoples. he was told the woman in her commercial system was WICKEDNESS (the love of money is the root of all evil).

she's cast into the basket and covered over with lead - base, toxic and nothing gets in or out.

THEN he sees 2 more 'women' coming (religion/peoples) who are like storks (unclean but powerful birds) - this is Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian army coming to take away the wicked woman and her system

the angel tells him she is going TO SHINAR! BABYLON!

and that she will set up there, she will BECOME ESTABLISHED, ON HER OWN BASE (system, not God's).


the people of God who went to Babylon and DID NOT DESIRE TO RETURN TO THE LAND WHEN RELEASED with Ezra and Zerubbabel etc, for the most part stayed, and they had created a NEW RELIGION. a terrible MIXTURE of Torah and Babylon.

that religion is canonized and codified now - recall the first 1/2 of Zechariah 5, the scroll/curse (that religion incorporates or makes provision for all the systems and processes which were listed by Monteith in the first 1/2 of the vid - global domination/slavery/deception/lying/murder/idolatry/witchcraft etc), and generally can be called:


with accompanying branches and texts it is purely pagan, purely satanic.

this religious system has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE I AM, or ABRAHAM ISAAC AND JACOB, OT Judaism/Torah or ultimately Jesus Christ AT is not Moses and can not lead to Jesus.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:40 pm


- i don't recommend going down the masonic rabbit hole (their system is nothing more than a rat-line for putting the right guys in the driver's seats and keeping THE SECRET)...and the following post is taken from a BRITISH-ISRAELISM cult site, and has disinfo in it.

- the reason for posting it is: see what he CLAIMED the PLAN WAS (though the letter is decried as a fraud it DOESN'T MATTER...what matters is WHO WAS ALBERT PIKE AND WHAT WAS HIS REAL AGENDA AND RELIGION).

just take a look at what he accomplished, and what chaos and destruction he helped steer. yet he was just another stooge.

Albert Pike (1809-1891)

The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Pike

Albert Pike also of Newbury Port moved to Arkansas where he became a prominent member of the secessionist movement. He was chosen by Mazzini to head the Illuminati operations in America and moved to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1852. During the war he was made a brigadier general and placed in charge of raising an army of Indians. Pike's reign of terror was so despicable that foreign governments intervened to put an end to his savagery. Mazzini was not only the head of the Illuminati, he was the leading revolutionist in Europe. He was determined to establish a New World Order on the rubble of the old order and created a plan to accomplish his goal. He detailed his plan for world domination in a letter to Pike on January 22, 1870: "We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown. Lady Queensborough, Occult Theocracy, pp. 208-209.
The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. A_pike

This secret rite is called "The New and Reformed Palladian Rite." It has headquarters in Charleston, S.C., Rome Italy, and Berlin Germany. Pike headed this rite in the Western Hemisphere while Mazzini headed it in the East. Pike wrote about his beliefs and goals in 1871 in "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry." In this massive volume he explained that the "blind Force of the people is a Force that must be economized, and also managed. . . it must be regulated by intellect. "To attack the citadels (Institutions) built up on all sides against the human race by superstitions (religion), despotisms, and prejudices, the force must have a brain and a law (the Illuminati's). Then its (Force) deeds of daring produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. . . When all forces combined, and guided by the Intellect (Illuminati), and regulated by the Rule of Right, and Justice, and of combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared for the ages will begin to march. . . It is because Force is ill regulated that revolutions prove failures" Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1-2 (Rev. Ed. 1950).

Even though Pike was a confederate general who committed the most heinous atrocities of the war his tomb is located just 13 blocks from the Capitol Building. He was a high ranking member of the Illuminati who is still revered by the New World Order Gang. The god of the Illuminati and the New World Order Gang is Lucifer. "The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. . . Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jesus) is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. . ."The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Jesus); but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil." A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et l'enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p. 588; Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy pp. 220-221.
The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Gmazzini
Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order.

Albert Pike's plan for the Illuminati was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions. The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During World War Two International Communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did put this policy into effect?

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East is designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?

After World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own written words taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, England.

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time" (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xv-xvi).

This strategy is corroborated by Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy PhD. in The Power Elite's use of Wars and Crises. pike.htm


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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:57 pm

the simplest way to avoid years in rabbit holes is to always ask:

Cui bono?

Cui bono ("To whose benefit?", literally "as a benefit to whom?", a double dative construction), also rendered as Cui prodest, is a Latin adage that is used either to suggest a hidden motive or to indicate that the party responsible for something may not be who it appears at first to be.

Commonly the phrase is used to suggest that the person or people guilty of committing a crime may be found among those who have something to gain, chiefly with an eye toward financial gain. The party that benefits may not always be obvious or may have successfully diverted attention to a scapegoat, for example.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:00 pm

no need to get bogged down on the following thread, just scan it and see what it says (pass over our comments/discussions initially - anything other than DIRECT QUOTES from the Babylonian Talmudic Religious System):


just look for words from the Talmud itself.

this from Wiki:

The Pharisees

The sages of the Talmud see a direct link between themselves and the Pharisees, and historians generally consider Pharisaic Judaism to be the progenitor of Rabbinic Judaism, that is normative, mainstream Judaism after the destruction of the Second Temple. All mainstream forms of Judaism today consider themselves heirs of Rabbinic Judaism and, ultimately, the Pharisees.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:12 pm

this may seem like it is changing gears, but its not.

its by-passing rabbit holes and asking, again:

Cui bono?

who benefits from DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY fed to Christians via Scofield and others?

who benefits from the idea of an earthly kingdom (particularly as it is fed to Christians, making them Christian Zionists)?


Genesis 12 , which contains God's Promise to Abraham, concerning the SEED (Jesus) to Whom and through Whom all the Covenant (Gospel) Promises are fulfilled, has been CHANGED by Scofield and Christian Zionism from God speaking TO ABRAM:

Genesis 12:3
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.


Genesis 12:3
And I will bless them that bless the jews (israel), and curse him that curseth the jews (israel): and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed (by so-called national israel, who says she is The Light to the Nations).


could any of what is happening today have gone down without the co-opting of Christian theology? (i'm not referring to God's Sovergein Plan, i'm asking, would Christians exchange the SEED for seeds plural without having had their Bibles and eschatology CHANGED?)

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:19 pm

Dispensational Theology says that, critically (among so many other prophecies), DANIEL 9 was NOT fulfilled by Jesus at the First Advent, and will be fulfilled in the future, BY AN "ANTICHRIST!!!!":

Daniel 9
24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. 25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

this was completely fulfilled by Jesus Christ who came and ended once for all the sacrifice and took away the sins for all who believe.

and the desolation was fulfilled exactly as foretold by Titus in 70AD when the Kingdom was finally taken from national Israel (not excluding them, but EXPANDING IT TO THE WHOLE WORLD), and is represented by the taking forever of earthly Jerusalem by gentile nations.


so how can The Pharisees, who are still planning for the messiah, rewrite the scriptures so that JESUS IS OUT and these things (promises) are yet future?

by controlling everything...including the new dispensational theology which calls for DOMINIONISM now, using, as always, gentile tools and fools to do what they did not have power or authority yet to do themselves...

PRESTO! Christian Zionism!

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by superdave5221 Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:35 pm

zone wrote:hi dave & doc!

interesting video and discussion. may i join you and ramble? LOL.

we're already seeing globally that "secularism" ultimately doesn't hold up even for so-called humanists: nearly every person on earth believes themselves to be and looks to "spirituality" in some form. and really only a tiny tiny portion of people (generally in the dying/suffocated former european states, china etc...) actually will say "there's no God/no afterlife.

really, if we look at history, it's ONLY after the scourge of communism has passed through a land do we see entire nations willing to 'confess' no faith in any 'god'. this is NOT the ultimate goal.


Hey Zone, Lets RAMBLE!!!

If you are right, and most all people do believe in some sort of sprituality, then that does change things a lot. And I did wonder at Dr. Monteith's assertion that Karl Marx was a satanist.

But what about the The Humanist Manifesto, and it's widespread acceptance by academia?

What about the widespread acceptance of the teachings of Richard Dawkins and Julian Huxley?

What about macroevolution, the scientific method, and the secularization of our education system?

Why would all the effort and resources be put into a system to teach the absense of God, only to turn around and proclaim their own god?

Religion is a belief system. We believe that God exists, that he created us, that he loves us, and that he has made us his children because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

What does the world believe. The believe in government and science. They believe that all of the world's problems will ultimately be solved by man. Obama has been an abject failure in solving the nation's economic problems, and yet, people have FAITH in him to solve those problems.

However, if an antichrist appeared, who could perform signs and miracles, it might be enough to create belief in a god, (as Satan would have himself presented), especially if a spiritual vacuum had been created by years of teaching that God does not exist.


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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:35 pm

but wait a second zone.

isn't this antisemitic?


here's where the plot thickens, and here's where we can by-pass all the rabbit holes and get straight to the heart of the matter.

remember, the guys at the top control history, and information and we are not told the truth.

also remember that the problem is not 'JEWS'...the problem is the Talmudic Religion, which came from BABYLON and is disguised as Moses and the prophets.....

what we have now into the mix, is an enormous hoax perpetrated on basically everybody, including the khazars themselves. if this seems far-fethced, ask yourself how so many so-called christians could be made to believe that THE WHITE ANGLO-NATIONS are The Ten Lost Tribes, and that they are fighting to unite themselves (so-called northern Israel with their lost and beleagured brother Judah)?


again: don't bother just yet clicking around (unless you feel led)....the source isn't as important as the BASIC FACTS. if the basic facts can be confirmed, the thread can be followed without being led back into the matrix, the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC, or the endless strings of lies and rewritten history meant to keep us from the basic facts.



Part I


"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog,
the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and
prophesy against him."
Ezekiel 38:2

This is the story of a kingdom of belligerent, warlike Caucasian nomads, having no linked ancestry with anything Israelite this side of Noah, yet adopting Talmudic Judaism and becoming the dominant -- and virtually only -- current force in twenty-first century international Jewry.

in other words, 90% of modern jewry (Ashkenazi) are not and never were Hebrews. they are gentiles who converted to Talmudism and not a single thing, none of this has anything whatsoever to do with Moses and the prophets.

i'll say right now that i'm of ashkenzi background....this ain't against ordinary people who don't know who they are.

its about WHAT IS THE TRUTH?

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by superdave5221 Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:37 pm

Hey Zone, Lets RAMBLE!!!

If you are right, and most all people do believe in some sort of sprituality, then that does change things a lot. And I did wonder at Dr. Monteith's assertion that Karl Marx was a satanist.

But what about the The Humanist Manifesto, and it's widespread acceptance by academia?

What about the widespread acceptance of the teachings of Richard Dawkins and Julian Huxley?

What about macroevolution, the scientific method, and the secularization of our education system?

Why would all the effort and resources be put into a system to teach the absense of God, only to turn around and proclaim their own god?

Religion is a belief system. We believe that God exists, that he created us, that he loves us, and that he has made us his children because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

What does the world believe. The believe in government and science. They believe that all of the world's problems will ultimately be solved by man. Obama has been an abject failure in solving the nation's economic problems, and yet, people have FAITH in him to solve those problems.

However, if an antichrist appeared, who could perform signs and miracles, it might be enough to create belief in a god, (as Satan would have himself presented), especially if a spiritual vacuum had been created by years of teaching that God does not exist.


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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:40 pm

superdave5221 wrote:

Hey Zone, Lets RAMBLE!!!

If you are right, and most all people do believe in some sort of sprituality, then that does change things a lot. And I did wonder at Dr. Monteith's assertion that Karl Marx was a satanist.

But what about the The Humanist Manifesto, and it's widespread acceptance by academia?

What about the widespread acceptance of the teachings of Richard Dawkins and Julian Huxley?

What about macroevolution, the scientific method, and the secularization of our education system?

Why would all the effort and resources be put into a system to teach the absense of God, only to turn around and proclaim their own god?

Religion is a belief system. We believe that God exists, that he created us, that he loves us, and that he has made us his children because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

What does the world believe. The believe in government and science. They believe that all of the world's problems will ultimately be solved by man. Obama has been an abject failure in solving the nation's economic problems, and yet, people have FAITH in him to solve those problems.

However, if an antichrist appeared, who could perform signs and miracles, it might be enough to create belief in a god, (as Satan would have himself presented), especially if a spiritual vacuum had been created by years of teaching that God does not exist.

all of those people are from talmudic Rabbinic families.

the plan was to destroy the OT/CHRISTIAN God's story (all the way from creation to Christ), substitute it for HORRIBLE ALTERNATIVES, THEN BRING IT "BACK" TO SUPPOSEDLY WHAT THE WORLD NEEDED ALL ALONG.

but what we are getting is NOT MOSES.

its Babylonian Talmudism, which is indeed luciferian. but nobody is ultimatley going to accept that.

so what do the 'rabbis' have to offer after all this SIN AND WAR REBELLION AND 'HUMANISM' and LOSS OF MORAL COMPASSES?

(btw: they control Islam and Rome)


coming right up:

btw: the Book of Revelation is CLEAR that the great Whore of Babylon is Jerusalem (i'll prove it) but, as you have already seen the occult designs and connections between Washington and Rome, you can see that Rome is SO OPULENTLY dressed in purple and scarlet color. so OBVIOUSLY like the Harlot.

but she is NOT. she is a very clever DECOY, and a daughter.

she ain't on 7 hills. Jerusalem is.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:22 pm

example (again, critical pieces of the puzzle are missing from history: we'll always hear that marx was atheist...nothing could be further from the truth):


Karl Marx was born to a Jewish Lutheran family. About a year before Marx was born, his father had converted to the Prussian state religion of Lutheranism in order to continue working as a lawyer. Luthernism was the major Protestant denomination of Christianity where Marx lived. Marx and his family were nominally Christian. Karl Marx was raised in an essentially non-religious home and he adopted atheism.

Karl Marx founded Marxism, which is widely known as an influential political and economic system, but which is also a religion from a sociological perspective. Marx founded "Marxist Communism" and he was one of history's most important proponents of Communism. Marx co-authored The Communist Manifesto, which is probably the most important document in the history of Communsim, essentially the "scripture" or "holy book" of the movement. But Marx himself did not create Communism; it was an existing, organized philosophy that he was attracted to.

The passage below briefly describes the religious background and religious affiliation of Karl Marx.

Source: Josh McDowell & Don Stewart. Understanding Secular Religions. Here's Life Publishers, Inc.: San Bernardino (1982). Pages 45-46.

The name of Karl Marx is probably the best known of any founder of a political or economic system...
Karl Marx was born in Trier, an ancient German city in the Rhineland... His ancestors, Jewish on both his mother's and father's sides, were rabbis. His father, Heinrich, had converted to Protestantism in 1816 or 1817 in order to continue practicing law after the Prussian edict denying Jews to the bar. Karl was born in 1818 and baptized in 1824, but his mother, Henriette, did not convert until 1825, when Karl was 7. While the family did not appear religious at all -- it was said that not a single volume on religion or theology was in Heinrich's modest library -- Karl was raised in an atmosphere of religious toleration. There was some discrimination against Jews in the area, but general religious tolerance was the standard. Karl was sent to religious school primarily for academic rather than religious training. On the whole, the family was not committed to either evangelical Protestantism or evangelical Judaism


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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:28 pm

superdave5221 wrote:But what about the The Humanist Manifesto, and it's widespread acceptance by academia?

What about the widespread acceptance of the teachings of Richard Dawkins and Julian Huxley?

What about macroevolution, the scientific method, and the secularization of our education system?

What does the world believe. The believe in government and science.(see did that come about?)

They believe that all of the world's problems will ultimately be solved by man. Obama has been an abject failure in solving the nation's economic problems, and yet, people have FAITH in him to solve those problems.

but his election was reliant on his insistence he is a Christian, right?

at the very least - IT WAS AN ISSUE.

However, if an antichrist appeared, who could perform signs and miracles, it might be enough to create belief in a god, (as Satan would have himself presented), especially if a spiritual vacuum had been created by years of teaching that God does not exist.

see following summary

remember: the vast majority of jewry are not and never were hebrews.

we are talking about a RELIGION.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:33 pm

you can find the information anywhere, mainly find it using jewish sources themselves. here's a summary of FACTS. if you are unsure, its up to you to do the leg-work to verify. this will involve actual history (books, library newspapers etc), and not JUST internet rehashes of the same information. i've done the work myself.

what i post is based on that.

keep this in mind at all times.

replace the word "Jews" with "Khazar Zionists" who are not Jews.

this statement above (from the following link) is an effort to not tar all jews with the same brush. but this statement itself is misguided. the word JEW as we use it today signifies RELIGION, NOT RACE.

in reality, the khazars ARE jews, according to Judaism.

its not even so much that we are dealing with Khazars. what difference does it make at this point? its that we are dealing with THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD.

what we have to grasp is that Judaism today is NOT MOSES AND THE PROPHETS.
its the religion of the Pharisees, the PROTOYPE corruption of Moses that Jesus condemned in His day. only now its much more corrupt.



I would like to ask that you replace the word "Jews" with "Khazar Zionists" who are not Jews. That distinction needs to be made more and more since the former khazars are satanists and the real Jews are religious practioners of their faith as laid out for them by the Torah. A huge difference. I have finally understood that difference and wish to emphasize if for our readers on articles like this since most do not make that distinction which the Khazars have counted on to provide cover for them in their satanist agenda against America, Muslims and Christians. We have published much deep research on here that supports this point perfectly.


The Jewish Leadership revolted and took control of Jerusalem for a short time. Then the Roman general Titus came with a large army in 70 AD and slaughtered approximately one million Jews. Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed and God’s word was again confirmed that the children of Israel that they couldn’t live in the land if they rebelled against Him.


Around 1500 AD, cabalistic Jews began to filter back to the land of Israel. Joseph Nasi (mid 16th century) was a close friend of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He was very rich and wanted to resettle Jews back into the land of Palestine. His plan involved sending ships to collect Jews from Italy and bringing them to Tiberias, but it could not be carried out because a war broke out between Turkey and the city state of Venice. >From around 1540, Jews began to resettle in Jerusalem and Safed around Galilee.

Isaac “Ari” Luria (1534-1572)

Issac Luria was a German-Jewish Rabbi. At this time, rabbinical scholars around Safed began to openly practice the teachings of the Kabala. Luria further developed the Kabalistic teachings of re-incarnation.

Isaac Luria considered himself to be the “Messiah, the son of Joseph,” who according to Jewish legend would precede the real Messiah, the son of David. He spread the message among the Jews that the Jewish Messiah would begin to rule in 1648. At the same time, the Christian community started to believe that the Antichrist would appear in 1666.

Sabbatai Sevi (1626-1676) (VN: beginning of the "Sabbateans", satanic religion of the khazars)

Sabbatai Sevi was born in Smyrna Turkey and died in exile in Albania. He was of Spanish-Jewish origin and studied to become a rabbi. He came in contact with the Kabbalah in his studies and made it his major study. In 1648, he started to proclaim himself to be the Messiah. He had a personal prophet by the name of Abraham Nathan from Gaza. Nathan studied the writings of Isaac Luria and claimed to have apocalyptic visions that showed him to be the prophet to usher in the coming of the Messiah. He moved in “charismatic gifts”. He convinced Sevi that he was the messiah and that he (Nathan) was his prophet. After some mysterious supernatural events by Nathan, the messianic awakening of Sabbatai Sevi began on the 17th of Sivan (May-June) 1665.

Although Sevi was rejected by some Jewish people, the majority of Jews came to accept him as the Messiah. He was arrested while on a ship from Smyrna to Constantinople by the Turkish navy.

On September 16, 1666, Sevi was brought before a court of the Sultan of Turkey and charged with rebellion against the Turkish government. He was given an ultimatum to prove he was the messiah with a miracle or face execution. He dropped to his knees and asked the Sultan to accept his conversion to Islam. The Sultan accepted and he was given a new name Azis Mehemed Effendi. Three of his rabbinical followers who accompanied him also converted to Islam. The Jewish people were shocked and turned to Nathan for answers. It was then that the true nature of the Kabbalah was brought out to the masses. Nathan explained that Sevi had to commit apostasy in order for him to obtain salvation for his followers. The Jews split up over this issue and some turned back to the old form of Judaism but large numbers turned into “secret” Jews who were strong believers in Sabbatai Sevi and the messianic utopia for Israel which would later become Zionism. The birth of Zionism would follow later through another Jew named Jacob Frank.

Meanwhile Sevi continued having visions, writing them down and spreading them in secret to his Jewish followers. He traveled regularly to Constantinople where he would secretly teach and minister his Jewish followers. They were Muslims outwardly but this was only a cover. Sabbattai and his three rabbis were arrested after a Jewish prayer service on September 12, 1672. On December 15, 1672, Sevi was tried for blasphemy against Islam. He should have received a death sentence but was sentenced into exile to the province of Morea (Albania). Nathan continued preaching that Sevi was the messiah and encountered strong resistance from Jewish non-believers. To his followers, Sevi was continually paying the high price of redeeming the Jewish people from sin. They believed that Sevi would some day become king of Israel and subdue all Gentile kingdoms. After more visions, Sabattai Sevi died on the Day of Atonement in 1676. Nathan convinced Sevi’s followers that he was resurrected. Nathan claimed to have been visited by Joshua and Caleb who appeared to him. Nathan lived in Sophia Bulgaria and kept claiming that Sabbatai Sevi was the true messiah and that there would be no other one but him. Nathan died on January 11, 1680.


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Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:39 pm

Summary of Sabbatai Sevi Messianic Movement

Jews around the world united in “falling into apostasy,” becoming hidden Jews who would take Gentile names and publicly live like Gentiles but secretively were followers of the Kabbalah and Sabbatai Sevi.

The Jewish leadership started to work on a plan to bring Jews back to Palestine. The ones in “apostasy” advanced quickly into government positions in a number of nations and set the policies for the nations. Within the next 300 years, the new global organization was able to control the nations and most of the economic activities.

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Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:41 pm


Moses Hess (1812-1875)

Moses Hess was born in Bonn, Germany and died in Paris, France. He was practiced Orthodox Judaism but broke away and embraced the Kabbalah. In 1837, he anonymously published his first book, “The Holy History of Mankind,” which revealed his ideas on anarchic socialism. In 1841, he founded the radical newspaper, “Rheineische Zeitung.” In 1842 he promoted Karl Marx, a German Jew to chief editor. Hess introduced Marx to the Freemasons and to communism. In 1844, Hess introduced Marx to the German Jew Friedrich Engels.

Moses Hess is considered the father of two political movements: communism and Zionism. He was buried in Cologne, Germany, but in 1961 his remains were re-buried in the graveyard of Kineret (Lake of Galilee, Israel) next to the graves of other founders of the modern Zionist socialist movement.

Some of his writings:

1841, Die Europaische Triarchie: Promoting a formation of socialism based upon German philosophy, French politics and British political economy.

1862, Rome and Jerusalem, the Last National Problem: Promoting Socialism, but he also wrote, “I have always been strengthened by the Hebrew prayers.”

On the Right of Labour
On Social and Economic reform
The red Catechism for the German People: Hess wrote, “My religion is the socialistic revolution.”

The writings of Hess promoted that outside of Judaism the following should happen:

No person should own any private property. (land, house, car, furniture, etc)
All humans should be moved into a classless society that is ruled by a group outside the law.

In order to force people into one classless society, it may be necessary to incite different groups against each other to prevent them from working together and destroying the very fabric of current society. (VN: Sound familiar? SPLC and ADL pitting the left Americans against the Right Americans and pitting Right Americans against Muslims)

To force a socialistic revolution using Judaism, racial strife and the battle between different classes in society.

A Socialist must embrace Internationalism, with the exception of Jews, there should be no patriotism. Only Jews should be patriotic about Israel.

Hess believed that his ideology could be carried out under the banner of the Jewish Rothschild family. He publicly swore destruction and death to anyone who resisted his teachings on socialism, but in private, he was a religious Jew.

Hess told Karl Marx that the Jews had been given the task to transform the Gentiles into wild animals. Meanwhile his public teachings appealed to the young European people because life was hard for the working class. Here was a system that took the wealth from the rich and allowed all people to live a wonderful life in a utopian socialist society.

Hess told Karl Marx that the Jews had been given the task to transform the Gentiles into wild animals.


this concept comes straight from the Talmud and accompanying texts and systems.

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Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:42 pm


Theodor Herzl (1860-1904)

Theodor Herzl was born in Pest, Hungary and died in Vienna, Austria. Even though he graduated from law school in 1884, he became a writer involved with Zionism. He wrote books and various plays about the problems facing the society of his day. From 1891 to 1895, Herzl served as the Paris correspondent for the Vienna newspaper, “The Free Press,” an influential liberal Vienna daily newspaper.

As a successful play-write, Herzl was able to use his influence to promote the idea of an independent Palestinian state. With the rising of anti-Semitism in France, he began to write articles and plays promoting his ideas of how to solve the Jewish issues by having young Jews join the Socialistic movement en mass. He later took a hard stand that the only solution to establish a homeland for the Jewish people was a mass exodus of Jews from countries which were anti-Semitic. In 1895 he wrote a plan to relocate Jews to Palestine. He looked for financial backing from the Rothschild’s when he presented his plan. Max Nordeau (1849-1923), a Hungarian Jew became a supporter of it.

In 1896, Herzl published a book called, “Der Judenstaat,” in which he outlined his plan to relocate the Jews to Palestine. The first step was to build a strong political base. The book stirred up emotions in the Jewish community worldwide. The Jewish communities in Western Europe rejected the proposal while the poorer Jewish communities in Eastern Europe and Russia embraced the idea of a Jewish homeland; the Zionist Movement was born with Theodor Herzl as the Father. Herzl knew that a gradual colonizing would only stimulate anti-Semitism, so he advocated a population transfer under international supervision.

Summary of Herzl’s Plan:

First was the transfer of the “desperate Jews” fleeing oppression in Russia due to the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, in 1881, by a group of Jewish conspirators. This first group of Jews would be retrained for labor to cultivate the soil and build the infrastructure of the homeland

The second group brought in would be the poor Jews from Eastern Europe who would create vast labor pools which would be used to develop the nation commercially.

Once the infrastructure had been built and the farmers were able to support the people, then the prosperous Jews would be transferred to capitalize on the new Jewish state’s trade. The objective would be to bring in Jewish businessmen who could build up the economy of the nation.

The final transfer would be the wealthy Jews who would move in and live comfortably in the land that had been built by sweat and labor of the first three groups.

Theodor Herzl anticipated resistance from comfortable Jews and wrote, “Old prisoners do not willingly leave their cells… Perhaps we shall have to fight first of all against many an evil-disposed, narrow-hearted, short-sighted member of our own race. Whoever can, will and must perish, let him perish, but the distinctive nationality of the Jews neither can, will, nor must be destroyed. Whole branches of Judaism may wither and fall, but the trunk remains.”

Very few leaders of the Zionistic movement were religious. Many of them didn’t believe in God nor had a regard for the Old Testament. Most of them were atheistic or agnostic and similar to secular Jews today. It was not Judaism, but anti-Semitism created by the Jewish leadership which antagonized the Gentiles that helped to create the political state of Israel. Herzl’s plan outlined two organizations that needed to be built before the transfers of Jews could start:

1. “A Society of the Jews” to manage the affairs of the emerging Jewish state. The organization was formed in 1899 with the name “Jewish Colonial trust” was incorporated in England with 2 million Pounds.

2. “The Jewish Company,” a financial banking system. This would take care of the transfer of the wealth of the Jews as they move. In exchange for their current financial status, they would be compensated with land, machinery and homes in the new state. It would also take charge of their former financial matters and sell them of to “honest anti-Semites.” The Jewish National Fund was established in 1901 to purchase and cultivate land in Palestine, and in 1903, a subsidiary bank called, “The Anglo-Palestine bank,” was opened.

Theodor Herzl promised Christian governments good discounts on former Jewish holdings and had no mercy on Jews. They were to give up all their homes, savings, properties and business and move to Palestine and live in kibbutzim.

When Jewish people rejected the idea, Herzl warned them, “Great exertions will hardly be necessary to spur on the movement. Anti-Semites need only to do what they did before and then they will create a Jewish desire to emigrate where it did not previously exist.”

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Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:42 pm


Various groups have worked separately with achieving the goals of Theodor Herzl:

Marxist group for Emancipation of Labor formed by George Plekhanov, (a Russian gentile who married a Jewess named Roza) and the Jewish Marxist’s Vera Zasulich, Lev Deutch and Pinchus Axelrod. They were later joined in 1895 by Vladimir Lenin, a Russian Gentile who married the Jewess Nadezhda Krupskaya, and went back to Russia and started an underground movement. He was arrested and sent to Siberia, released in 1900 and ended up in Geneva.

Anti-Jewish publication in Vienna called “Ostara” started by a half Jew named Adolf Joseph Lanz who married to Jewess Libenfels, changed his name to Dr. Georg Lanz von Liebenfels and later added the title Baron. The magazine was blatantly anti-Semitic and promoted the Roman Catholic Church and the pure Aryan race.

“The Thule Order” was a secret society created by Lanz. It later played a major role in the formation of the Nazi Party and the rise of Adolf Hitler. In 1907 Lanz hoisted up a Swastika flag over the castle in Werfenstein. In 1909 Adolf Hitler (a half Jew) met with Lanz and became his student. Lanz told Lenin in Switzerland, “We counter-revolutionaries give Jews the right to create their own state in Palestine.”

Benito Mussolini at the age of 19 moved to Switzerland and became a student of Marxism. He moved back to Italy after he met with Jewish International Communist leaders. At this time the system was in place to move Jews from Europe to Palestine. In order to get the Jews moving, Theodor Herzl become the “Shepherd” and Hitler became the “Prosecutor.”

Some Jews were upset and angry; others were excited about the plan.

Theodor Herzl tried selling his idea at various times:

The Jewish congress in September 1898
Private meetings with the German Emperor Wilhelm II on October 18, 1898 and November 2, 1898. Under pressure from rich Jewish Bankers, Jewish leaders in Germany and Jewish Newspapers in Germany.

Private meeting with Sultan Abdul Hamid II of Turkey on 17 May 1901, since Palestine belonged to Turkey. Under pressure from Jewish Bankers again, the Sultan asked for Financial aid for Turkey before opening up Palestine. A second meeting with the Sultan in 1902 was refused.

4th Zionist congress in 1900

Testimony in the Royal commission in England where he met with The Rothchild banking house.

Meeting with Russian Minister of Interior Baron Vyacheslav K von Plehve. Russia promised to lobby with Sultan of Turkey

6th Zionist congress in August 1903.

Greater Action committee in April 1904.

Theodor Herzl died on July 3, 1904. He left behind a foundation to build upon despite tough resistance from wealthy Jews.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:44 pm


Jacob Henry Schiff (1847-1920) was a German Jew who moved to New York in 1865 and became a protégée of the Rothchilds. He married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, a Jewish banker. Schiff became the head of the bank in 1885. His wife’s sister, Nina, was married to Paul Warburg (1868-1932) of the Jewish Warburg banking house in Hamburg, Germany. He also moved to New York and became a partner in the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Paul Warburg became the first chairman of the federal reserve in 1913. His brother Max Warburg (1867-1946) stayed in Germany and helped to finance the German war efforts during WWII. At the same time Paul Warburg financed the war effort of the American government. It is interesting to note that WWII was financed from both sides by the same banking family, the Warburgs and Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Another brother, Felix Warburg, married the daughter of Jacob Schiff and later became the Chief Operations Officer of Kuhn Loeb & Co.

During the 1890’s, young Marxists/Socialist Jews who emigrated from Eastern Europe to the United States received terrorist training in America under the Jewish Masonic Lodge (B’nai B’rith). They returned to Russia and tried to overthrow the Russian government through a revolution. Russia started to refuse American passports and punished the Jewish terrorists. As a result, American Jews accused the Russian Government of being Anti-Semitic.

Jacob Schiff and the Jewish leadership wanted to teach Russia a lesson and encouraged Japan to demand concessions from Russia and relinquish territory from its Eastern part. Russia refused and as Japan got ready to attack. Jacob Schiff arranged a financial boycott of Russia and financed Japanese war efforts. Russia was starved for cash and Japan had all the financial aid it needed. The war began on February 8, 1904. While the war was raging, the Marxist/Socialistic Jewish terrorists struck from within Russia with assassinations of government officials and law enforcement personnel. Prime Minister Viachelav von Plehve was assassinated and the Tsar of Russia sued for peace. Russia ceded territory to Japan between August 9 and September 5, 1905. Jacob Schiff was present at the signing of the peace treaty on September 5, 1905. On December 16, 1905, three hundred Jewish Marxist/Socialist terrorists were arrested following the Black Sunday revolution. Schiff was determined to overthrow the Russian government and replace them with a Marxist leadership. He and his International Banker friends arranged to starve the Russian government of any loans while a stronger nation like Germany would be used to attack Russia. WWI was being planned!

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Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:50 pm

The Russian revolution was in reality a Jewish takeover of Russia in the midst of WWI, in preparation for the formation of the state of Israel and the coming Jewish Messiah.


Between 1905 and 1914, Russia progressed very well with landownership programs for farmers. Russia gave voting rights to its people and raised their standard of living. Tsar Nicholas gave Russia a representative government and a constitutional monarchy. A legislative body called the “Duma” was created and free elections were held. Jewish Marxist terrorists tried to assassinate Premier Stolypin in 1906. The second assassination attempt succeeded when a Jewish attorney Mordecai Bogrow shot and killed the Premier in 1911. By 1911, Russia produced 40% of the world’s crop of grain products.

The Russian population was angry with the Jews because they knew it was the Jewish leadership that had set up all the public violence in order to overthrow the government. Russian mobs attacked Jewish stores and homes and over 800 Jews were killed. The violence continued and by 1911 approximately 50,000 Russians had been killed in bombings, shootings and mass attacks on civilians. In 1906 approximately 600 Jewish Marxist/Socialistic terrorists were executed by the Russian Government. The world started blaming the Russian government of being anti-Semitic. Between 1907 and 1908 another 2,328 Jewish Marxist/Socialistic Terrorists were executed by the Russian Government after trials of military tribunals. The result is that about 35,000 Jewish terrorists fled to Palestine, United States and Europe.

Joseph Stalin (1879-1953)

Joseph Stalin was half Jewish and half Russian. In 1903 he was recruited by the Russian secret police and led a double life. He was arrested 8 times; he escaped and continued his work in the Marxist/socialist movement.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924)

Vladimir Lenin was also half Jewish and half Russian. He was a Marxists/Socialist that worked for the Jewish world leaders. He was arrested a few times and sentence to exile in Siberia where he married his Jewish wife. After he served his sentence, they lived in Germany, Belgium, England, Poland, and Switzerland before returning to Russia. He was never employed but lived a life of luxury in Europe. He was a member of the French freemasons “Art et Travai.”

Leon (Lev) Trotsky (1879-1940)

Leon Trotsky’s real name was Leiba Bronstein. He was under the training of Alexander Parvus (whose real name was Israel Gelfand) during high school. Parvus was a Russian Jewish freemason. He not only taught Trotsky in the Talmud but he also introduced him to the Kabala, Zionism and Marxism/Socialism. Trotsky became a member of the freemasons and the B’nai B’rth.

The Russian police arrested him twice, each time he was sentenced to exile in Siberia but escaped both times. Together with Lenin, Trotsky and Parvus helped arrange the Russian revolution. Trotsky was finally deported to the United States where he lived under the protection and payroll of Jacob Schiff.

In an interview with the publication, “New American Journal,” on February 3, 1949, John Schiff, the grandson of Jacob Schiff told the interviewer that his grandfather had given 20 million dollars to start the Russian revolution. Other American Jews and Gentiles who also donated to the cause of the Russian revolution were Paul Warburg, Harriman, Rockefeller, and J. P. Morgan.

In 1917, Lenin and Trotsky started the process of taking over Russia. Joseph Stalin joined the group as a double agent, working also for the Russian government. Some 8,000 Jewish revolutionaries joined at St. Petersburg to form the core of the emerging communist party. These men took leadership in the Red Army and in the terrible “Cheka” later renamed to NKVD and then renamed again to KGB.

The Russian revolution was in reality a Jewish takeover of Russia in the midst of WWI, in preparation for the formation of the state of Israel and the coming Jewish Messiah.


if you need to TEST this information, take a section like the following and research it alone. if it is TRUE, take another. don't try to reject or accept the entire thing at once:

Leon (Lev) Trotsky (1879-1940)

Leon Trotsky’s real name was Leiba Bronstein. He was under the training of Alexander Parvus (whose real name was Israel Gelfand) during high school. Parvus was a Russian Jewish freemason. He not only taught Trotsky in the Talmud but he also introduced him to the Kabala, Zionism and Marxism/Socialism. Trotsky became a member of the freemasons and the B’nai B’rth.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:54 pm

American Jewish Committee (AJC)

The AJC was started in 1906 by Jacob Schiff and 60 other well-known influential German Jews to forward the Jewish cause in the United States. The majority of the Eastern European Jews were not happy with the AJC. The AJC considered itself the upper class since they were very rich and the majority of the Eastern European Jews were not Marxist/Socialists but were simply trying to survive in a hostile world. But the Jewish leadership had an agenda of creating a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Russia and the United States would be used to force the creation of a homeland for the Jews in 1948 when they forced a positive vote at the United Nations.

Jacob Schiff and his friends lived a life of luxury in the United States as did the Marxist/Socialist leaders in Western Europe while young Jewish activists were sent into Russia to stir up trouble. Most of them ended up sacrificing their lives. WWI had been planned for some time and was ready to be implemented.

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:55 pm

the top of the pyramid THAT WE ARE ALLOWED TO KNOW ABOUT.....again, they are not hebrews, they are gentiles who practise Talmudism.

if we are looking for a Biblical counterpart, they would be the HERODS.

orchestrated and controlled by the World Government through the Rothschild family


The World Government secretly promised France and Great Britain the numerous German colonies as spoils of war once Germany was defeated. These colonies included Togo, Cameroon, Namibia, Mariana Islands, Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands, Western Samoa, New Guinea, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania.

A total of 29 nations lined up against Germany and its allies. All of the nations involved in the war had been prepared beforehand. The national bankers were all notified that a war was about to break out; orchestrated and controlled by the World Government through the Rothschild family. Investors were lined up at the stock markets in the different countries and industries were geared up for war production with enormous profits for the operators and shareholders. The war started when Prince Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were assassinated while on a state visit to Bosnia on June 28, 1914. Austria demanded concessions from Serbia, which was a state of Russia and called on it for protection. Austria called on Germany and on August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia and soon France declared war on Germany. During 4 years and 3 months of the war, 8 million soldiers and 20 million civilians died.

Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky would play a major role in 1917 in the take-over of Russia where millions of people were tortured and killed. Together with 200 Jewish revolutionists, they were transported by train through countries of Germany, Sweden and through Finland to St. Petersburg. This operation involved the secret police of Germany, Sweden, Great Britain and traitors within the Russian Okhrana. The Jewish world leadership sponsored the transfer under leadership of the Warburg banking family.

Trotsky had 20 million dollars in gold coins with him when he arrived in St. Petersburg. This was used to buy the non-commissioned officers of the two regiments in St. Petersburg. With the help of these two regiments that were staffed by Trotsky’s American trained officers, Lenin and Trotsky were able to take over St. Petersburg and set up the Communist regime with the Red Army. The armed forces that remained loyal to the Tsar formed the White Army.

A total of 14 nations sent troops into Russia to protect the Bolshevik revolution and defeat the White Army. In Western Europe, the war was raging and German troops were fighting against British, French and American troops, while in Russia the British, French, American, German and Japanese troops worked together to defeat the White Army. In 1918, the Bolshevik government of Lenin and Trotsky signed a peace treaty with Germany.

Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia used this opportunity to declare their own independence while a civil war raged in Russia. There was a terrible hate towards Jews in Russia due to the fact that the Bolshevik leadership was Jewish. More than 100,000 Russian Jews were executed by the White army. The civil war lasted from 1917 to 1920.

During the civil war, Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky ruthlessly killed all opposition and only allowed Communists to work and organize in the Soviet Union. The Russian Jews had no problems; they organized and traveled at will in and out of Russia. This proves that the Bolshevik leadership was in itself a Jewish revolution aimed at taking over Russia.

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Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:00 pm

The Versailles Treaty

The German government sued for peace in October of 1918 and asked President Woodrow Wilson of the United States to act as mediator. The American delegation included members of the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress (Group of Zionistic Jews), such as:

Julian W. Mack (1866-1943)

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise (1874-1949)

Louis D. Marshall (1856-1929)

Jacob de Haas (1872-1937), Editor of London Jewish World and Zionists and personal friend of Theodor Herzl

Nachman Syrkin (1868-1924), founder of Socialist Zionism

Jewish delegations from Palestine, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Poland Eastern Galacia, Romania, Transylvania, Bukovina, Italy, Greece and other nations.

A group was formed during the congress called, “Committee of Jewish Delegations to the Peace Conference.”

Secretary General Leo Motzkin (1867-1933), a personal friend of Theodor Herzl

World Zionist Organization

B’nai B’rith

The peace deal imposed harsh conditions on Germany. The Jewish leadership had written into the treaty the assurance of a Jewish homeland in Palestine (a province of the Turkish Ottoman empire), including Jewish rights in other nations. The Peace treaty was signed on June 28, 1919.

Six years later when Hitler lead Germany, he bitterly complained about this treaty being the work of Jewish bankers.

The “Balfour Declaration of 1917” was made while WWI was still raging. The British government by the hand of Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, made a declaration and asked Lionel Walter Rothschild to bring this declaration to the attention of Zionist Federation. It was endorsed by Britain’s allies in the war. It was finally endorsed by the League of Nations. The Balfour declaration recognized the right of Jewry to Palestine, while Palestine was still a province of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. From this moment on, the Zionist Jews claimed that they have a legal right to Palestine through “International Law.” This claim makes a mockery of the law that God gave Moses and the promise to inherit the land if Israel was to keep Gods law. There was a penalty (the loss of the land) if Israel were to depart from the Lord. (Deuteronomy 28)

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The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order. Empty Re: The Origins of Satanic influence in the New World Order.

Post by zone Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:01 pm


Betar is a Jewish organization that helped bring Jews to Palestine. It was founded in 1923, in Riga (Capital of Latvia) by Vladimir Jabotinsky. The organization started as a youth revisionist movement but later developed into a para-military terrorist organization. It is named after the Jew Joseph Trumpeldor (1880-1920). Trumpeldor served in the Russian Imperial army. After attending the first Zionist Congress in 1897, he returned to Russia and founded a Zionist society in Pyatigorsk. He graduated from St. Petersburg University in 1912. He evolved into an anarcho-socialist, which promotes taking over rural areas and using them to launch terror against the state until it had been destabilized and destroyed, and a Zionist and called for the settling of Palestine of agricultural Jewish collective farms. He moved to Palestine and worked as a laborer when the war broke our in 1914. The Turkish government expelled him to Egypt, where he met Jabotinsky. In March 1917, Trumpeldor traveled to Russia with the mission to establish a Jewish legion of 100,000 Jewish soldiers to fight its way down to Palestine and free it from the Turks. When Lenin ordered the legion to be disbanded, Trumpeldor formed a Jewish self-defense organization and became involved in He-Halutz, a pioneer organization of Jewish youth that trained its members for pioneering work and self defense in Palestine. When he arrived in Palestine in 1919, he offered British General Henry Allenby help in forming a Jewish legion of 10,000 Russian Jews. After he was turned down, Trumpeldor worked to unite the different trade unions in order to make it easier to bring more Jews to Palestine. In 1920 Trumpeldor was killed in an attack on Galilee. His efforts only paid off after his death.

By 1939, Betar had 100,000 Jewish members in 26 countries and formed the National Workers Federation in 1934. Betar members became powerful under-ground fighters in Palestine where they attacked Arab and British troops.

The first Jewish naval training camp in Civitavecchia, Italy in 1934 and in Riga Latvia in 1935 were established and manned by Betar. As was the first Jewish training center in Paris (1934), Lydda Palestine (1938), Johannesburg South Africa (1939) and New York (1941). Since 1948, Betar groups have formed 45 new settlements particularly in occupied territories. The Zionist leaders have at their disposal a powerful private organization. If a dirty job is therefore needed somewhere in the world, Betar forces can be dispatched without any trace to the Zionist leadership.

The plan to take Palestine from the people living there was not known to the majority of Jews. Although a part of the Jewish leadership knew about it and opposed it, the majority of the Jews were deceived by the Zionist leadership. Most were deceived into believing that the Jewish population in Palestine could be built up peacefully and a Jewish state would eventually emerge. Most of the Jews were comfortable with this approach, especially in Eastern Europe and Russia; however, the Jewish people in Western Europe and North America had no intention of being part of this pioneering effort because they were educated and generally more well-off with homes and businesses. Therefore, the Zionist leadership had to create some kind of force to convince the skilled Jews of Western Europe and North America to leave their security and start over as pioneers. The Zionist leadership decided to target the Western European Jews as the American Jews could not be subjected to harsh pressure since they were financing the Zionistic movement. Theodor Herzl’s 38 year old plan was going to be implemented.

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