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Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:08 pm

5. Pollard’s ‘Handler’ Says Obama Likely to Free Him

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 333468

Former Mossad officer Rafi Eitan said Monday “there is a good probability” President Barack Obama will pardon Jonathan Pollard before the presidential elections in November and free him from prison by the end of the year.

Eitan was Pollard’s “handler” before the American Pentagon worker was arrested for passing on classified information on Israel’s behalf. The offense, which is not in the classification of “spying,” generally carries a 2-4 year sentence in prison, but a federal United States court handed down a life sentence.

President Obama, like those before him, have refused to grant Pollard clemency, despite his deteriorating health.

“There is a change in the air among senior American officials,” Cabinet Minister Yuli Edelstein said Monday.

Several unconfirmed rumors have circulated the past several months that President Obama will try to score points with Jewish voters and free Pollard, who has been incarcerated for more than 27 years.

More than 20,000 academics, artists and intellectuals recently have signed a petition calling on President Shimon Peres to refuse a scheduled “Freedom Medallion” award from President Obama later this year unless Pollard is released.

The petition said: “As citizens of the State of Israel, we congratulate you on President Obama’s decision to grant you the American Freedom Medallion, which symbolizes justice and freedom. Nevertheless, because of the very same values represented by the medallion, we cannot agree with your receiving the medallion at the same time the United States holds Yonatan Pollard in jail for more than 27 years when senior American leaders already have admitted that the life term in prison is immoral and unjust.

arutz sheva

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Middle East Media Research Institute

Post by zone Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:46 pm

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a Middle Eastern not for profit[1] press monitoring organization with headquarters located in Washington, DC. MEMRI was co-founded in 1998 by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in the Israeli military intelligence and Meyrav Wurmser, an Israeli-born, American political scientist. MEMRI claims its goal is to bridge the language gap between the Middle East and the West.[1] It publishes and distributes free English language translations of material published in Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Pashto, Turkish, Chinese, Dari and Polish, publishes analyses and reports on its website and offers specialized content for a fee.

MEMRI is one of several organizations that monitor and translate Arab news media. While the organization's translations are regularly quoted by major international newspapers, its work has generated strong criticism. Critics have accused MEMRI of often producing inaccurate translations with undue emphasis and selectivity and disseminating the most extreme views from Arabic and Persian media while ignoring moderate views that are often found in the same media outlets.


worth reading entire article, including:
Halim Barakat described MEMRI as a "a propaganda organization dedicated to representing Arabs and Muslims as anti-semites." Barakat claims an essay he wrote for the Al-Hayat Daily of London titled The Wild Beast that Zionism Created: Self-Destruction, was mistranslated by MEMRI and retitled as Jews Have Lost Their Humanity. Barakat further stated "Every time I wrote Zionism, MEMRI replaced the word by Jew or Judaism. They want to give the impression that I’m not criticizing Israeli policy, but that what I’m saying is anti-Semitic".[42][46][47] According to Barakat, he was subject to widespread condemnation from faculty and his office was "flooded with hatemail."[48][49] Fellow Georgetown faculty member Aviel Roshwald accused Barakat in an article he published of promoting a "demonization of Israel and of Jews".[50] Supported by Georgetown colleagues, Barakat denied the claim[51] which Roshwald had based on MEMRI's translation of Barakat's essay.[50]

In 2007, CNN correspondent Atika Shubert and Arabic translators accused MEMRI of mistranslating portions of a Palestinian children's television programme.

"Media watchdog MEMRI translates one caller as saying - quote - 'We will annihilate the Jews,"' said Shubert. "But, according to several Arabic speakers used by CNN, the caller actually says 'The Jews are killing us."'[52][53]

CNN's Glenn Beck later invited Yigal Carmon onto his program to comment on the mistranslation. Carmon criticized CNN's translators understanding of Arabic stating: "Even someone who doesn't know Arabic would listen to the tape and would hear the word 'Jews' is at the end, and also it means it is something to be done to the Jews, not by the Jews. And she (Octavia Nasr) insisted, no the word is in the beginning. I said: 'Octavia, you just don't get it. It is at the end'". Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for the Guardian newspaper (UK) later pointed out that the word order in Arabic is not the same as in English: "the verb comes first and so a sentence in Arabic which literally says 'Are shooting at us the Jews' means 'The Jews are shooting at us'".[38]


oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:47 pm

Land Day turned violent Friday when Arabs began hurling Molotov cocktails and stones at soldiers near the Kalandia checkpoint north of Jerusalem.

The riots began after Friday afternoon Muslim prayers – often a starting point for violence – when dozens of masked Arab youths began rioting at the checkpoint.

Soldiers responded with teargas and deployed the "Skunk" – a vehicle loaded with canons spraying a noxious-smelling liquid. A machine that transmits high frequency sound waves was also employed.


Friday afternoon Muslim prayers – often a starting point for violence ????????????

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:52 pm

Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway?

maker not a christian, but the video is one of the better vids i've seen - totally direct.

expect this one to be taken down quickly
i can't get the vid to post here.

this is absolutely outrageous. the whole world knows what's happening.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by strangelove Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:05 pm

zone wrote:Soldiers responded with teargas and deployed the "Skunk" – a vehicle loaded with canons spraying a noxious-smelling liquid. A machine that transmits high frequency sound waves was also employed.

I wonder if mossad can dustify an arab with Directed Energy Weapons now?

Most prolly the DEWS eh? Get it? Dews?


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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:09 pm

Strangelove wrote:

I wonder if mossad can dustify an arab with Directed Energy Weapons now?

Most prolly the DEWS eh? Get it? Dews?


lol.....sadly they bin doin' that for a long time. since gulf 1 at least.
there are pics of it on certain sites but they're too nasty to look at.

that's the thing about these guys....they're sadists. if they really wanted to just dispense with the useless eaters they could do it quickly and painlessly. but they like the other methods.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Rich Siegel: My Pro-Palestine CD Reviewed & then ‘Un-reviewed’

Post by zone Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:43 pm

Rich Siegel: My Pro-Palestine CD Reviewed & then ‘Un-reviewed’

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 TransparentThursday, April 5, 2012 at 1:21PM
Gilad Atzmon

Introduction by GA: Rich Siegel is now subject to Zionist abuse and smear campaign. Jazz writer Brent Black of who reviewed Rich's peace seeking album favorably has now changed his mind due to Jewish pressure. Black wrote on facebook:

my humble apologies to my jewish friends for reviewing rich sigel (sic) an anti-zionist peace activist that supports the destruction of israel. had i know (sic) who he was and what he was all about i never would have given him 30 seconds of my time. his review is pulled and e mail blocked. again my apologies i stand with israel NEVER against her but firmly against her enemies.
In my entire musical career I have never heard of a review being deleted. Needless to say that there is not a drop of truth in anything Black attributes to Siegel above. Siegel is a humanist. He searches for peace and reconciliation through artistic expression.

Please support Rich, buy his album and follow his public performances.

Beauty is liberation



Baby, I-Tunes, AND Palestine Online STore.

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Rich_siegel

The path that my new CD, “The Way to Peace”, has taken to arrive at completion has really been my personal path, a long and circuitous one. I’ve had a career as a work-a-day musician, something which is becoming a rarity today as live music is all but disappearing from so many venues. I’ve been a “99% musician”, not rich or famous from it, but making a living, piano bars, elegant hotel lounges, up-scale restaurants, corporate and private events, musical director for shows, accompanying singers, some famous ones. I’ve been in some shows as well, Off Broadway, a singing pianist on-stage accompanying the cast, and getting a few solo numbers. I’ve also done a fair amount of traveling, jazz clubs in Canada, hostess bars in Japan, music festivals in France, even a piano bar gig in West Africa.

One gig that I tend to leave off my resume is a steady job I had for awhile playing at a luxury hotel in Israel. I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I support Israel. I don’t. At the time I worked there, in my early 20′s, I was totally the product of where I came from, deep inside the Zionist cult, in the American Jewish community. Raised in a suburb of New York, I was the teenage president of a Zionist youth group. Many years later I came to the shocking realization that I had been lied to all my life. I came to understand that we Jews had not arrived in Palestine desiring to be friendly neighbors to vicious Arab hordes who hated us for no reason and wanted to “drive us into the sea”. The fact is, we Jews committed atrocities against innocent people who were just living their lives on land that had been theirs for many generations. We committed massacres and military forced mass expulsions. We committed an ethnic cleansing, one that continues today.

I became aware of my people’s crimes, and also aware that I had been used by my people, to support something I would never have supported had I been told anything resembling the truth. I also got married and became a father, grateful to live in a place where I can keep my daughter safe, and horrified that often Palestinian fathers can’t keep their children safe because of the crimes of my people. I started to care a whole lot less about music, and a whole lot more about human rights, especially children’s rights. But music is what I do well. How to use it?

The first thing I did was to team up with lyricist Dave Lippman, another American Jew with sympathies for the Palestinians. Together we wrote a song called “In Palestine”. I produced a little video featuring a performance of that song along with talks given by Dave and myself, and a dedication to Abir Aramin, a beautiful little Palestinian girl who was shot and killed by Israeli Border Police in 2007. The video has been widely viewed and I hope it’s started some conversations.

Then I decided to produce a CD. I visualized a marriage of spirituality and peace activism and began compiling material, some originals, some covers. Fortuitously at this time I got a call to play a couple of concerts with Gilad Atzmon, the Israeli ex-pat jazz saxophonist and author who is so outspoken on the Palestine issue. We had a great time together and really hit it off. In choosing personnel for the CD Gilad was an obvious choice. I added into the mix some great New York musicians, cellist Eugene Moye, guitarist Gary Ciuci, bassist Cameron Brown, drummer Anthony Pinciotti. In the studio the magic was worked by engineer Manfred Knoop, who has since tragically left us, and by engineer Chris Sulit, and mastering engineer Ed Littman. The cover art was created by my daughter Emily Gu Siegel, who is seven, the design by Frank Dain, with a great photo taken by Xiaosen Ge. The final result of all this creative collaboration by some really amazing talent: People seem to like it.

One of the people who liked it was Brent Black, a jazz writer who runs a website that features his reviews called His review, which he published on March 23, 2012, was actually quite humorous in its irony, making no bones about the fact that he disagreed with my politics, but liked my music- a lot. He wrote:

Had someone told me two years ago I would have been reviewing the work of an anti-Zionist peace activist, a request that this individual be drug tested would be the expected response from those few that travel in my inner circle.”
But then he wrote: “From a purely musical perspective, Siegel is a gifted instrumentalist with rich vocals that glide effortlessly along with his playing.” And: “The Way To Peace is a stellar recording.” He concluded: “You can respect an opinion and disagree with it. To oversimplify Siegel’s music as that of the ‘peace movement’ would be disingenuous at best. Instead Siegel presents us with an eloquently stated, musically pristine offering of himself and shares a piece of what is in his heart….Isn’t that what art is all about?” Obviously I was pleased with the review.

I received an e mail this morning from Seattle-based pianist/composer Bill Doerrfeld, who, incidentally, shares my views on Palestine. Bill had some news to share with me. He had viewed the following, which reviewer Brent Black had posted on the Facebook page that acts as a companion page to his website (in lower case here, just as Brent wrote it):

my humble apologies to my jewish friends for reviewing rich sigel (sic) an anti-zionist peace activist that supports the destruction of israel. had i know (sic) who he was and what he was all about i never would have given him 30 seconds of my time. his review is pulled and e mail blocked. again my apologies i stand with israel NEVER against her but firmly against her enemies.”

(caps on “NEVER” Brent’s) Obviously a bit different from his review, which had, in fact, been pulled.
The claim that I support the destruction of Israel is pure libel. I have never made any statements advocating the destruction of Israel, or the destruction of anyone or anything. The irony here is that in his review Black made it a point to separate his disagreement with my politics from his assessment of the music I brought to the world in this new recording. He obviously flushed that integrity down the toilet with his libelous pronouncement and decision to pull the review. Who got to him in the less than two weeks the review was up? I don’t know.

Bill Doerrfeld shared an interesting story with me, which has some parallels. Back in the late 80′s when Bill was a graduate composition student at Yale, he entered a competition offered by Fontana Concert Society in Michigan. This competition offered a cash award and a commission to the “up and coming” young composer chosen as winner. Bill won, and decided to dedicate his piece to the young Palestinian men he saw in the daily news coverage of the first intifada. They represented to Bill a real “David and Goliath” story. The piece Bill wrote, for four strings and harp, was somber and dramatic, a tribute to their struggle, entitled, “Rock Throwers”.

After Bill’s piece was performed in Michigan, the Fontana Concert Society mailed him a program and a cassette recording of the concert. He was taken aback to discover that the title had been changed to “Quintet for Strings and Harp”. He called the organization and spoke with a representative who reported that some influential people in the organization, and additionally, one of the musicians performing the piece, had required the change. Somehow the courtesy of consulting Bill about the change had not occurred to them.

The neurotic and desperate passion by which the forces that wish to “Zionize” the world are requiring that Palestinians accept their politically mandated non-existence is astonishing. Humus and felafel are considered “Israeli” food. I have even seen offered for sale a new blue and white kuffiyeh featuring interwoven Stars of David. (I won’t be buying one.)

But music? It has always been a major feature of political dissent. Woody Guthrie sang about unions and decades later Country Joe and the Fish gave us their “Feel Like I’m Fixin’ to Die Rag” in objection to the war in Vietnam. Pete Seeger has been singing about various issues for over half a century and he’s still going strong. The Beatles wanted us to “Give Peace a Chance” and John Lennon “Imagine(d)” a different world and sang about it. Can anyone “imagine” their titles being changed, or a review being deliberately evaporated after second thoughts by the writer (no doubt influenced by parties unknown)? Even avowed Anti-Semite Richard Wagner, hero to Adolf Hitler, has been performed by Jews, so it’s not about “Anti-Semitism”, or only about “Anti-Semitism”. There is something fundamentally different about Zionism; different from any political agenda that has gone before. There is something positively demonic about the determination of those who wish to squash Palestine. They simply have no rules.


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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:51 pm

Danon: Border Fence Not Enough; Deport Illegal Infiltrators

MK Danny Danon at the Ramle Conference: More illegal infiltrators than olim came to Israel in 2011. We must deport them all.
By Elad Benari & Yoni Kempinski
First Publish: 4/16/2012, 5:44 AM

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 337526
MK Danny Danon
Yoni Kempinski

MK Danny Danon (Likud) warned on Sunday against the phenomenon of illegal infiltrators from Africa who enter through the non-hermetically sealed border [!!!] with Egypt, some falsely claiming refugee status although that is not the case.

The issue has long been a problem for Israel, and cities such as Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Sderot and Eilat have seen their populations swell with thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean infiltrators over the past year. Many of the infiltrators end up residing in the central bus station in Tel Aviv. The area looks surrealistically like an African country, in terms of population, stores and atmosphere.

Danon, who chairs the Knesset Lobby for the problem of infiltrators, spoke at the fifth annual Ramle Conference and said that in 2011, more infiltrators than olim (Jewish immigrants) came to Israel.


the racist hypocricy is astonishing.
incite the 'arab spring' then despise the goyim that show up in desperation.

this is the attitude toward refuges? ironic.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:14 pm

Is it really the ‘Only Democracy in the Middle East’?

Posted: 18 Apr 2012 06:20 AM PDT

The 'Jews Only Democracy' more likely...

The following is a form to be filled out upon arrival in Israel

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 562723_284368504981521_176287022456337_638184_313225345_n



just think about the implications of that.

Gilad's story is fascinating btw.

Last edited by zone on Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:17 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:15 pm



Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 AntisemitismAnd the next question to be asked is why? Why do they fake hate crimes against themselves? Do they like being chased?

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty on "Holocaust Day"

Post by zone Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:41 am

Rabbi Lau: Forgive and Forget? Impossible

Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, rabbi of Tel Aviv and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, spoke Thursday, Holocaust Memorial Day, about his story. Regarding the possibility of forgiveness, he said, “I am unable to forget, and it is not my place to forgive.”

“In whose name could I forgive? In the name of my father, who died in Treblinka when he was 50 years old with my 13-year-old brother at his side?” Rabbi Lau asked. He added, “My mother died at the end of the war. She was shot to death on the last day of the war. She was 44 years old.”

“Did they give me their authorization, to be their representative to forgive?”


really Rabbi Lau?

remember, then....all of it.

think about forgiveness. and the lack of it. is that really what you recommend?

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Thumbnail.aspx?q=4550466858256386&id=690d47d6989ecab0082e196f1da7b052&


Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Thumbnail.aspx?q=4656427971313678&id=003249064991f16fbb25959988a8f15f&

... school with white phosphorous munitions during 'Operation Cast Lead

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Thumbnail.aspx?q=4534837456798039&id=0c2932ac6cf2a5c68038c29f0dc066c9&

... artillery is air-burst over Gaza


Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Thumbnail.aspx?q=4663188254163045&id=76608d10619aac9e44bb34e63e24102f&


Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Thumbnail.aspx?q=4734342989480717&id=0a7e11b66de734726d333cca680a0da1&

Bolshevism's fun and games


Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Thumbnail.aspx?q=4599605566964491&id=ab905ba4d341f7d844b152896fd9677b&

Armenian massacre

and so on.....and on....and on......perhaps NONE of us should forgive?

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:02 pm

"The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event."

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Wtc_9-11

Our Purpose was to document the "Event"

i wonder if we should foresake forgiveness?

who should we forgive?

who should we hold accountable for the crimes of a few - EVERYONE, in perpetuity?
that might not work out so well, Rabbi Lau....why don't you get on with LIFE?

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty surge of illegal African migrants into Israel “threatens national security and identity.”

Post by zone Sat May 26, 2012 1:53 pm

Netanyahu: Israel Will Resolve African Illegal Aliens Situation
Published: May 25th, 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday decried violence against African migrants following a night of violent protest and promised the problem of African infiltrators would be solved.

“There is no place for either the expressions or the actions that we witnessed last night,” said Netanyahu one day after a demonstration in south Tel Aviv against illegal African migrants turned violent. “I say this to the public at large as well as to the residents of south Tel Aviv, whose pain I understand.”

“We will complete construction of the fence within a few months and we will soon begin repatriating infiltrators back to their countries of origin,” he said, referring to the fence which is two-thirds complete, along the border between Israel and Egypt.

Wednesday night’s violent rally in south Tel Aviv’s Hatikvah neighborhood, involving about 1,000 protesters, ended with 17 arrests.

Protesters attacked African migrants who happened in their path, and smashed the windshield of a car carrying three migrants as well as other car windows. They also set trash bins on fire and threw firecrackers at police. The rioters also broke into and looted shops purported to be owned by Africans.

Yediot Achronot reported Thursday that the Public Security Ministry is considering deploying Border Guard troops in south Tel Aviv to prevent problems between residents and African migrants, and to fight crime associated with the migrants.

Israel’s Justice Ministry announced Wednesday that migrant workers from South Sudan will be returned to their country after it is established that they are not eligible for political asylum.

More than 50,000 African migrants and asylum seekers are living in Tel Aviv alone, according to government reports. Most entered through the border with Egypt.

On Sunday, Netanyahu said that the surge of illegal African migrants into Israel “threatens national security and identity.” Last week, Interior Minister Eli Yishai told Army Radio that most African migrants in Israel are involved in criminal activity and should be imprisoned and deported to their countries of origin...


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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty WELCOME TO RACIST ISRAEL

Post by zone Sat May 26, 2012 1:57 pm

can't embed this for some reason.

WARNING: profanity and vile language

At a demonstration in south Tel Aviv demanding the immediately expulsion of all non-Jewish African asylum-seekers, a lone Israeli woman who does not agree with the rest of the crowd is shouted down with ferocity and told that she deserves to be raped

WARNING: profanity and vile language


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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Mon May 28, 2012 10:25 pm

Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies
The General's Son!


this is magnificent.
please, Lord...let the israelis hear men like this.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Thu May 31, 2012 8:08 pm


International Bureau of Double Standards—The CNN/Iran File

This video looks at a CNN documentary (April, 2012 with repeats) about the Iran nuclear issue, and examines the role of the mainstream media in keeping the public uninformed about the real problem-nation in the Middle East: Nuclear-armed, Apartheid Israel.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by strangelove Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:04 pm

Q: Are you willing to divide Jerusalem?

A: Under Israel's control, Jerusalem is open and free to Christians, Muslims, Jews and all others who come to pray and visit in security and peace. Every religion is welcome. Every religion is free to worship as they please.

This was not the case before 1967. When Jerusalem was controlled by Arab leaders, Jews were not allowed to visit their holly sites – and they are not welcomed in Palestinian controlled areas today. Christians are also persecuted in many areas of the West Bank. But as long as Israel controls Jerusalem, all will be welcomed.

- The Israel Project’s 2009 GLOBAL LANGUAGE DICTIONARY

"Every religion is free to worship as they please."

Pro-settler Israelis suspected of burning, vandalizing Christian monastery in West Bank

Israeli Christians fear greater violence after vandals attack churches, holy sites

Christianity in Jerusalem Under Attack? Extremists Hit Another Church

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:32 am

New European Jewish parliament riles existing European Jewish leaders
By Toby Axelrod · February 14, 2012

Before Vadim Rabinovich, left, launched the European Jewish Union, he served as a vice president of the European Council of Jewish Communities, which met in Berlin in October 2010. (Uriel Heilman)

BERLIN (JTA) -- A new European Jewish parliament is set to open in Brussels this week, the brainchild of two businessmen philanthropists on a mission to shake up the status quo.

Igor Kolomoisky and Vadim Rabinovich, the Ukrainian Jewish moguls behind the body, founded the European Jewish Union last spring and will fete their new parliament in ceremonies at the EU Parliament on Thursday. According to their invitation, 120 Jewish members of parliament have been chosen by 403,810 voters from all over Europe.

But who are these representatives? And what exactly will they do? That remains a mystery....

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Israel Building Detention Center for 15,000 Refugees

Post by zone Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:08 pm

Seeking Asylum, Sudanese Face Israeli Prison

Israel Building Detention Center for 15,000 Refugees

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Sudan-101612

Read more:

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:11 pm

zone wrote:
Seeking Asylum, Sudanese Face Israeli Prison

Israel Building Detention Center for 15,000 Refugees

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Sudan-101612

Read more:

Yishai: Deporting foreign children preserves Israel's Jewish identity
Interior minister 'to muster all of Shas' political power on the issue of the foreign workers.'

By Yair Ettinger | Oct.14, 2009 | 2:38 AM

Interior Minister and Shas Party chairman Eli Yishai plans "to muster all of Shas' political power on the issue of the foreign workers," he told Haaretz on Tuesday.

During a conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, Yishai warned that if the cabinet rejects his demand that children of foreign workers not be given residency or citizenship in Israel, he will abdicate responsibility for the Immigration Authority, which is currently in his ministry's purview, to the Prime Minister's Office, and foment a coalition crisis to boot.


I wash my hands of listening to the whining bullshit and slurs any more.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:23 pm

Africans in Israel Attacked by Zionist Government, Racist Mobs

June 28, 2012 | Filed under: Africa,Featured | Posted by: Editorial_Staff

Since late May the rising animosity toward African migrants in Israel has reached a boiling point. After months of anti-African speeches in the Knesset and the cabinet of Binyamin Netanyahu, mobs began to attack Sudanese, Ethiopians and Eritreans in south Tel Aviv.

People were beaten on the streets, and their businesses were looted amid calls for the banning and deportations of Africans. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians have likened migrant workers and small businesspeople from Africa to a “cancer” within society.

"After months of anti-African speeches in the Knesset and the cabinet of Binyamin Netanyahu, mobs began to attack Sudanese, Ethiopians and Eritreans in south Tel Aviv"


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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:05 pm

zone wrote:
Yishai: Deporting foreign children preserves Israel's Jewish identity
Interior minister 'to muster all of Shas' political power on the issue of the foreign workers.'

By Yair Ettinger | Oct.14, 2009 | 2:38 AM

Interior Minister and Shas Party chairman Eli Yishai plans "to muster all of Shas' political power on the issue of the foreign workers," he told Haaretz on Tuesday.

During a conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, Yishai warned that if the cabinet rejects his demand that children of foreign workers not be given residency or citizenship in Israel, he will abdicate responsibility for the Immigration Authority, which is currently in his ministry's purview, to the Prime Minister's Office, and foment a coalition crisis to boot.

The history of the Jews in the United States (United States of America), has been part of the American national fabric since colonial times.

Until the 1830s the Jewish community of Charleston, South Carolina was the most numerous in North America. With the large scale immigration of Jews from Germany in the 19th century, they established themselves in many small towns and cities. A much larger immigration of Eastern European Jews, 1880–1914, brought a large, poor, traditional element to New York City. Refugees arrived from Europe after World War II, and many arrived from the Soviet Union after 1970.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by zone Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:06 pm

this is nearly more than i can bear.
just sickening.

and WHY do we keep doing THE KILLING?????????????/

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by strangelove Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:47 pm

zone wrote:
Seeking Asylum, Sudanese Face Israeli Prison

Israel Building Detention Center for 15,000 Refugees

A concentration camp?

"Human rights groups fear that the detention centre, the largest of its
kind in the world, with a capacity to hold 8,000 migrants, will turn
into a festering refugee camp
- Independant Online

I hope they take necessary measures to keep the inmates safe from disease.

Oh. Wait....

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty MK Aryeh Eldad: Cut Up and Move Mosque, When Temple is Rebuilt

Post by zone Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:37 pm

MK Aryeh Eldad: Cut Up and Move Mosque, When Temple is Rebuilt

MK Professor Aryeh Eldad is proposing Israel “cut up and move” the Al Aqsa mosque, like the Ulpana houses, 'when the Temple is built.'

By Chana Ya'ar
First Publish: 7/29/2012, 11:57 AM

Knesset Member Professor Aryeh Eldad is proposing that Israel “cut up and move” the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount "when the third Temple will be built."

The MK, referred to the time of the Messiah, when the Third Holy Temple, or the Beit HaMikdash HaShlishi, as it is called in Hebrew, will be built, noting it would seem that the two structures could not exist in the same space, on the same site, at the same time....

vid at site:

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty BRITAIN SUPPORTS UN PALESTINIAN BID FOR A STATE

Post by zone Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:54 pm


By Gilad Atzmon

Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 British-israeli-lobby

The Guardian reported today that Britain is prepared to back a key vote recognising Palestinian statehood at the UN but only if Mahmoud Abbas pledges not to pursue Israel for war crimes and to resume peace talks.

“On Monday night, the government signalled it would change track and vote yes if the Palestinians modified their application. Whitehall officials said the Palestinians were now being asked to refrain from applying for membership of the International Criminal Court or the International Court of Justice, which could both be used to pursue war crimes charges or other legal claims against Israel.”

I wonder why the British government is so keen to save Israeli war criminals? Could it be because 80% of the Conservative MPs are Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI)? I’d also like to know what is it that led the British Government to change its position on the Palestinian bid for statehood. Is it because our Tory politicians are trying to squeeze more money from their paymasters? After all, if Whitehall’s decision is driven by any ethical and humanist concerns, why then are they trying to save Israeli mass-murderers from being schlepped to the International Court of Justice where they belong.

Another possible explanation for the British turnaround is that Israel and its lobby is actually interested in world support of the Palestinian bid for a State. Such a bid, would accomplish the Zionist project by removing once and for all the demographic threat to the Jews-only state posed by millions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. A ‘sovereign Palestine’ would ‘liberate’ Israel from the burdens of being an occupier.

I suppose that, following the last Israeli defeat in Gaza, some brain in Whitehall must have cottoned on to the fact that the Jewish State belongs to the past – and doesn’t have much of a future. They’ve probably realised that Britain had better seek some new allies in the Arab world. Still, putting all their money on Abbas might just one more poorly calculated British political decision.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Top Secret US/Israeli base: Mezuzah-mad "Site 911"

Post by zone Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:07 am

Friday, November 30, 2012
Top Secret US/Israeli base: Mezuzah-mad "Site 911"

File under: Twilight Language

Gates and doors

Mezuzah-mad Site 911

"Oddly named” Joint US/Israeli Facility is Top Secret

“...authorized by the Chief Rabbinate”

"The employment of Palestinians is...forbidden”

Hi Michael

I came across this Washington Post article today and thought you may have an interest or use for it. Your CD "Inside the 9/11 Conspiracy" from a decade ago traced the 911 terror attacks to the Israelis, and I thought the Israeli name "Site 911" may very well be an occult signal of Revelation of the Method. --Sincerely, Paul P.

U.S. overseeing mysterious construction project in Israel
By Walter Pincus, Fine Print column, TheWashington Post, November 28, 2012

With an Afterword by Michael Hoffman

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to supervise construction of a five-story underground facility for an Israel Defense Forces complex, oddly named "Site 911," at an Israeli Air Force base near Tel Aviv.

Expected to take more than two years to build, at a cost of up to $100 million, the facility is to have classrooms on Level 1, an auditorium on Level 3, a laboratory, shock-resistant doors, protection from nonionizing radiation and very tight security. Clearances will be required for all construction workers, guards will be at the fence and barriers will separate it from the rest of the base. Only U.S. construction firms are being allowed to bid on the contract and proposals are due Dec. 3, according to the latest Corps of Engineers notice.

Site 911 is the latest in a long history of military construction projects the United States has undertaken for the IDF under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program. The 1998 Wye River Memorandum between Israel and the Palestinian Authority has led to about $500 million in U.S. construction of military facilities for the Israelis, most of them initially in an undeveloped part of the Negev Desert. It was done to ensure there were bases to which IDF forces stationed in the West Bank could be redeployed.

As recorded in the Corps' European District magazine, called Engineering in Europe, three bases were built to support 20,000 troops, and eventually the Israeli air force moved into the same area, creating Nevatim air base. A new runway, 2.5 miles long, was built there by the Corps along with about 100 new buildings and 10 miles of roads.

Over the years, the Corps has built underground hangers for Israeli fighter-bombers, facilities for handling nuclear weapons (though Israel does not admit having such weapons), command centers, training bases, intelligence facilities and simulators, according to Corps publications.

Within the past two years the Corps, which has three offices in Israel, completed a $30 million set of hangars at Nevatim, which the magazine describes as a "former small desert outpost that has grown to be one of the largest and most modern air bases in the country." It has also supervised a $20 million project to build maintenance shops, hangars and headquarters to support Israel's large Eitan unmanned aerial vehicle.

Site 911, which will be built at another base, appears to be one of the largest projects. Each of the first three underground floors is to be roughly 41,000 square feet, according to the Corps notice. The lower two floors are much smaller and hold equipment.

Security concerns are so great that non-Israeli employees hired by the builder can come only from "the U.S., Canada, Western Europe countries, Poland, Moldavia, Thailand, Philippines, Venezuela, Romania and China," according to the Corps notice. "The employment of Palestinians is also forbidden," it says.

Among other security rules: The site "shall have one gate only for both entering and exiting the site" and "no exit or entrance to the site shall be allowed during work hours except for supply trucks." Guards will be Israeli citizens with experience in the Israeli air force. Also, "the collection of information of any type whatsoever related to base activities is prohibited."

The well-known Israeli architectural firm listed on the plans, Ada Karmi-Melamede Architects, has paid attention to the aesthetics of the site design as well as the sensibilities of future employees. The site, for example, will be decorated with rocks chosen by the architect but purchased by the contractor. Three picnic tables are planned, according to the solicitation.

The Corps offered a lengthy description of the mezuzas the contractor is to provide "for each door or opening exclusive of toilets or shower rooms" in the Site 911 building.

A mezuza (also spelled mezuzah) is a parchment which has been inscribed with Hebrew verses from the Torah, placed in a case and attached to a door frame of a Jewish family's house as a sign of faith.

Some interpret Jewish law as requiring — as in this case — that a mezuza be attached to every door in a house. These mezuzas, notes the (U.S. Army) Corps (of Engineers), "shall be written in inerasable ink, on uncoated leather parchment" and be handwritten by a scribe "holding a written authorization according to Jewish law." The writing may be "Ashkenazik or Sepharadik" but "not a mixture" and "must be uniform."

Also, "The Mezuzahs shall be proof-read by a computer at an authorized institution for Mezuzah inspection, as well as manually proof-read for the form of the letters by a proof-reader authorized by the Chief Rabbinate." The mezuza shall be supplied with an aluminum housing with holes so it can be connected to the door frame or opening. Finally, "All Mezuzahs for the facility shall be affixed by the Base's Rabbi or his appointed representative and not by the contractor staff.”

What's the purpose of Site 911? I asked the Pentagon on Tuesday, and the Corps on Wednesday said that only an Israeli Defense Ministry spokesman could provide an answer.

This may be a trend-starter. The Corps is also seeking a contractor for another secret construction project in Israel in the $100 million range to awarded next summer. This one will involve "a complex facility with site development challenges" requiring services that include "electrical, communication, mechanical/ HVAC [heating, ventilation, air conditioning] and plumbing.”

The U.S. contractor must have a U.S. secret or equivalent Israeli security clearance for the project, which is expected to take almost 2.5 years to complete. That sounds like a secure command center. The purpose of Site 911 is far less clear.

For previous "Fine Print" columns by Walter Pincus, go to


Michael Hoffman’s Afterword: “Mezuzah” denotes gate and doorpost, and is derived from the Assyrian word manzazu whose meaning and origin are opaque. God ordered the Israelites to post His Ten Commandments. The place where they were posted has come to be called a mezuzah. While the posting of God’s Law on doors and gates (i.e. so-called “mezuzot”) is commanded in the Old Testament (Deut. 6:9 and 11:20), Judaism is not an Old Testament religion, and what begins as God-ordained becomes a sinkhole of mezuzah superstition in Judaism. Consequently, the mezuzah of Orthodox Judaism has a cryptogram inscribed on the reverse side. For some reason, the existence of this reverse “fine print” is not reported by Washington Post “fine print” columnist Walter Pincus. The cryptogram inscribed on the back of the rabbinic mezuzah is authorized by Kabbalist soothsayers, not the Bible (cf. Rabbi Jehiel’s 13th century commentary, Hilkhot Mezuzah). Therefore, what appears to be a pious Israeli act of Old Testament probity, is actually part of an occult ritual tied to the top secret “Site 911," whose symbolism is administered by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate; where goyim are forbidden to enter, and golem are used to construct it. The symbolic stand-ins for the goyim in this case are the hated Palestinians, and the golem are, of course, the Americans. The year 2001 was a Gateway and the rabbinic mezuzah being put into place at "Site 911" is probably meant to channel that energy into the latest incarnation of il fumo di Satana.

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Re: Zionism and the 'State of Israel'

Post by strangelove Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:37 pm

Well, the US ZOG will be looking for a base of operations abroad when their domestic round ups get started, what better place than 5 star digs in Israel?

Site 911? Lolz....are we living in a bad comedy movie?

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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Dividing Line - Segregation in Israel's public bus lines

Post by zone Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:28 pm

Dividing Line - Segregation in Israel's public bus lines


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Zionism and the 'State of Israel' - Page 6 Empty Site 911: Are the Israelis Rubbing it in Our Faces?

Post by zone Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:42 pm

Strangelove wrote:Well, the US ZOG will be looking for a base of operations abroad when their domestic round ups get started, what better place than 5 star digs in Israel?

Site 911? Lolz....are we living in a bad comedy movie?

Site 911: Are the Israelis Rubbing it in Our Faces?

by Richard Edmondson
Saturday, December 8th, 2012

Recently the Washington Post published a story about a project in Israel at a place called “Site 911”, a five-story underground facility that is being built with help from the US Army Corps of Engineers. When the story first came out at the end of November, I was busy focusing on the Palestine statehood vote at the UN, and so did not post anything at the time.

Recently, however, Kenny’s Sideshow discussed the matter, offering the opinion that in naming the site as it did, the Israeli government is, in essence, “rubbing it in our faces”—“it” being, of course, 9/11. Here’s an excerpt:

The perpetrators of world wide mass chaos often don’t care about secrets, they like to rub their deeds and plans in our faces, sometimes subtly, sometimes blatantly.

Site 911 is a five-story underground facility for an Israel Defense Forces complex being built by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers near Tel Aviv.

In case you may ask, 911 is not the telephone number for emergencies in Israel.

If you go and read the rest of the post, you’ll discover that the facility was designed by the Israeli firm Ada Karmi-Melamede Architects—the same firm which also, as it so happens, designed the Israeli Supreme Court building, and here Kenny supplies us with a couple of links focusing especially on the latter. It seems Israel’s Supreme Court building was financed by the Rothschild family, and the architectural design was drawn up with “occult symbolism” very much in mind. Yes, I know, it sounds very “conspiracy theory-ish,” but if you follow the links, you’ll discover that the allegations about the symbolism on display are supported by a series of photos of the court building and grounds. Check it out. It does make for some interesting viewing, and if nothing else will provide you with an entertaining half hour.

As to whether the Israelis are “rubbing it in our faces” by naming their new military facility Site 911, the more thought I give to the matter, the more I think Kenny probably has it right.

By the way, the Washington Post story was authored by Walter Pincus, who for some five decades has been a prominent figure in America’s corporate-owned, Zionist media. According to Wikipedia:

Pincus was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Jewish parents Jonas Pincus and Clare Glassman. He attended South Side High School, Rockville Centre, New York and graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in 1954.[2] Before being drafted into the U.S. Army in 1955, where he served in the Counterintelligence Corps in Washington, D.C. from 1955–1957, he worked as a copy-boy for The New York Times.
The Wikipedia article also describes Pincus’ involvement in the Valerie Plame affair.


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