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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:36 pm

The below picture says it all.If you click on it you see at underlined terms the replacement of the gospel
with a jewish sanctified holocaust religion.Not the blood of Jesus Christ and his suffering
on the cross for mankind but the stigma and eternal guilt to the jewish race and their leaders,
the jewish messiah who is above God in their eyes.
Catholicism - Page 2 Poperabbi

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:36 pm

from Lorraine Day, M.D.

The Evangelicals have made agreements with the Catholics. The Episcopalians and the Evangelical Lutherans have decided to “put aside their differences in a push for unity” and Pope John Paul II spent most of his time promoting Ecumenical alliances, but not just with other Christian denominations. His goal, and the goal of the Catholic Church, is to bring together ALL religions, even Buddhists, Hindus, and other Pagan philosophies, to merge them all into a One World Religion.

The Plan of the New World Order is to combine all these religions under the leadership of the Catholic Church, then destroy the Catholic Church by exposing the immense financial corruption, alcoholism, homosexuality, pedophilia and other types of debauchery among the priests and bishops, thus crushing the faith of the people in their religious leaders and institutions.

Those people, when totally devastated by learning of the utter depravity of the entire Catholic Church hierarchy – all the way to the top – will turn away in complete disgust. They will feel betrayed by their spiritual leaders and lose their faith in God, a situation that will make them ripe for cynicism and ultimately Atheism.

This is actually beginning right now, if one only has the eyes to see. The Catholic Church is full of corruption. It is in the newspapers regularly. Priests and even Archbishops cover up the molestation of children, homosexuality, alcoholism and other acts of moral depravity among priests. By doing so, the Catholic leadership actually promotes these crimes and the leaders thereby become complicit.

Then along comes the media – also virtually 100% Jewish owned and controlled – and EXPOSES the financial and moral crimes of the Catholic Church. This is very confusing to the people, which is exactly their goal – Confusion! “Why,” the average person would ask, ”if the Jews own and run the Catholic Church from behind the scenes, would they, on one hand, promote this debauchery, while on the other hand exposing it through the Jewish-controlled media?”

The answer is: The goal of the Jews is to DESTROY Christianity. They are doing so by promoting filth and corruption in the churches, whether in the Catholic Church, morally corrupt televangelists, or the infiltrated leadership of Protestant denominations, THEN they EXPOSE that filth and corruption – all the time attributing it to “Christian leaders” – while all of it is being carefully orchestrated from behind the scenes by the Jews. The people – the church members - when seeing and understanding this cesspool of the “Christian” leadership (without ever knowing the hidden “hands” behind it all), will leave the churches by the millions.

(That is the problem with the Organized Church, in every denomination. The people have faith in the “Church” and their “Church leaders” rather than having faith in God. They believe that they have faith in God, but if that were so, the crumbling of the Church as an institution would not bother them in the least, because their personal relationship with Jesus Christ would be untouched and the diabolical plan of the New World Order would not work. But the Bible, in Revelation, tells us it WILL work – at least until Jesus comes!)

Once the population has turned their back on their religious beliefs and accepted the lies of Atheism, the One World Government crowd knows that deep within the heart of every human being there is an unconquerable desire to worship. True Christians understand that God has put that desire in everyone, but it will be perverted and exploited by the enemies of Christ who will promote the worship of Lucifer, the “god” of Freemasonry.

It is true that the lower levels of Freemasonry believe that the organization is basically a Christian society, but they are very aware that speaking the name of Jesus Christ in the Masonic lodge is forbidden. The reason given is that of “tolerance for all beliefs” and a desire not to offend anyone. Political correctness reigns supreme. But that is not the REAL reason.

It is only at the high levels of Freemasonry, the 33rd degree and higher, that one learns that the TRUE “god” of Freemasonry is Lucifer – Satan - and NOT the God of the Bible.

Another fact that is virtually unknown by both Christians and non-Christians is that the Catholic Church worldwide is “owned and run” by the Jews. The rituals, rules, control, superstitions and pageantry of Catholicism is nothing more than Jewish Talmudism dressed up in “Christian” clothes. The present pope, Pope Benedict, is Jewish, as was Pope John Paul II (a Polish Jew). The Head of the Jesuits is a Danish Jew, Jesuit General Count Hans von Kolvenbach, who many believe is the most dangerous man in the world. He is called the “Black Pope” because he works from behind the scenes, controlling the affairs of the Church. The visible Pope, the Pope out in front who meets the people, takes orders from the “Black Pope.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by strangelove Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:10 pm

The new Darth Vader is this guy:

Catholicism - Page 2 Jesuit-General-Adolfo-Nicolas-2009-angry

Adolfo Nicolas

Father Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, S.J., S.T.D. (born April 29, 1936) is a Spanish priest of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the thirtieth and current Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the largest male religious order in the Church.

Adolfo Nicolás - WIKI

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by jerry Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:51 am

Pope on a Rope.. Basketball


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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:33 pm

Why traffic in storybook depictions?

On March 27, 1963 Cardinal Bea HIMSELF met with Rabbis Marc Tanenbaum
and Abraham Heschel, representatives of the 'American' 'Jewish'
Committee, in Boston in Cardinal Cushing's chancery, and discussed what
"The Jews" wanted to happen at the Vatican II council. This is very well
documented, easily accessed information (e.g. Spiritual Radical,
Edward Kaplan). Cardinal Bea then went to the AJC headquarters in New
York on March 31, 1963 to further discuss what "The Jews" wanted to
happen at the council with President of the Central Conference of
American Rabbis, Rabbi Albert G. Minda, Heschel and Tanenbaum (see
document and image below). Further, Rabbi Heschel met with Pope Paul VI
on the opening day of the third session of the council, Sept 14, 1964,
to discuss what "The Jews" wanted to happen at the council. The Pope
changed the originally scheduled day to accommodate the rabbi's religion
(it was 'the Jewish Sabbath'). This is easily sourced, widely available

Cardinal Bea and the Pope himself met with Rabbi
Heschel who confided to an Israeli reporter that his motive for making
outrageous statements about 'going to Auschwitz rather than convert' was
that he wanted to attack Christian souls. This is a well documented fact.
And they made concessions to this hostile figure and the hostile
organizations he represented in a Vatican II Council document. There are
photographs of Heshel meeting Pope Paul VI in 1971 AFTER Heschel had
made this admission of hostile intent which was well known in Rome.

are photographs of Cardinal Shehan meeting with Zachariah Shuster (of
the AJC and one of Malachi Martin's handlers) to discuss Vatican II;
photos of Cardinal Spellman meeting with AJC directors. This barely
scratches the surface of well-documented meetings that took place
between the Judaic organizations and their rabbis and Cardinals and even
the Pope leading up to Vatican II. There were many, many such meetings
and they continue to this day, seemingly on a daily, or at least weekly

do 'traditionalists' prefer the Malachi Martinesque, storybook version
of history about 'a cold winter night sometime between 1962-63 when
Cardinal Bea may have sent a representative to a mysterious meeting in a
synagogue basement somewhere in Strasbourg which he neither confirmed
or denied took place'? Why is this so much more alluring than the documented facts?

I believe what I've been told is true: there is an insufficient love for truth among these people.

Catholicism - Page 2 Bea-heschel-minda-ajc-ajwne Fr.
Stephen Schmidt, S. J.; President of the Central Conference of American
Rabbis, Rabbi Albert G. Minda; Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel; AJC Director
of Interreligious Affairs, Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum with Cardinal Augustin
Bea, March 31, 1963, AJC building, 165 E. 56th St., New York City

Catholicism - Page 2 Heschel_letter_to_Minda

Catholicism - Page 2 Heschel_memo_AJC-_Pg_1

Catholicism - Page 2 Heschel_memo_AJC-_Pg_2

Catholicism - Page 2 Heschel_memo_AJC-_Pg_3

Posted by
Maurice Pinay

11:25 PM

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:57 pm



"We are the Fathers of all Revolutions - even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation.

"Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success...

"Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught..
"We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes - although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us. We are grateful to them for the wonderful help they are giving us in our fight against the stronghold of Christian Civilization, and in our preparations for the advent of our supremacy over the whole world and over the Kingdoms of the Gentiles.

"So far we have succeeded in overthrowing most of the Thrones of Europe. The rest will follow in the near future. Russia has already worshiped our rule, France, with her Masonic Government, is under our thumb. England, in her dependence upon our finance is under our heel; and in her Protestantism is our hope for the destruction of the Catholic Church. Spain and Mexico are but toys in our hands. And many other countries, including the U.S.A., have already fallen before our scheming.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by strangelove Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:40 am

Excellent resource here:

Public Veneration & Exhibit Manual

Catholicism - Page 2 Venera10

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by strangelove Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:17 pm

Blood taken from John Paul to be used as relic

The Vatican made the announcement yesterday, ending speculation over what relic would be presented during Sunday's beatification.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:23 am

Jews, the Church,and the History of the World.

In this series, I will explain why Jews and Catholics have had such a rocky history and why Jews and traditional Catholics still have difficulties with each other (as groups) today.

Most people who've been educated in American public schools, who've have had a steady diet of Hollywood, PBS, NPR, and the like, or who have received an education at the typical university, will end up with at least the "sense" of the following equations: Catholics=bad, Jews=good; Catholics=persecuters, Jews=persecuted. They will end up acquiring a blend of very Anglo-centric, Protestant, secular, Jewish, and Marxist views of such things as the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the role of Pope Pius XII in WWII, etc. -- views "supported" by wildly exaggerated statistics, omitting context, ignoring the Catholic view of these incidents, out and out blatant falsifications, and by simply not having a clear understanding of political theory (along with, in the case of members of Protestant sects, not having a clear understanding of orthodox Christian teaching).

Ignorance of the true nature of "Jewish-Catholic relations" goes deep. Very deep. Writing about it will involve revisiting over 2,000 years of history, taking what we think we know and turning 90% of it 45o right-side up. Just have an open mind and conduct your own research into the things I write about.

Part I Basic Concepts: the Talmud
Part II The Noachide Laws
Part III The Historical Memory Hole

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by zone Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:06 pm

hey Ada.
yeah, that's a good resource.

anybody (from ANY denomination) that can look for and see this stuff is a-okay in my book...perfect? nope.

i firmly believe, as Jesus told paul:

i have many people in this city

that he has sheep in every else do they bring out the info? lol.

just take a look at 2 of us on this forum:

Doc...raised as a gets why Judaism is wrong

Zone: total heathen sinner that was hooked on drugs (witchcraft) i can see the occult for what it is
Catholicism - Page 2 994824

etc etc.

so what happens? we go back and look at what we came out of and try to shine a light on it.

btw Ada - what background did you come out of bro?

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:54 pm

The Holocaust is Now Catholic Dogma

Catholicism - Page 2 Pope-at-auschwitz
The last time a Pope of the Catholic Church defined an infallible dogma was
in the year 1950. Pope Pius XII used this power reserved for the Vicar
of Christ when speaking ex cathedra to define the Dogma of the
Assumption of Mary. It was an extraordinary event because a pope using
the power of infallibly to define a dogma is done so rarely, and
most popes have never used this power. Before Pius XII, the
last pope to invoke papal infallibly to define a dogma was Pius IX in
1854, when he defined the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Both of
these dogmas referred to events that had occurred 19 centuries before ,
and that had been studied by the best minds of the Church for almost as
long. That’s because when making an infallible statement – it goes
without saying – it can’t contain any errors! Fast forward to 2009 and
Pope Benedict XVI has just defined a new dogma regarding a secular event
that has nothing to do with the Faith. Moreover, this ‘dogmatic event’
only occurred in the middle of the 20th Century- and no one is allowed
to investigate to see if it contains any errors!
A dogma is an infallible teaching of the Catholic Church that must be
believed by every Catholic or they’re not in communion with the
Church. In the past, a dogma referred only to a matter of Christian
faith, and Catholics could believe whatever they wanted about historical
events. But today’s remarks from the Vatican make it clear that the
Jewish version of the Holocaust,
in which 6 million Jews were killed in gas chambers, must be believed
by every Catholic or they’re not in communion with the Church.
That makes the Holocaust an official ‘dogma’ of the Catholic Faith
sarcasm*). Here’s the news out of the Vatican.

On Jan. 28, the pope said he felt “full
and indisputable solidarity” with Jews, and warned against any denial of
the full horror of the Nazi genocide.

Bishop Williamson, in order to be admitted
to episcopal functions within the church, will have to take his
distance, in an absolutely unequivocal and public fashion, from his
position on the Shoah, which the Holy Father was not aware of when the excommunication was lifted,
” the statement said. The Shoah is the Hebrew term for the Holocaust.

Jewish groups welcomed the Vatican statement, saying it satisfied their key demand.

“This was the sign the Jewish world has been waiting for,” said Ronald Lauder,
president of the World Jewish Congress.
Yes, this is the sign the Jewish world has been waiting for, but what
exactly does this “sign” really mean? It means that in the post-Vatican
II Church, the “Shoah” has replaced the Crucifixion as the central
event in history. And do you notice the subtle switcheroo here? Now,
instead of the central tenet of the Christian faith pertaining to the
murder of the Christ by Jews, the new central tenet refers to the murder
of Jews by Christians! This should come as no surprise to those who
understand what really lies at the heart of the problem. At its core,
this is a spiritual battle that’s being waged above our heads. It’s
Christ vs. anti-Christ, and each of us must choose a side.

Lucifer wanted to be equal to God and out of pride refused to accept
being a servant. When he uttered his famous “non servium
he took a third of the angels with him and set about waging war against
God. When God sent His Son to redeem the world, Lucifer tried to
prevent it. He took Jesus to the mountain top and tempted Him, saying “
if you just bow down and worship me, I will give you all these things.”
Jesus told the devil to buzz off. The Jews who rejected Jesus as the Messiah
did so out of racial pride and ambition. They wanted an earthly kingdom
where they would always be the ‘Chosen Ones’ and did not want to share a
kingdom with the gentiles. But Jesus emphatically said that His kingdom
was not of this world and to share the good news with the gentiles. The
Jews who accepted the Messiah became the first Christians, and those
who rejected Him fell into spiritual blindness. Satan takes advantage
of Jewish hatred of Jesus and uses them to battle against the Church of
Christ. The Jews continue to wait for a worldly Messiah, but the Messiah
they await is known to us as the anti-Christ. Therefore, all
Christians must love and pray for the Jewish people to accept Christ as
the Messiah, thereby snatching them from the jaws of Satan, whom they
don’t realize they are serving.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:59 pm

In 1991 a Canadian Jew named Ian J. Kagedan, who served as an official for the subversive Jewish Zionist/Masonic secret society B'nai B'rith Canada, said that the Holocaust™ (propaganda) story would be central to the Zionist Jews' plans of a "New World Order."

Catholicism - Page 2 1zgf2w7

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by zone Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:13 pm

ada wrote:In 1991 a Canadian Jew named Ian J. Kagedan, who served as an official for the subversive Jewish Zionist/Masonic secret society B'nai B'rith Canada, said that the Holocaust™ (propaganda) story would be central to the Zionist Jews' plans of a "New World Order."


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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:42 pm

by Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, PhD.
(Doctor of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law)


Catholicism - Page 2 Paul-vi-vatican-ii-pope
Antipope Paul VI shown wearing the Jewish Ephod
The twelve stones represent the twelve tribes of Israel.
Not only is this the breast-plate of a Jewish High-Priest,
but according to the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Mackey,
the ephod is also "worn in the (Masonic) American Chapters
of the Royal Arch, by the High-Priest as an official part of his
official ornaments." The ephod was the vestment that was worn
by Caiphas, the High-Priest of the Jewish religion, who ordered
Our Lord Jesus Christ to be put to death by Crucifixion.

"...Paul VI is not a legitimate Pope, but an anti-Pope
... a trained Jew, employed by the Mafia to use diabolical
but undiscerned methods, employing time, money and the
unquestionable ability of those who have always dreamed of
dominating the World." -Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriga, PhD


Going back to my earlier quotation from the Encyclopedia
of Free Masonry, we find the agreement which ties the Jewish
Mafia to the Masonic Lodges. It is clearly demonstrated that
Judaism begot the Masonic movement as a major instrument in its
satanic effort to destroy Christ and His Church. Pope Montini,
displaying the Pectoral of Jewry (the Ephod), proclaims himself
as the obedient servant, the sympathizer and friend of Judaism
and Masonry. This is more than coincidence ... it strongly
suggests that John Battisti Montini, Jewish by family ancestry,
is the agent of the "Mafia" trained to infiltrate and dominate
the Church. Cure de Ars has written: "It is impossible to be
aware of Hebrew conduct, without becoming full of fear." It is
incredible that these people, historically chosen and
predestined by God, have (through their iniquities) transformed
themselves into lasting enemies of God and persecutors of

In order to examine the motives of Paul VI, we must
investigate the actions, statements and personal background of
John Battisti Montini:

Who are the ancestors of the Montini family? The "Gold
Book" of Italian nobility, published as the 1965-1968 edition,
does not mention the MONTINI name. However, the "Gold Book" of
1962-1964, on page 946, mentions MONTI OF CORTE; on page 947,
page 994, we find for the first time MONTINI ... a namesake
designation related to the familiar Brescia family of nobility,
native of Val Sabbia, from which Montini derives his nobility
and original lineage of Hebrew origin (this Brescia family is
an outgrowth of the original Bartoleme (Bartolino) of
Benedictis of Hebrew background). Montini's ancestral line
traces itself through Lumezzano, Sarezzo, Nave and Concesio of
Brescia. The name repeatedly appears as noted in the register
of "Country Noblemen" between 1946 and 1948. In the gallery of
the House of MONTINI from Sarezzo, a great genealogical tree
compiled by Angelo Basio (born 1795 and councilman of the
community) is preserved. This document records noteworthy
activities of members of the Montini family in such professions
as notary publics, doctors, lawyers, religious and
ecclesiasticals ... some achieved fame in their chosen
occupations. According to the Apostolic Constitution "Urbem
Romanum," published January 4, 1746, the family was accepted
into the Roman Nobility ... its coat of arms consisted of 3
mountains with 3 fleur-de-lis superimposed; and, at times,
surrounded by 3 heads of birds. Components of this same
heraldic symbol decorate, in different arrangement, the front
of silver plates displaying a profile of Paul VI facing a
mountain of 6 peaks, his head encircled by 3 fleur-de-lis.

The parents of Paul VI were George Montini and Judith
Alghisi. George (the father) was born in 1861 and died in
1943. Ludovocio, brother of Paul and Senator of the Republic,
was born on May 8, 1896. John Battisti, the man known as Paul
VI, was born in Concesio (Brescia) on September 26, 1897.

On December 14, 1969, Martin Descalzo (a Spanish
journalist and progressive parish priest) published an article
in the "ABC" of Madrid, headlined in bold letters, attributed
to the Vatican Secretary for Unity ... but later it was
acknowledged by the North American Secretary of Relations
between Catholics and Jews ... a position filled by a Cardinal.
Here is what it said:

1. That Judaism is the deposit of liberty, dignity and
other human values which the Church must consider in its
attitudes and aspirations for mankind.

2. That, after 2000 years, the Church has recognized its
errors, asks forgiveness of the Jews and desires to establish a
dialog with them.

3. That Jews are the only elected and preferred people
with whom God has established and maintained a permanent,
indestructible bond.

4. That this religious bond (here's the purpose of the
article) confers the right to possess the Promised Land and
State of Israel.


6. That the Old Testament is automatically and
independently valid in its own right ... it does not require
the New Testament for understanding or explanation of its

7. That the Church should avoid Bible readings that are
disfavorable to the Jewish people, especially the one
concerning the death of Jesus.

8. That Jesus, Himself, is a descendant of the Jewish
people: He identified Himself with His people in nearly
everything. When He opposed His people, He did it internally,
as the prophets before Him ... within the law of his people.

This article, denying the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the
divine institution of the Church, previously attributed to the
Vatican Secretary for Unity, was published in a Spanish daily
newspaper ("ABC") having monarchical tendencies, with the
consent of a Cardinal representing the American Secretary of
Judeo-Christian Relations. For a person who objectively
studies the present situation of the Church, this article is
very symptomatic. In earlier times, this monstrous article
would never have been published in Spain ... official and
ecclesiastical censorship would have prevented it. Now, no
one objected; no one said anything. The article appeared
without protest. Yet it was Spain whose Catholic Kings
published the Decree of Jewish Expulsion, banishing them from
their land. This new, updated Spain magnifies the change in
law, denying its history and traditions.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:45 pm

Catholicism - Page 2 Mass7

Talmudic Touch:

"In the New Mass the Offertory was
replaced by a formula from the Talmud, a classic of hate-literature
directed against jesus with an intensity and perversity perhaps never

by Craig Heimbichner

This article originally appeared in the March, 2004 issue of Catholic Family News, and back
on line by request.

Many articles have been written about the objectionable changes to the
Mass which culminated in the Novus Ordo Mass of Paul VI, and scarcely
anything of substance can be added to the incisive Ottaviani

or the exhaustive study of Michael Davies in his third volume of
Liturgical Revolution. Even
Cardinal Ratzinger is on record admitting
the practical disaster of the liturgical reform. It is obvious to
devout Catholics that the faithful have been submerged during the
period of the New Mass in a swamp marked by non-attendance, widespread
unbelief, immorality, irreverence, indifferentism, and compromise.
Catholics have seen even their formerly orthodox leaders flailing in a
quicksand of ambiguity. While the causes of this broad crisis cannot be
solely attributed to the changes in the Mass, an important connection
exists, since the rule lex credendi,
lex orandi
believe as we pray) remains vitally true. Yet one of the most subtle
and blasphemous changes in the prayer of the Mass has been overlooked.
We have been told that the Offertory was replaced by a "Jewish table
blessing" -----a change objectionable enough for a host
of reasons. But the reality is far worse: for the Offertory has been
replaced by a prayer with no connection to the practices of the Old
Testament Israelites, but rather which stems from Christ-rejecting
Rabbis who agreed with the Sanhedrin that demanded His death. The
astonishing truth is that in the New Mass, the Offertory, was replaced
by a formula from the Talmud, a classic of hate-literature directed
against Jesus with an intensity and perversity perhaps never equaled. 1
This sacrilege was slipped past the faithful without notice, and
deserves exposure as yet one more reason to loudly demand the
restoration of a liturgy which honors rather than blasphemes the One
Who first said and instituted the Mass itself.

The Offertory had long been a target of the enemies of Christ and His
Church, since it clearly expresses the propitiatory content of the
Sacrifice of Christ which is repeated in an unbloody manner in the
Mass. The was the subject of a stern warning by Pope Pius XII in
Mediator Dei, some of the
pretended resurrection of early traditions
was patently fraudulent. Nowhere is this more clearly evident than in
the supposed revival of a "Jewish table blessing" from the days of the
first Jewish converts to Christianity as a replacement for the
Offertory. We are supposed to believe that this scrapping of the
Offertory marks a return to the type of faith and liturgy of the
earliest Church, and furthermore supposedly reminds us of our Jewish

All of these alleged reasons and explanations are simply lies, and
their subversive nature is underscored by the fact that they succeeded
where Luther failed in eliminating the Offertory which he hated. The
lies behind this substitution are truly multiform. First, the Offertory
was not replaced by a Jewish table blessing, but by a rabbinical
blessing from the Talmud, as we will see below. Second, the Talmud was
not written during the life of Christ or His Apostles, and could not
have been reflective of anything in the early Church except the
traditions of its first enemies. In fact, the Talmud was written in
Babylon after the Rabbis had rejected the Messiah
-----written in fact by
Rabbis in full and venomous agreement with that rejection. Third, the
Talmudic blessing is part of a list of "blessings" in the Talmud
which also contains curses of Christians. Fourth, what we now know as
Judaism-----the rabbinical swamp of
blasphemy and paganism codified in the Talmud-----has no connection to the
faith of the Old Testament, for it nullifies it (Matthew 15:1-9). Fifth, borrowing
any prayer from the Talmud is arguably treason to Christ, for the Talmud-----burned by several astute Popes-----contains
the most horrid blasphemies against both Jesus and Mary known to man,
only a few of which we will quote for purposes of documentation.

Before supporting these contentions, it is worth noting that the Second
Vatican Council Fathers were all warned that covert forces of Judaism
and Freemasonry were about to stage a "coup" at the Council, under the
guise of a "brotherly reconciliation" and under the pretext of
"bridge-building". This warning came in the form of a large and
thoroughly documented tome entitled, The
Plot Against the Church
penned by several authors under the pseudonym Maurice Pinay. One of
the actual authors was Fr. Saenz y Arriaga, later the subject of a
questionable excommunication following his exposure of the public
wearing of the Jewish Ephod of Caiaphas by Paul VI-----
an emblem replete with
Masonic as well as rabbinical symbolism.

It should also be emphasized that the architect of the New Mass,
Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, has been well exposed as a secret
Freemason. A raid of an Italian Lodge in 1976 revealed a roster of
high-ranking Vatican prelates, their dates of initiation into
Freemasonry, and even their code-names. Bugnini entered the Brotherhood
on April 23, 1963. His code-name was Buan. 2

Several Popes had condemned Freemasonry, beginning with Clement XII
in 1738, and for good reason. The conspiratorial intent of Freemasonry
was not only indicated by its grisly oaths of blind obedience to
superiors under pain of assassination-----carried out in the famous
William Morgan case 3-----but also in the upper degrees
such as the Judaic
Kadosh 4 degree, wherein a mock crown and
mock papal tiara are stabbed
in an unmistakable symbolic attack against Church and State (this
degree is the 30th in the worldwide Scottish Rite today). 5
In addition,
the common Royal Arch Degree, considered a completion of the Third or
Master Mason Degree, contains an invocation "for the good of Masonry,
generally, but the Jewish nation in particular". 6
Hence Freemasonry as
an institution is clearly pledged to fight against the Church and the
well-ordered State, and to serve the interests of Judaism as embodied
in the Talmud. For these grave reasons several Popes recognized the
threat posed by this subversive secret society and censured it in the
strongest possible terms. 7

Nevertheless, Masons bored from within, in accordance with their own
plans which had been exposed by Monsignor Dillon in 1884 and published
by Pope Leo XIII one year later at his own expense-----after the Pope had
himself written Humanum Genus, the most
expansive papal condemnation of
Freemasonry ever penned. 8 One of the
ensuing Masonic triumphs against
the Church was clearly the wreckage of the liturgy, led by one of their
own members, as we have seen. The hallmarks of treachery are apparent
to those with eyes to see and a sensus
and need no
recapitulation here. But this background of anti-Christian subversion
and intrigue needs to be stressed to understand the truly blasphemous
substitution of the Offertory with a nearly verbatim passage from the
masters to whom the Masonic institution is pledged in service as
evidenced in the Royal Arch Degree referenced above.

A modern myth is that this "Jewish table blessing" has its roots in
worship from the time of Ezra. Searching the Bible should reveal that
this story is absent from the pages of Holy Writ. Where, then, does it
originate? The Jewish Encyclopedia
9 (published 1901-1906, consisting
of twelve volumes) tells us, in its article on Benedictions, that this
story of the origin of "blessings" in Judaism is a "rabbinical
tradition" in the Talmud itself-----in Berakoth 33a, as
indeed it is. As a
source of history, however, the Talmud should as a rule be rejected-----just as one should reject the
Talmudic stories that the Blessed Virgin
Mary was a "harlot" (Sanhedrin l06a), that Adam had sexual intercourse
with all the animals in the Garden of Eden (Yebamoth 63a), that Jesus
"learned witchcraft in Egypt" -----(Shabbos l04b), or that Jesus
is in Hell
being boiled in "hot excrement" (Gittin 57a). One must emphasize that
these passages and many others, long denied by Rabbis, have been
included in the most recent and authoritative translation of the Talmud-----several volumes of which are
still in production-----rendered by the
noted Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. Rabbi Steinsaltz comments
on prior truncated and censored versions of the Talmud: "Wherever the
Talmud makes derogatory reference to Jesus or to Christianity in
general, the comment was completely erased, and the name of Christ was
systematically removed
. . . " 10

In The Essential Talmud,
Rabbi Steinsaltz writes of the supreme
importance of the Babylonian Talmud: "Babylonian scholars were soon
attracted to the new center and thousands of disciples flocked to study
there." 11 What Christ condemned as "the
traditions of the elders"
(Mark 7:1-13), Rabbi
Steinsaltz calls the "oral law," stating that "the
work of preserving and codifying the vast body of oral law went on for
several generations . . . " 12 This oral
law was eventually written down as
the Talmud, the most important and authoritative version being the
lengthy Babylonian Talmud. Rabbi Steinsaltz traces the gradual
development and redaction of the Babylonian Talmud, commenting that
"the natural authorities best equipped to clarify problems were the
heads of the great Babylonian academies of
Sura and Pumbedita". Their authority was unquestioned, and consequently
the Talmud assumed the greatest possible importance, eclipsing the Old
Testament as the central text of Judaism: "Historically speaking,"
writes Rabbi Steinsaltz, "the Talmud is the central pillar of Jewish
culture" 13-----note: the Talmud, not the Old
Testament. From the redacted
Talmudic oral traditions, which Christ denounced as a special mark of
the Pharisees and Scribes, came what we know today to be Judaism. And
it is from this false religion, premised on the rejection of Jesus,
that the replacement of the Offertory in the Mass was culled.

Some might respond that Judaism is not a different religion, but merely
an earlier "phase" of the covenant now called Christianity, 14 with
prayers which after all are directed to the same God. In response to
this completely false characterization-----confusing as it does the
of the Israelites with the corruptions of the Pharisees, already
well-entrenched in the time of Christ-----I will quote a Doctor of the
Church universally neglected today. St. John Chrysostom responds
incisively: "But at any rate the Jews say that they, too, adore God.
God forbid that I say that. No Jew adores God! Who says so? The Son of
God says so. For He said, 'If you were to know My Father, you would
also know Me. But you neither know Me nor do you know My Father.' Could
I produce a witness more trustworthy than the Son of God?" 15

The true origin of the so-called "Jewish table blessing" is by all
evidence the Talmud itself, since absent any other testimony one cannot
attribute an authentic Old Testament origin to the practices of those
who freely invented so many objectionable traditions that Christ
Himself condemned them on several occasions (Mark 7:1-13; Matthew
15:1-9; Matthew 23:25-26).
Hence in the Jewish Encyclopedia
explanation of "Benedictions," we find that "in the course of time
all these benedictions assumed a stereotyped form; and the rule is
given by Rab that, to be regarded as a regular benediction (Ber.
40b), every benediction must contain the name of God, and by R. Johanan
that it must contain the attribute of God's kingship." In other
words, the Talmud and its rabbinical authors dictated the form of the
blessing in Judaism which we later find brazenly imported into
the New Mass by Bugnini's committee.

By the time of Vatican II, of course, the voices crying out for "peace
with Judaism" were strong. A new "appreciation" of Judaism was
underway in the Church, culminating in the decree of Nostra Aetate that
the Jews did not kill Jesus. 16
Flogged by the whip of the Holocaust,
the Church was on the run and trying to prove its sympathy for
synagogues. If only Paul VI, in reviewing this audacious "swap" in the
Mass, had heeded the strong exhortation of St. John Chrysostom:
"Since there are some who think of the synagogue as a holy place, I
must say a few words to them. Why do you reverence that place? Must you
not despise it, hold it in abomination, run away from it? They answer
that the Law and the books of the prophets are kept there. What is
this? Will any place where these books are be a holy place? By no
means! This is the reason above all others why I hate the synagogue and
abhor it. They have the prophets but do not believe them; they read
the the sacred writings but reject their witness-----and this is a
mark of men guilty of the greatest outrage." 17
But the advice of this
Doctor of the Church was not only ignored, one could say it has been
target of a papal apology actually given within the Synagogue of Rome
on April 13, 1986. 18

The source of the replacement for the Offertory is clarified in the
Jewish Encyclopedia, which
introduces a list of "benedictions prescribed in the Talmud and adopted
in the liturgy; each of them
beginning with the formula 'Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Our God, King of
the Universe'!" Although the liturgy of Judaism is intended in the
above reference, ironically this Talmudic benediction became
repeated almost verbatim in the New Mass, But of even greater irony
is the fact that in this instance the Latin is closer in form to the
Talmud than the English translation done by the ICEL: for the Latin
Benedictus es, Domine, Deus universi,
translated literally
becomes Blessed are You, Lord, God of the universe, whereas the common
translation one encounters is Blessed are You, Lord God of all
creation. The difference is small, but the Latin more explicitly
parallels the Talmud, Tragically, those who hope for a
"purification" of the New Mass by rendering it in Latin would only
render the
blasphemous parallel between the Offertory's replacement and the Talmud
more exact.

As One reads the Talmud and the Jewish
, it becomes
apparent that this formula extends to all benedictions, not merely to
table blessings. By the 2nd Century, states the Jewish Encyclopedia,
"they were already fixed as to form and number, since R. Meïr declares
it to be the duty of everyone to say one hundred benedictions
daily . . . " These "benedictions" include reciting a "blessing" after
vacating one's bowels ("who has formed man in wisdom and created many
orifices . . . "), thanking God for not making one a Gentile, and
thanking God "who hast not made me a woman."

The basic structure of benedictions was eventually crystallized into
eighteen. Rabbi Steinsaltz comments, "The Great Assembly . . . decided
compose a standard prayer reflecting the wishes and aspirations of the
entire people. It was composed of
eighteen benedictions, each dealing in brief with one subject. This
prayer, most of which has survived to the present-day and still
constitutes the basis of the synagogue service, consists of three
opening benedictions, three closing benedictions, and twelve
intermediate ones containing various requests and supplications." 19 Of particular note,
however, is the fact that the daily "blessings" of Judaism contain a
curse against Christians
. As Professor Israel Shahak of
Hebrew University tells us, "in the most important section of the
weekday prayer-----the 'eighteen
blessings'-----there is a special curse,
originally directed against Christians, Jewish converts to
Christianity and other Jewish heretics: 'And may the apostates have no
hope, and all the Christians perish instantly.' 20"
Rabbi Steinsaltz
comments, "One of the alterations introduced into the service shortly
after the destruction [of the Second Temple] was not, however,
connected to the Temple itself but to the problem of the heretic,
Gnostic and Christian sects . . . Matters reached such a pass that the
Sanhedrin sages at Yavneh decided to add to the Shemoneh Esreh an additional
benediction (which is in fact a curse) on heretics 21
. . ." One
can see that the prayer-form in the New Mass was used not only for
table and even bathroom "blessings" but also to introduce curses of
Christians, as even hesitantly admitted by Rabbi Steinsaltz.

Such is the chill-inducing context of the source of the prayer which
replaced the Offertory in the New Mass. Let us be frank: the context is
nothing short of blasphemy and sacrilege, for the Talmud and its
authors were filled with hatred and curses-----verifiable today in the
Steinsaltz Talmud-----against Christ and
Christians. 22 The fact that
the version of the prayer present in the New Mass is not overtly
blasphemous is no more defense of its inclusion than would be the
liturgical importing of an innocent-sounding passage from Satanist
Meister Crowley's Book of the Law
23 in the name of reaching out to the
"misguided" or "connecting with those who have a Seed of the Word
however obscure." Let us sweep aside such transparent hogwash and
call a spade a spade, a blasphemy a blasphemy, and loudly and
persistently demand of Rome the full restoration of what is ours by
right: a Mass not born in treason and marked by sacrilege.

For the Council Fathers were duly warned-----as was Paul VI. To quote from
the book handed to each bishop at the Second Vatican Council, "The
most infamous conspiracy is in progress against the Church. Her
enemies are working to destroy the most holy traditions and thus to
introduce dangerous and evil-intended reforms . . . They manifest a
hypocritical zeal to modernize the Church and to adapt it to the
present-day situation; but in reality they conceal the secret
intention of opening the gates . . . to prepare the further destruction
of Christianity. All this it is intended to put into effect at the
coming Vatican Council. We have proofs of how everything is being
planned in secret agreement . . . " 24
But today we do not need proof of
treasonous planning, for we can see the results in the implementation
of the
post-conciliar reforms-----including the reform of the
And nowhere is the hand of an enemy more clearly apparent than in the
replacement of the Offertory with words which are a hallmark of a
different religion, reproduced from the premier anti-Christian text
in the broad history of human resistance to grace.

Craig Heimbichner is a convert and recognized expert on Freemasonry and
the occult. A speaker and writer, he is available to discuss the
dangers of the occult and its influence are today. He may be reached in
care of Catholic Family News.

1. For this reason the Talmud was ordered burned by
Innocent IV in Bulle Impia Judeorum
, and later again by
several Popes.
2. The facts were related in a September 12, 1978
article in
Osservatore Politico in Rome,
Italy entitled La gran loggia
. The author reportedly died after printing the list of
Captain William Morgan, a Royal Arch Freemason, published the
Masonic rituals and secret oaths in 1827. He was kidnapped and murdered
by fellow Masons, an event which led to the original third political
party in the United States: the Anti-Mason Party.
4. Hebrew for "holy" or "consecrated."
5. See Secret
, published by Masonic publisher Ezra A. Cook
Inc., p. 123.
6. Duncan's Masonic
Ritual and Monitor
, Malcolm C. Duncan, p. 249.
7. The excommunication of Freemasons was removed from
the 1983 Code
of Canon Law, although Cardinal Ratzinger subsequently clarified on
November 26, 1983 that membership is a "grave sin" which excludes one
from lawful reception of Holy Communion. One wonders, however, why
the explicit canonical ban was removed. It is certainly true that many
Catholics heard of this change and joined Masonic Lodges.
8. The reader is referred to the excellent summary of
these documents
by John Vennari, The Permanent
Instruction of the Alta Vendita: A
Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church
, (TAN Books
and Publishers, Inc.
) Available from Catholic Family News, $4.00US
9. Available online at www.
10. Adin Steinsaltz, The
Essential Talmud
, p. 84.
11. Adin Steinsaltz,
., p. 43.
12. Steinsaltz, Ibid.,
p. 41.
13. Ibid.,
p. 266.
14. The unbiblical and unCatholic premise of
Cardinal Ratzinger's work, Many
-----One Covenant: Israel, the
Church and the World
, Ignatius Press, 1999.

15. St. John Chrysostom, Discourse on Judaizing Christians,
III (2).
16. The day this was decreed, St. Simon of Trent was
removed from the
Roman Calendar-----the child Martyr who had been killed
by Jews on Good
Friday out of hatred of Christ.
17. St. John Chrysostom, Ibid., V (2).
18. John Paul II was directly
confronted on this occasion with the burning of the Talmud by his
predecessors. His response was to apologize for "the acts of
discrimination, unjustified limitation of religious freedom . . . in
regard to the Jews . . . by anyone," and he added,"I repeat, by
anyone." See Luigi Accattoli, Man of
the Millennium: John Paul II
pp. 139-40.
If John Paul II included prior Popes in his apology, by clear
implication he included St. John Chrysostom, who was famous for his
denunciation of Talmudic poison.
19. Adin Steinsaltz,
., pp. 101-102.
20. Israel Shahak,
Jewish History, Jewish Religion
, p. 63.
21. Adin Steinsaltz,
., p. 105.
22. An excellent summary of these
passages can be obtained in the concise reference work Judaism's
Strange Gods
by Michael A. Hoffman II.
23. For example, would a neo-Catholic object to the
phrase, "There is
no bond that can unite the divided but love"? Innocent enough in
itself, it is a quotation from the odious Masonic Book of the
Lawof Crowley
, which,liketheTalmud, contains blasphemy against
Jesus and
Mary. If one finds a quote from Crowley objectionable-----as
one should-----the objection holds a fortiori against the Rabbis who
lived closer to
the time of Christ, and yet denigrated Him with even worse blasphemy in
the Talmud.
24. Maurice Pinay,
The Plot Against the Church
, p. 15.


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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by zone Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:25 pm

wow ada.


i already posted that elsewhere.

dunno if the chatolics can confirm whats in it but its enough to get them thinking.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by Consumed Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:12 pm

20 odd years ago I read a book called "in Gods name" about Alberto Luciano, pope John Paul 1, blew my mind and placed a hatred in my heart towards the catholic church elites. In it it detailed all the connections to the mafia, p2 and other organizations the church were involved in thru the Vatican Bank. On becoming Pope Alberto started to implement that changes to be made to restore the church back to the basic tenets of the gospel, he even used to just walk out of the Vatican state into the streets of Rome to the disgust and dismay of his handlers stating that he wasn't anyone special, Jesus walked amongst his people why shouldn't he. Alberto Luciano lasted 100 days in office and died mysteriously of "ill health" at the age of 56. Since no autopsy could be performed no truth as to his death could be determined.
Great book to read if you can find it, gave detailed accounts and events of all the players involved, the links the Vatican bank had to all different
areas of business that the church supposedly stand against.

Praise be to God I don't hate Catholics as per se but definately don't like it administration. In all honesty that only come about when I was saved not to hate anyone but to be weary of who to follow.

When I was first saved I use to go to any church, I didn't mind and still don't, I go to praise and worship my King. Once at a catholic church someone asked if I was catholic and I said no just a Christian and got told I
could not under any circumstance take communion unless I was indoctrinated

Another time I went to hillsong church in sydney after my friend told about it and said I'll take my swimmers and towel with me, he said what for it's 30 miles from a beach, I answered I don't know, I might go for a swim afterwards I thought. There they were baptizing people out the front in a jucuzzi and I realized why I brought my swimmers and asked if I could. At first they said no I'm not part of the church and have to do a study and doctrination course, just like the catholics said about communion. I told the suit let my yes be yes and my no be no I know what and why I'm doing it, they caved in and allowed it.

I hate religion but love Jesus.
Sorry if I went off topic just wanted to share.

Blessings to all

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by strangelove Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:35 pm

I'm with you Consumed. Love Jesus...hate religion.

Me and my brother in Christ got baptized down at the beach a coupla months ago...

Awesome. I'm casual with the ritual stuff.

Baptised Today!!

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by Consumed Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:43 pm

That's great doc, your brother too? You have something to do with that.
Catholics baptism is really a dedication til the child reaches a certain age to do confirmation, age 9 if they follow the religious manual. Who comes up with all this stuff.
Hey I'm with you about religion, iv shared with someone at the beach once, 30 min later we were in there him getting baptized lol

Why do they take a simple message of the good news and turn it into rituals.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:58 pm

Pope and Pharisees Preach More Holocaustolatry

Catholicism - Page 2 Benedict+with+Jews_williamson+2009 Benedict XVI, Walter Kasper and Chief Priests of Holocaustolatry Feb. 12, 2009. Note Pharisees David Rosen and Abe Foxman who is a denier of the genocide of Armenian Christians in the first seats.

Raw audio of the kahal's proceedings can be heard at this link:

is the text of Rabbi Arthur Schneier's address to the Pope. Benedict
visited Rabbi Schneier's synagogue on Passover eve last year, HERE.
Note that Benedict's elder brother Rabbi Schneier, in stark contrast to
the founder of Christianity, preaches non-forgiveness. He also alludes
to his non-biblical, Kabbalistic god, Metatron ("Shomer Yisrael" or
"Guardian of Israel") which is not found in Psalm 121 as he implies, but
rather, throughout the rabbinic texts as Johannes Eisenmenger
documented along with the rabbinic teaching that Christians ("Esau") are
watched over by Satan or "Sammael" (see: Eisenmenger, Traditions of the Jews). A fine basis for reconciliation, no? Rabbi Schneier predictably pushes more "Holocaust education," "tolerance," relations between Christians and "Jews," self worship, pious Zionism, blah, blah, blah ...

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:56 am

Pope Foxman Says SSPX Has No Place in the Church

Catholicism - Page 2 Foxman+ugly

"After Bishop's Latest Anti-Semitic Writings, ADL Says Pius X Society 'Has No Place' In Mainstream Church"

After Bishop's Latest Anti-Semitic Writings, ADL Says Pius X Society "Has No Place" In Mainstream Church

New York, NY, October 19, 2011 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called on the Vatican to publicly repudiate anti-Semitic statements by Bishop Richard Williamson, a member of a schismatic Catholic group known as Society of St. Pius X, in which he suggested that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus.

"Bishop Williamson's remarks are further evidence that the Society of St. Pius X has no place in the mainstream church," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "It is hard for us to imagine how a congregation that does not accept fundamental church teachings against anti-Semitism, and promotes classic anti-Jewish canards, can be accepted back into the fold."

In an essay on his blog, Bishop Williamson, a convicted Holocaust denier and a member of the schismatic group, wrote that the "true Church" always taught that "the killing of Jesus was truly 'deicide'" and that there is "real solidarity between the Jews clamoring then for Jesus to be killed and that collectivity of Jews of modern times." Explicitly challenging Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Williamson concludes the blog by asking, "How can the Pope let go of such ancient truths?"

The ancient charge of deicide against the Jewish people -- which was repudiated by the Roman Catholic Church at the Second Vatican Council in 1965 -- was the source of nearly 2,000 years of church based anti-Semitism.

The Vatican has recently had conversations with the Society of St. Pius X to determine if their reconciliation with the Church is possible.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by zone Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:12 am

ada wrote:
Pope Foxman Says SSPX Has No Place in the Church

Catholicism - Page 2 Foxman+ugly

what say has he got in any of it...that's my question.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by ada Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:25 am

ANCESTRAL PRIDECatholicism - Page 2 Annas-and-caiaphas

by: Bishop Richard WilliamsonIn
his second volume on the life of Jesus published several months ago,
Pope Benedict XVI made remarks enabling journalists to jump to the
conclusion that the Jews must no longer be held responsible for deicide,
i.e. the killing of God. Worse, on May 17 the executive director of the
US Bishops’ Conference’s Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious
Affairs said that one cannot charge the Jewish people with deicide at
any time in history without falling out of communion with the Catholic
Church. Against what many people today want to believe, it is time to
recall, however briefly, what the true Church always used to teach on
the judicial murder of Jesus.

the killing of Jesus was truly “deicide”, i.e. the killing of God,
because Jesus was the one of the three divine Persons who in addition to
his divine nature had taken a human nature. What was killed on the
Cross ? Only the human nature. But who was killed on the Cross in his
human nature ? None other than the second divine Person, i.e. God. So
God was killed, deicide was committed.

Jesus died on the Cross to save all of us sinful human beings from our
sins, and in this sense all men were and are the purpose of his death.
But only the Jews (leaders and people) were the prime agents of the
deicide because it is obvious from the Gospels that the Gentile most
involved, Pontius Pilate, would never have condemned Jesus to death had
not the Jewish leaders roused the Jewish people to clamour for his
crucifixion (Mt. XXVII, 20). Certainly the learned leaders were more
guilty than the unlearned people, says St Thomas Aquinas (Summa III, 47,
5), but they all cried together for Jesus’ blood to come down upon them
and their children (Mt. XXVII, 25).

at least Pope Leo XIII considered there to be a real solidarity between
the Jews clamouring then for Jesus to be killed and the collectivity of
Jews of modern times. Did he not in his Act of Consecration of the
Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus have the entire Church, from the
end of the 19th century onwards, pray to God that he turn his “eyes of
mercy towards the children of that race, once God’s chosen people: of
old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Saviour; may it
now descend upon them a laver (i.e. washing) of redemption and life” ?

Leo XIII is by no means alone in observing such a continuity amongst
Jews down the centuries. Do they themselves not lay claim today to the
land of Palestine on the grounds that it is theirs by right from the God
of the Old Testament ? Has there ever been a race-people-nation on the
face of the earth more proudly self-identifying as identical down the
ages ? Originally raised by God to cradle the Messiah, alas, when he
came they refused, collectively, to recognize him. Collectively also,
meaning there are always noble exceptions, they have remained faithful
to that rejection, so that they changed their religion from that of
Abraham and Moses and the Old Testament to that of Anas, Caiphas and the
Talmud. Tragically, their very messianic training by God drives them to
go on rejecting the one whom they hold to be a false messiah. Until
they convert at the end of the world, as the Church has always taught
they will do (cf. Rom. XI, 26-27), they seem bound to choose to go on
acting, collectively, as enemies of the true Messiah.

How can the Pope let go of such ancient truths ?
Kyrie eleison.
Dinoscopus Access
Click here to learn how to get access to Bishop Williamson's columns.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty American Catholics Prep For New Mass Translation

Post by zone Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:18 pm

American Catholics Prep For New Mass Translation

Catholicism - Page 2 R-NEW-MASS-large570

RACHEL ZOLL 11/ 5/11 07:05 PM ET Associated PressCatholicism - Page 2 Ap_wire

Catholic Church , Video , Catholic Mass , New Catholic Mass , New Mass , New Roman Missal , New-Roman-Catholic-Mass , Roman Catholic Church , Religion News

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by Grandpa Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:26 am

When the Priest says 'May the Lord be with you' why not just have the parishioners say 'And also with you and your spirit' instead of replacing the language? It seems like they are purposely making their language seem more ambiguous and hard to define instead of easier.

On a side note I think it is funny when you mess around with religious peoples memorized prayers. It makes them think about what they are saying and I don't think they care for that.


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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty An Analysis of Benedict XVI’s Visit to the Synagogue

Post by zone Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:55 pm

An Analysis of Benedict XVI’s Visit to the Synagogue

a public act of apostasy by Benedict XVI: he takes part in a Jewish worship service –

By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.

Any pre-Vatican II moral theology book will tell you that active participation in non-Catholic worship is a mortal sin against the divine law and the first commandment. On August 19, 2005 – at exactly 12:00 noon on a Friday, the same day and hour that Jesus was crucified – Benedict XVI arrived at the Jewish Synagogue and then took active part in a Jewish worship service. Along with John Paul II’s 1986 visit to the Synagogue, this was certainly one of the most scandalous events in human history – the alleged leader of the Christian Church, after the promulgation of the Gospel, traveling to the Jewish Synagogue (the Temple of those who reject the Messiah), taking part in their worship ceremony, and thus attempting to validate the Jewish religion.

St. Ambrose, Sermo 37, The Two Ships: “The faithlessness of the Synagogue is an insult to the Savior. Therefore He chose the bark of Peter, and deserted that of Moses; that is, He rejected the faithless Synagogue, and adopts the believing Church.” (PL 17, Col. 675; Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers, Vol. III, p. 223.)

In taking part in a Jewish worship service, Benedict XVI without any doubt committed a public act of apostasy, and proved again that he is a manifest heretic and an apostate. Some of the things that occurred during Benedict XVI’s Jewish worship service were (I took notes):

Benedict XVI was seated prominently near the front of the Synagogue. The Synagogue was packed with Jews who were there to see him. Benedict XVI was not only an integral part of the Jewish worship service, he was its main feature. This is without any doubt active participation in the Jewish religion.

Very close to Benedict XVI, the cantor of the Synagogue prayed and sang Jewish prayers at the top of his lungs. The commentator even remarked that the Jewish cantor was singing/praying from “the depths of his being.” Benedict made gestures, such as bowing his head and clapping his hands, to show his approval and participation in the Jewish service. This was obviously a Jewish worship service. Yiddish music blared in the background, while the Novus Ordo “Cardinal” sitting near Benedict XVI (not to mention the many “Cardinals” near the front of the Synagogue) was wearing a yamaka.

As Benedict XVI rose to speak (and eventually to pray), the entire Synagogue rose to its feet and applauded him – applauded him for his acceptance of their religion. Everyone on earth who saw this event knows that it had one meaning: Benedict has no problem with Jews who reject Jesus Christ, and they have no obligation to accept Jesus Christ to be saved.

Near the very start of his address, Benedict XVI recalled his and John Paul II’s visit with Jews in Mainz, Germany, Nov. 17, 1980.

Benedict XVI, Address at the Cologne Synagogue, Aug. 19, 2005: “By this visit I would like to return in spirit to the meeting that took place in Mainz on Nov. 17, 1980, between my venerable predecessor Pope John Paul II, then making his first visit to this country, and members of the Central Jewish Committee in Germany and the Rabbinic Conference.”

For those who don’t know, the Nov. 17, 1980 visit to Mainz, Germany is precisely where John Paul II, for the first time, uttered his notorious heresy (now a staple of the Vatican II sect) that the Old Covenant has not been revoked by God.

John Paul II, Mainz, Germany, Nov. 17, 1980: “…the Old Covenant, never revoked by God…” (L’ Osservatore Romano, Dec. 9, 1980, p. 6.)

Benedict XVI is fully aware of this significant fact; it is why he mentioned it near the beginning of his speech. By citing the event at Mainz, Benedict XVI is telling everyone that he also holds that the Old Covenant has not been revoked, a heresy solemnly condemned by the Council of Florence.

Benedict XVI then proceeded to mention the Jewish “Holocaust.” This may be slightly off topic, but, in case you didn’t know, six million Jews were not killed during the “Holocaust.” Even Jewish sources now reject this as a complete myth, and list the number much lower. Some list the number below a million, such as was reported on Aug. 3, 1990 by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York. Various sources have differed on the number of Jews killed in the “Holocaust” from fewer than 100,000 to 9 million.

It is probable that a few hundred thousand Jews were killed during the period, along with similar numbers from other religions, including Catholics. I recommend an issue of The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001 which devastates the Holocaust myth with many facts.

If you have trouble coming to grips with dismissing the “Holocaust” myth of six million murdered Jews (a myth thoroughly ingrained on the public consciousness by the Jewish dominated media), consider that if the Jews could effectively make a propaganda campaign against Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ (declaring that it is“anti-Semitic” and that it would incite violence against Jews) – so much so that this topic dominated the media – when the film wasn’t anti-Semitic at all, just imagine what that same propaganda machine would do if as many as 100 or 200 thousand Jews were actually killed during World War II? Is it surprising that they would exaggerate it tenfold or sixty fold? Not at all. And the “Holocaust” myth is crucial for Jewish power today. It is one of the Jews’ most effective tools for control in the world, which they often use to obliterate public reference to Christ, and to diminish the public influence of Christianity. It is actually a crime in various countries, including Germany, to deny “the Holocaust”! This means that the Jewish version of history – essentially a Jewish article of faith today – is now obligatory under pain of being a criminal in various countries.

By mentioning “the Shoah” (the Holocaust) and anti-Semitism in his address at the Synagogue, Benedict XVI fuels the fire of the Jewish myth, and gives them more power to gain control in the public arena – power they almost invariably use to diminish Christianity and Our Lord from the public sphere. One cannot underestimate how evil this alone is.

Benedict XVI, Address at the Cologne Synagogue, Aug. 19, 2005: “This year marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps, in which millions of Jews -- men, women and children -- were put to death in the gas chambers and ovens. I make my own the words written by my venerable Predecessor on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and I too say: "I bow my head before all those who experienced this manifestation of the 'mysterium iniquitatis.' The terrible events of that time must "never cease to rouse consciences, to resolve conflicts, to inspire the building of peace ("Message for the Liberation of Auschwitz," Jan. 15, 2005).”

Benedict XVI bows his head for those Jews who perished in the Holocaust. This is heresy. It is a defined dogma that those who perished as Jews during the period were lost to Hell.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives….”

By bowing his head before these deceived Jews, he is clearly indicating that they can be saved as Jews and even though they rejected Jesus Christ, which is a denial of the above dogma. Benedict XVI then proceeded to make reference to Vatican II’s Decree Nostra Aetate.

Benedict XVI, Address at the Cologne Synagogue, Aug. 19, 2005: “This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the Second Vatican Council's declaration "Nostra Aetate," which opened up new prospects for Jewish-Christian relations in terms of dialogue and solidarity. This declaration, in the fourth chapter, recalls the common roots and the immensely rich spiritual heritage that Jews and Christians share. Both Jews and Christians recognize in Abraham their father in faith (cf. Galatians 3:7, Romans 4:11ff.) and they look to the teachings of Moses and the prophets. Jewish spirituality, like its Christian counterpart, draws nourishment from the psalms.”

Vatican II’s heretical declaration on Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate) teaches that Jews are not rejected by God, which is the most specific heresy in Vatican II:

Vatican II Declaration Nostra Aetate (#5): “Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or cursed by God, as if such views followed from the holy scriptures.”

See our article for more on this heresy: The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II. By mentioning Nostra Aetate, Benedict XVI is affirming again that Jews are acceptable even though they reject Jesus Christ.

Benedict XVI then proceeded to speak of no discrimination between religions, and respect for all religions.

Benedict XVI, Address at the Cologne Synagogue, Aug. 19, 2005: “On the basis of our shared human dignity the Catholic Church "condemns as foreign to the mind of Christ any kind of discrimination whatsoever between people, or harassment of them, done by reason of race or color, class or religion" (No. 5). The Church is conscious of her duty to transmit this teaching, in her catechesis and in every aspect of her life, to the younger generations which did not witness the terrible events that took place before and during the Second World War…The Catholic Church is committed -- I reaffirm this again today -- to tolerance, respect, friendship and peace between all peoples, cultures and religions.”

Pope Leo XIII condemned as Freemasonic exactly what Benedict XVI just said:

Pope Leo XIII, Custodi Di Quella Fede (# 15), Dec. 8, 1892:“Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.”

Benedict XVI then proceeded to make a very interesting statement, the significance of which would not be clear unless one were closely paying attention to his words:
Catholicism - Page 2 BenedictXVIinsynagogue

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by zone Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:10 pm

surprisingly accurate view by a catholic layman: worth the read and following the links. He studies and critiques Vatican II and Nostre Atarte for the dismal failure of Rome to maintain an semblance of historic positions (not validating cathloicism...just that this guy writes some good stuff:

posted a few MP3s by him.

Part III
The Historical Memory Hole

It's rather ironic for me to begin this section right now. I've just seen a PBS documentary in which the Christians are blamed for the burning of Rome, just as Nero the tyrant claimed and in spite of Tacitus' history. These Christians, of course, were in reality persecuted mercilessly by Nero -- but only, according to this documentary, because they were seen as a "radical Jewish sect." In other words, in today's world, the Christians burned Rome --something Jewish-Jews would never be accused of on public television -- but were persecuted by pagan Rome because they were, nonetheless, perceived as being a Jewish sect. I wonder why the producers of the show failed to mention that Nero's wife was a Jew named Poppaea and that according to rabbinical writings, Nero himself converted to Judaism. 1

So much for Christian suffering! If the Christians were persecuted, it was only because we were considered Jewish, in spite of the fact that the persecutor's wife was a Jew, and Jews themselves claim that the persecutor was a Jew. And, besides, we deserved it because we were arsonists after all! In one stroke, our innocence and our suffering are stolen. "You only suffered because they thought you were us -- and besides, you evil Catholics, you deserved it." History denied.

he's also on the geocentric team Very Happy

he claims john paul II and benedict are antipopes, marranos.

from the mediciis and black nobility.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty article by michael jones

Post by zone Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:15 am

interesting piece by catholic jones (with whom i agree on a lot):

The Conversion of the Revolutionary Jew

by E. Michael Jones

On June 15, 2006, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the United States passed a resolution condemning the Gospels as “anti-Jewish” documents. Since the conclusion which the Episcopalians drew from their recognition of that fact was to censor the Scriptures, especially their liturgical use, by removing anything a Jew might find offensive, many Episcopalians concluded that this was the final apostasy in a long slide which began at the Lambeth conference of 1930 when that church approved the use of contraceptives. Whether it is or it isn’t is beyond our purview here. No matter what conclusions the Episcopalians draw from the fact, the statement that the Gospels are anti-Jewish is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, true. The only real question is why it took the Episcopalians two thousand years to wake up to this fact or why they didn’t draw what seems to be the more logical conclusion, namely, that if Episcopalians want to be faithful to the example of Jesus Christ, they must be anti-Jewish as well.

The Episcopalians did not say that the Scriptures were anti-Semitic. If they had said that, the statement would have been false. Anti-Semitism is a relatively recent word. It was created in 1870 by a German by the name of Wilhelm Marr. It refers to race, and claims that Jews are hateful because of certain ineradicable biological characteristics. That idea led to Hitler, but the defeat of Hitler led to a re-definition of the word. Anti-Semitism now has an entirely different meaning. An anti-Semite used to be someone who didn’t like Jews. Now it is someone whom the Jews don’t like. No Christian can in good conscience be an anti-Semite, but every Christian, insofar as he is a Christian, must be anti-Jewish. In contemporary parlance the two terms are practically synonymous but their meanings are very different, and the distinction is deliberately obscured for political purposes...


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Post by strangelove Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:18 am

Playing temple....

"The meaning of the word liturgy is then extended to cover any general service of a public kind. In the Septuagint it (and the verb leitourgeo) is used for the public service of the temple (e.g., Exodus 38:27; 39:12, etc.). Thence it comes to have a religious sense as the function of the priests, the ritual service of the temple (e.g., Joel 1:9, 2:17, etc.). In the New Testament this religious meaning has become definitely established. In Luke 1:23, Zachary goes home when "the days of his liturgy" (ai hemerai tes leitourgias autou) are over. In Hebrews 8:6, the high priest of the New Law "has obtained a better liturgy", that is a better kind of public religious service than that of the Temple.

So in Christian use liturgy meant the public official service of the Church, that corresponded to the official service of the Temple in the Old Law

- Fortescue, A. (1910). Liturgy. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved February 19, 2010 from New Advent.

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Catholicism - Page 2 Empty Re: Catholicism

Post by strangelove Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:29 am

 A listing of parallels between Roman Catholicism and Judaism.

Priesthood (cf. Levitical priesthood/mediators between God and men)

Pope (cf. Jewish High Priest)

College of Cardinals (70) (cf. seventy elders of Moses/Deut.17:8)

Confession of sins to priest for forgiveness (cf. Lev.5:5)

Daily sacrifice of the Mass (cf. Daily burnt offering / Heb.10:11)

Altars for sacrifices

Altar vessels of gold and silver

Vestments for priests

Cardinals’ skullcap (cf. Jewish yarmulke)

Offertory (cf. Offerings)

Church buildings for worship (cf. Temple)

Liturgy (cf. service of the Temple)

Sunday obligation (cf. Sabbath observance)

Ecclesiastical Feasts (cf. Jewish feasts)

Scapular / Hairshirt (cf. Sackcloth)

Works-based salvation (cf. Mosaic Law)

Sacrament of infant baptism (cf. Rite of Circumcision / Talmud)

Wafer-only Communion (cf. Manna/Shew Bread)

Sacrament of Confirmation (cf. Jewish Bar/Bat Mitzvah)

Burning of candles and incense (cf. Exodus 30)

Holy water font (cf. The Laver / Exodus 40)

No salvation outside the (Catholic) Church (Gentiles must convert to Judaism to be saved)

The following Roman Catholic traditions were not part of the Mosaic Law but were adopted by the Israelites in their apostasy:

Traditions of men (Mark 7:6-13)

Vain repetitions (Lip service (Isa.29:13)

Veneration of saints (Idolatry/pagan gods)

Worship of Mary as Mother of God (Jews worshipped Queen of Heaven / Jer. 44)

Statues/images (images on the walls of Solomon’s Temple) (Ezek 8:10)

Demotion of Jesus to Co-Redeemer (cf. Jews’ denial of Jesus as Messiah)

Preoccupation with Christ’s death rather than resurrection (Jews’ denial of Jesus’ resurrection)


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