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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due

Post by zone Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:36 am

Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due

A still image taken from amateur video purportedly shows anti-government demonstrators rallying in Jasim, Deraa Governorate, April 22, 2011.

Credit: Reuters/Amateur Video via Reuters

By Khaled Yacoub Oweis
AMMAN | Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:26am EDT

AMMAN (Reuters) - Scores of pro-democracy protesters [globalist shills INCITING THE MASSES] killed by security forces will be buried across Syria in funerals expected to attract large crowds on Saturday and fuel mounting defiance against authoritarian rule.


but those are the Persians....may God help us all.


Oy! The Evil Inclination is so bad that it's one of the things God regrets creating:

Sukkah 52b

R. Hana b. Abba stated: It was said at the schoolhouse, There are four things of which the Holy One, blessed be He, regrets that He had created them, and they are the following: Exile [ so long PALESTINIANS], the Chaldeans [IRANIANS], the Ishmaelites [ARABS] and Evil Inclination [EVERYBODY ELSE]

‘The Exile', since it is written, Now, therefore, what do I here, says Adonai, seeing that My people is taken away for nothing; (Isaiah 52:5)

‘the Chaldeans', since it is written, Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this is the people that was not." (Isaiah 23:13)

‘the Ishmaelites', since it is written, The tents of the robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure since God brought them with His hand." (Job 12)

‘the Evil Inclination', since it is written, [And I will gather her that is driven away] and her that I have afflicted.(Micah 4:6)[/size]

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty Re: Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due

Post by strangelove Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:20 pm

So....when all those ambassadors got called back to DC they were either straight up briefed on how this ballz was gonna go down OR they were manipulated into bringing in mossad shills as 'attaches' or whatever.

Heck you can start a national revolution on the internet these days you dont even need real peeps.

Stuffs lookin baaaaad.

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty Re: Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due

Post by zone Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:32 pm

Strangelove wrote:So....when all those ambassadors got called back to DC they were either straight up briefed on how this ballz was gonna go down OR they were manipulated into bringing in mossad shills as 'attaches' or whatever.

Heck you can start a national revolution on the internet these days you dont even need real peeps.

Stuffs lookin baaaaad.

ya well....Brzezinski's movin' his pieces around the board.

Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Thumbnail

he-e-e-e-e-ey.......that reminds me of sumpin'

Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Gw_apron_with_blue_background_1
George Washington's Masonic Apron

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty Re: Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due

Post by zone Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:34 pm

don't forget who these guys are:

Brzezinski/Soros et al.

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty MUST SEE VIDEO! CIA Putsch Campaign in the Middle East

Post by zone Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:53 pm

MUST-SEE VIDEO: Tarpley does absolute smack-down on reasons for M.E. uprisings!!!
just listen to NeoCon DANIEL PIPES Rolling Eyes

Tarpley in Press TV Debate with Libyan Rebel Supporter, Neocon Pipes, Prof. Hilal Khashan of Beirut: Real Revolutions or CIA Putsch Campaign in the Middle East?

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
April 15, 2011
This April 6th interview just recently became available. — webmaster

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty Re: Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due

Post by strangelove Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:38 pm

Why the heck cant security services stay out of the affairs of foreign nations?

And why the heck is it that if you type illuminati backwards and put .com on the end and paste into your address bar it takes you to the NSA homepage?

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty Quaddafi son/ school kids killed/ Syria looks bad

Post by zone Mon May 02, 2011 3:28 am

US Murders Children in Bid to Assassinate Qaddafi (Again)

The very policy of targeted assassinations sidesteps any semblance of law, national or international. Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Commentballoon 35 Comments

Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike

Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society, and dust covers pictures of grinning children that adorn the hallway, thrown into darkness by a NATO strike early on Saturday.Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Commentballoon 17 Comments

“We don’t have time for this silliness”: White House correspondents’ dinner sees a less-serious Obama

Hoping to further quash conspiracy theories, President Obama announced Saturday night that he would show his official birth video, in front of an audience of 2,500 journalists, celebrities and hangers-on at the Washington Hilton.Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Commentballoon 53 Comments

Syria: Intervention Inevitable

Regime change in Syria was a foregone conclusion as early as 1991. General Wesley Clark in a 2007 speech in California relayed a 1991 conversation between himself and then Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Commentballoon 50 Comments

Trifecta of Mass Murder Sets Stage for Attack on Syria

John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham – described as Senate hawks by a timid corporate media – are demanding Obama call for the resignation of Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad.

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Syria buries scores of dead; more protests due Empty SYRIA then IRAN

Post by zone Mon May 02, 2011 3:31 am

Trifecta of Mass Murder Sets Stage for Attack on Syria

Kurt Nimmo
April 30, 2011
John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham – described as Senate hawks by a timid corporate media – are demanding Obama call for the resignation of Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad.

According to this Senate Trifecta of mass murder, the engineered color revolution in Syria “has reached a decisive point” and now is the time to push al-Assad out of power and further destabilize the Arab Middle East.

“By following the path of [Qadhafi] and deploying military forces to crush peaceful demonstrations, al-Assad and those loyal to him have lost the legitimacy to remain in power in Syria,” the senators said in a joint statement. “We urge President Obama to state unequivocally — as he did in the case of Qadhafi and [Egyptian President Hosni] Mubarak — that it is time for Assad to go.”

McCain-Lieberman-Graham want sanctions and other “tangible diplomatic and economic measures” to pressure leaders of the al-Assad regime to stop the crackdown, according toPolitico.

In other words, the senators are calling for sanctions on the Syrian people. Brutal medieval sanctions did not force Saddam Hussein to step down. It took two military invasions to get rid of him. Sanctions will not get rid of Gaddafi in Libya, either. Sanctions in the current context are merely a formality before the bombs begin to drop. Only a military invasion of Syria will force out al-Assad.

Earlier in the week, the Europeans began preparations. “France – together with the U.K., Germany, Spain and Italy – said Syrian ambassadors had been summoned to be made aware of the condemnation of the escalating violence against Syrian citizens,” reports the Wall Street Journal.

“We want to find an answer to these serious human-rights abuses at the European level,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel’s chief spokesman, Steffen Seibert. “Whether sanctions against Syrian leaders are possible will be reviewed. We would strongly support such sanctions,” he said.

The EU went further. A spokesman for Catherine Ashton, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, said Wednesday the 27-nation globalist bloc was “considering all options” for responding to the situation in Syria. The EU is one of the international institutions “working together to exert pressure” on Syria’s regime, said Michael Mann, Ashton’s spokesman.

It follows a familiar pattern that began in Egypt. Globalist NGOs, the CIA, NED, Freedom House, and USAID work together to support and organize popular opposition to dictatorial rulers like Mubarak and al-Assad.

A military attack on Egypt was not required like it now is in Libya and will soon be in Syria and Iran.

The Trifecta of Mass Murder has issued a siren call of things to come. It is unlikely Bashar al-Assad and his generals will step down as easily as Mubarak and his cronies. If we can believe the corporate media, the Syrian security services have killed hundreds of people. The regime is determined to stay in power, same as Gaddafi.
Don’t be surprised if the EU and the neocons in the U.S. begin calling for a no-fly zone and military attacks on al-Assad’s government. The globalists are determined to push the “Arab Spring” to its logical and bloody conclusion in order to get results

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