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Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite

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Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite Empty Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite

Post by zone Thu May 19, 2011 2:39 am

Birther Bombshell: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite

Paul Joseph Watson
May 18, 2011

During an interview with a Denver radio station this morning, author Jerome Corsi said he was about to release bombshell evidence that proved the alleged Obama birth certificate released last month was a composite of three different birth certificates from other individuals born at the same hospital.

“I’m going to be telling the entire world about this scandal over the next few weeks,” Corsi said in a separate interview. “This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.”

As the video below explains, another aspect of the birth certificate pointing to forgery is the fact that the electronic PDF document released by the White House clearly shows evidence of ‘kerning’ – where parts of letters overlap each other for a pleasing visual effect – this is produced by modern computers and was not possible on 1960′s typewriters.

As Corsi explains in the interview, the amateur nature of the botched birth certificate is likely because Obama had to use people within his inner circle to produce the document, he could not hire a professional company to do so because of the danger that someone would blow the whistle.

In a related development, Joseph Farah, the publisher of Corsi’s book, Where’s the Birth Certificate?, is considering suing Esquire Magazine for putting out a hoax article claiming that he ordered the book be recalled and was refunding customers who had purchased it.

“Obviously if it was intended as a parody, it was not very well executed, and quite honestly I can tell you that I believe there’s some very real damage done by this article, and I’m exploring our legal options right now,” Farah said. “I think there are potentially some issues like restraint of trade and possibly libel, I think most people looked at that article and believed I actually said those words, that is a real problem for Esquire.”

The fact that the establishment is putting out fake reports in an effort to derail the popularity of the book is another indication about how scared the system is of this information getting to a wider audience. This is an obvious ploy to sabotage the book by fooling retailers and disrupting the supply chain.

Like Corsi, Farah says that he is “100 percent certain” that the long form birth certificate released by Obama last month is a “fraudulent, bogus document.”
“We feel like Woodward and Bernstein in the early days of Watergate when nobody was reporting the story, and finally the New York Times came along,” Farah told Talking Points Memo.


from zone:

Re: the US and the west in general having all this turmoil within....

look this site over if you haven't seen it or aren't familiar with the info: specifically this part of the SCRIPT....if we get to wondering how all this stuff comes out and why its allowed to surface:

Act 4 - Erosion of Confidence in 'The System'

World War 3 Timeline

These are, I believe, the stages of the planned Third World War:

  • Prelude - The events leading up to the start of World War Three, including Sept 11, 2001.
  • Act 1 - The Middle East. Widespread conflict to bring the entire region into the flames of war, possibly triggered by Iran or militants in Pakistan using North Korean supplied nuclear arms. The first Scene in this Act is the US Invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.
  • Act 2 - Israel at War -- Against her Arab neighbors, possibly Palestine. A Palestinian State will be established, so that all Israelis will be fully separated from Palestinians (listen out for mention of a 7-year treaty to be confirmed by a World Leader - probably Bush), only for Israel to viciously attack Palestine shortly thereafter.
  • Act 3 - Far East -- "Hair-raising nuclear confrontation that threatens mankind's existence" - Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script, p. 223, written in 1981. Includes China invading Taiwan and a nuclear eruption on the Korean Peninsula.
  • Act 4 - Erosion of Confidence in 'The System' so severe citizens will be panicked into giving up liberties and Constitutional form of government. The plan calls for the dissolution of the US Constitution, triggered by a significant enough 'terrorist' attack. The ultimate intent is to introduce a global government and one-world religion.

  • Act 5 - The collapse of the US, and other Western economies and morals.
  • Act 6 - Significant population reduction using natural and man-made disasters.
  • Curtain. Who can tell how this war will end?

not endorsing this site one way or the other...just more info. naturally the Old Order has to completely collapse.

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Join date : 2011-01-31

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Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite Empty Re: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite

Post by strangelove Thu May 19, 2011 11:30 am

So your saying they've been slowly building up to this...leaking out the whole birth certificate malarky in order to set the U.S. up for, basically....civil war correct?

A massive earthquake would sure be handy at this point eh?

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Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite Empty Re: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite

Post by zone Thu May 19, 2011 1:25 pm

Strangelove wrote:So your saying they've been slowly building up to this...leaking out the whole birth certificate malarky in order to set the U.S. up for, basically....civil war correct?

A massive earthquake would sure be handy at this point eh?

Doc, not one single thing "leaks" that isnt allowed.
wikileaks is a soros/cia limited hangout op: btw....PAKISTAN is extremely serious.
the US has 1,000 predator drones just killing everyone in sight: they are INSANE.

but the Pharisees HAVE to have the US attacked by "terrorists"...gotta keep those blackhawks coming, and then gotta flatten that xtian zionist DUPE.

turns out the Strauss-Kahn thing (though the pervert is a pervert) was a set-up (prolly by sarkosy who kahn was set to beat in elections)....just like BBC reporting Building 7 went down 20 minutes before it did, PARIS heard the "news" of Khan's arrest an hour before it HAPPENED.

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Join date : 2011-01-31

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