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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:29 pm

Egypt in Gaza truce bid as rocket jolts Tel Aviv

GAZA (Reuters) - Egypt tried to open a tiny window to emergency peace diplomacy in Gaza on Friday, but hopes for even a brief ceasefire while its prime minister was inside the bombarded enclave to talk to leaders of the Islamist Hamas movement were immediately dashed.

Prime Minister Hisham Kandil visited the Gaza Strip officially to show solidarity with the Palestinian people after two days of relentless attacks by Israeli warplanes determined to end militant rocket fire at Israel.

A Palestinian official close to Egypt's mediators told Reuters Kandil's visit "was the beginning of a process to explore the possibility of reaching a truce. It is early to speak of any details or of how things will evolve".

Israel undertook to cease fire during the visit if Hamas did too. But it said rockets fired from Gaza hit several sites in southern Israel as he was in the enclave and has begun drafting 16,000 reserve troops, a possible precursor to invasion.

Tanks and self-propelled guns were seen near the border area of Friday and sirens sounded again over Tel Aviv, after witnesses in Gaza saw a long-range rocket launched. Israeli police said it landed in the sea off Israel's commercial centre.
A Hamas source said the Israeli air force launched an attack on the house of Hamas's commander for southern Gaza which resulted in the death of two civilians, one a child.

Israel's military strongly denied carrying out any attack from the time Kandil entered Gaza, and accused Hamas of violating the three-hour deal.

"Even though about 50 rockets have fallen in Israel over the past two hours, we chose not to attack in Gaza due to the visit of the Egyptian prime minister. Hamas is lying and reporting otherwise," the army said in a Twitter message.

Kandil said: "Egypt will spare no effort ... to stop the aggression and to achieve a truce."

At a Gaza hospital he held the bloodied body of a child. He left the Gaza Strip after meeting with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, the enclave's prime minister.

Palestinian medics said two people were killed in the disputed explosion at the house, one of them a child. It raised the Palestinian death toll since Wednesday to 22. Three Israelis were killed by a rocket on Thursday.

The Palestinian dead include eight militants and 14 civilians, among them seven children and a pregnant woman. A Hamas rocket killed three Israeli civilians in a town north of Gaza, men and women in their 30s, hitting their apartment.

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:31 pm

TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia's foreign minister will visit Gaza on Saturday as part of a delegation to offer support to Hamas and increase Arab pressure on Israel.

"An official Tunisian high-level delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs (Rafik Abdesslem) and the director of the presidential cabinet will go to Gaza tomorrow in confirmation of its initial position to provide all political support for Gaza," the spokesman for the Tunisian president, Moncef Marzouki, said in a statement on Friday.

Egypt's prime minister, Hisham Kandil, visited Gaza on Friday to show support for the Palestinian people after two days of attacks by Israeli warplanes aimed at ending militant rocket fire at Israel.

The latest upsurge in a long-running conflict was triggered on Wednesday when Israel killed Hamas's military mastermind, Ahmed Al-Jaabari, in a precision air strike on his car. Israel then began shelling the coastal enclave from land, air and sea.
Mass protests in Tunisia lit the Arab Spring uprisings and forced former President Zine al-Abidine to flee the country last year. Tunisia's ruling coalition is led by the Islamic Ennahda Movement which won the country's first free election.

(Reporting By Tarek Amara; Editing by Robert Woodward)

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty For Netanyahu, Gaza escalation could pave the way to Iran strike

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:33 pm

For Netanyahu, Gaza escalation could pave the way to Iran strike

Until this week, Prime Minister Netanyahu took pride in never having lead Israel into a war. Now he may be on the verge of starting not one but two.

By Amir Oren | 10:28 16.11.12 | 5

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have not given up the dream of carrying out a major operation in Iran. For some time, prior to the recent American election, they were in disagreement: Barak was against creating facts on the ground which President Barack Obama would be forced to deal with, whereas Netanyahu entertained the idea of exploiting the sensitive political period...

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:36 pm

Commanders Prepare Troops for Ground Invasion

IDF troops gather outside Gaza, begin preparing for ground invasion.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 11/16/2012, 11:38 AM

IDF commanders began Friday morning to brief their troops in advance of a possible ground operation in Gaza. Thousands of reservists have been called up for duty, and a total of at least 16,000 will be summoned for service

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:40 pm

Op-Ed: How the Map Would Look if US Were Attacked as Israel is

Published: Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:45 PM

A Baltimore "shaliach" explains the Gazan attacks graphically. Scroll down and see the maps.

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:52 pm

Rabbi on Jewish Law, Sabbath and War
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu reveals the Jewish law pertaining to the Sabbath in a time of war.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 11/16/2012, 3:14 PM

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the chief rabbi of Tzfat, spoke to Arutz Sheva on Friday about the relevant halacha (Jewish law) for observing the Sabbath during the ongoing rocket assault from Gaza.

He noted that during a time of war, Jews say the prayer, “Give thanks to G-d because his kindness is forever,” omitting the words “because it is good” that are usually said. “Why not say ‘because it is good’? Because it isn’t good.”

“We do our task because we have no choice, but it’s important to know that we do not love war,” he explained. “We want peace. But now, when we need to fight against villains like those in the Gaza strip, it is a positive commandment to fight them.”

Reservists who think they may be called to service should prepare a bag with the things they need before the Sabbath, including items not used on the Sabbath such as a mobile phone, Rabbi Eliyahu said.

Soldiers who have been called to service should do whatever they are asked to do in order to prepare. “Checking ammunition, [shooting on the] firing range – everything is allowed, even though he is not certain that his unit will go into Gaza,” the rabbi said.

“During the battle itself one must fight bravely with no mercy for the cruel, because those who are merciful to the cruel are ultimately cruel to the merciful,” he added.

Civilians living in southern and central Israel should set their radio to the quiet channel before the Sabbath begins, he said. Those in the north should not turn on the radio, even to the quiet channel.

“In general, one should continue life as usual – go to synagogue, etc,” Rabbi Eliyahu said. “If there is a rocket alarm one must take cover, even during the Amidah prayer. But in that case, stop praying, but silently, no talking. When the incident ends, return to the same place and continue from where you stopped.”

Everything needed in case of rocket alarms should be prepared in advance, he noted. If a family forgot to prepare a light for the reinforced room and must take shelter during the Sabbath, and children are crying because they are afraid in the dark, a child may turn the light on, he said.

Rabbi Eliyahu concluded with good wishes for the nation. “May G-d watch over and protect and save and take mercy on all of his sons and daughters, on the people of Israel, on all the soldiers. May He give wisdom and knowledge to the commanders to make the right decisions, courage to our leaders to protect the people of Israel without fearing the nations of the world at all,” he said.

Oh how holy and religious to properly observe the sabbath while showing "no mercy" for the goyim you rule over.

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:54 pm

Rocket fired at Tel Aviv landed in the sea: police spokesman
Reuters – 3 hrs ago

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip towards Tel Aviv on Friday landed in the sea, a police spokesman said.

"The rocket landed off the shores of Tel Aviv," the spokesman said after air raid sirens sounded in Israel's commercial centre and an explosion was heard.
(Writing by Jeffrey Heller, Editing by Crispian Balmer)


don't forget this.

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:05 pm

"...After the attack, Islamic Jihad's Al-Quds Brigade announced that it had fired an Iranian-made Fajr 5 rocket at the sprawling coastal city in central Israel...."

To read more:

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:10 pm

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping the offensive in the Gaza Strip wins his Likud party more votes in January's election. But the move is extremely risky. Skirmishes could escalate into a full-blown war that might weaken Hamas but shift Palestinian support behind even more radical groups.

Just a few hours before the launch of the deadly offensive against military targets and Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in his favorite place: in front of live television cameras. On Wednesday evening, he addressed the Israeli people with direct, aggressive words. "Today, we relayed a clear message to the Hamas organization and other terrorist organizations," he said. "If there is a need, the military is prepared to expand the operation." Defense Minister Ehud Barak also addressed reporters, saying that Hamas' "consistent provocation in recent weeks … forced our hand into acting with both precision and decisiveness."

The dual appearance seems to betray the motives behind the most recent attacks. "When the cannons roar, we see only Netanyahu and Barak on the screen, and all the other politicians have to applaud them," wrote the daily Haaretz in a commentary published Thursday. "The assassination of (Hamas' top military commander Ahmed) Jabari will go down in history as another showy military action initiated by an outgoing government on the eve of an election."

Indeed, one can conclude that the most recent offensive against militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip -- which started Wednesday with the killing of Jabari -- has been conceived as more of a show fight for the Israeli public than the beginning of a decisive battle.

Dangerous Gambling

Both Netanyahu and Barak would have good reasons for wanting to use a successful mini-campaign to score points before parliamentary elections are held on Jan. 22. Netanyahu is undoubtedly afraid that ex-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert could snatch votes away from his Likud party if he decides to throw his hat in the ring. In fact, there are rumors that Olmert was planning to announce his candidacy precisely on Wednesday evening. But the military action codenamed "Pillar of Defense" upset his plans......


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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Israeli Officials Talk Long War in Gaza, Prepare Invasion

Post by zone Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:37 pm

Israeli Officials Talk Long War in Gaza, Prepare Invasion
Invasion Troops Mass as Israel Calls Up Reservists
by Jason Ditz, November 15, 2012

Tanks and armored vehicles poured into southern Israel today while busloads of soldiers were brought to the front, as a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, the first since early 2009, seems to be coming closer.

Air strikes have been a virtual constant against the tiny strip over the past day, with large numbers of civilian casualties and Israeli officials talking up the idea that the attacks are just the beginning.

Israeli officials have condemned Hamas for retaliating against their attacks, with Benjamin Netanyahu terming the retaliation a “double war crime.” Officials say if Hamas continues to retaliate they will consider a ground invasion, but others have suggested they will keep launching air strikes whether Hamas reacts or not, and it seems increasingly that the timing of the ground invasion is just a question of getting reservists and other troops into the area, with a decision likely already made.

The 2008-09 Israeli invasion killed 1,417 people, with the overwhelming majority innocent civilians. Israeli officials have since touted it as a model of “deterrence” and have been talking up a repeat performance ever since. They say that this war’s goals are identical. It seems that repeat may begin soon, as there is little to no momentum coming from the international community to calm the situation down, with Western officials mostly reiterating that they support Israel.

November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Gaza

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by zone Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:21 pm

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Finkelstein: Israeli army “most cowardly on earth"

There are many reasons Israel can't invade. The most obvious is, this time there are lots of foreign journalists in Gaza. The IDF (Israeli army) is the most cowardly army on earth. They don't attack without first destroying everything in front and to the sides of them, which of course means massive civilian casualties.

This time they can't do this because the operation was largely spontaneous, unlike Operation Cast Lead (in Gaza 2008-2009), so they weren't able to seal the borders.

There's even a NY Times reporter in Gaza, and she's plainly not happy with what she's seeing. The Times even made an “error" yesterday and referred in the headline to the Israeli attack on "civilian buildings." A few hours later they referred to "government buildings.” But today the Times led with the deaths of 11 people, five women, four children (killed by the Israelis Sunday, Nov. 18; the victims are now said to be 12).

Of course, Israel can't be thrilled with this, and they know that in the event of a ground invasion, it'll be scores of civilians killed, not just because they like to kill civilians (which they do) but also because that's the only way the know (how) to fight: destroy everything in your path for miles around. They can't do that now, but also Netanyahu can't risk significant IDF casualties. (It would be a) Disaster with an (Israeli) election looming. So, I still say, no invasion. --Norman Finkelstein
November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Israeli_state_terror

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Revelation of the Method in Israeli attacks on Gaza

Post by zone Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:22 pm

Sunday, November 18, 2012
Revelation of the Method in Israeli attacks on Gaza

By Michael Hoffman

From Israeli negotiator Gershon Baskin comes this key piece of Revelation of the Method. It shows that until a few days ago, the recent rocket attacks on the Israeli state were largely the work of Salafist (Saudi and western-intelligence-connected, Al Qaeda-style) groups who oppose Hamas. Mr. Baskin reveals that it was the chief Hamas negotiator on preventing rocket attacks, Ahmed al-Jabari, who the Israelis assassinated in a Barzini gambit. Jabari was one of the few Hamas enforcers with the power to stop the renegade Salafist rocketeers in Gaza. He was considering an apparent Israeli proposal for a ceasefire, which had been brokered by Egypt, when the Israelis terror-bombed the car he was riding in, killing him and his son.....

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by strangelove Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:24 pm

zone wrote:it was the chief Hamas negotiator on preventing rocket attacks, Ahmed
al-Jabari, who the Israelis assassinated
in a Barzini gambit. Jabari was
one of the few Hamas enforcers with the power to stop the renegade
Salafist rocketeers in Gaza. He was considering an apparent Israeli
proposal for a ceasefire, which had been brokered by Egypt, when the
Israelis terror-bombed the car he was riding in, killing him and his

This is just....well....I just give up.

It's disgusting.

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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Re: November 2012 Israel/Gaza war

Post by Hammer Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:04 pm

zone wrote:Op-Ed: How the Map Would Look if US Were Attacked as Israel is

Published: Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:45 PM

A Baltimore "shaliach" explains the Gazan attacks graphically. Scroll down and see the maps.

How would the map look if the US acted like Israel? We'd be occupying portions of Canada and Mexico, while inflicting communal punishment on those we occupied and while insisting we're a better stock of people.

Also, Israeli rockets cover all of the occupied territory, not just a quarter. And, Israeli rockets/missiles/bombs carry far stronger payloads.


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November 2012 Israel/Gaza war Empty Judaism: Civilian Casualties: The Ethical Dilemma

Post by zone Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:08 pm

Judaism: Civilian Casualties: The Ethical Dilemma

"Attacked by a barrage of rockets from Gaza that killed several, injured many and terrorized millions, Israel responded with airstrikes against military targets in Gaza. Radar guided missiles attacked terror cells, rockets launchers, bomb factories and Hamas government installations.

The difference between the terrorist attacks and the Israeli retaliation is that the terrorists deliberately aimed for civilian centers seeking to kill innocent people whereas Israeli planes dropped leaflets encouraging residents to vacate the area of their intended targets. The terrorists seek out innocents, Israel works to save them, but every so often a target is missed and an innocent civilian is killed......

...Today, the Vatican seeks to teach us moral values by admonishing Israel for killing babies.

Cardinal Ravasi ought to remember to whom he is talking. Jews are the people of the book, who taught the world about sanctity of life. While Ravasi’s nation was mired in feudalism and tribalism, Jews trembled at the thought of murder. The Vatican mourns the loss of innocent babies, but can they muster grief for the death of combatants as Abraham did? The Jew is way ahead of the Vatican on matters of moral value. To the Jew, every life is precious, even the lives of our enemies...."

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