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Dispensationalism! Empty Dispensationalism!

Post by Knight2Christ Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:05 pm

affraid I believe that Dispensationalism is the greatest conspiracy and mass murder maybe in the history of the world.  Though most of the deaths have not happened yet physically.  

It is so hid from it's users that when you say something to them about it, they just do this bounce !  

You can go almost anywhere in the world, and if you say the words 'left behind', whether Christian or not, they know what you mean.  It is absolutely mind boggling how they packaged, promoted and advertised this sick evil brew into the masses!   alien   

There are millions of Christians in this country who are not in the churches.  I believe that many if not most, have come out of these Dispensational churches; in the end they could not drink any more of this toxic brew, but it has left them as damaged goods for the most part.  They will not go back to those churches but they are afraid to say very much about them, because their afraid of them!  drunken   

I could not figure this out for the longest time?  But if you've experienced their damning fury and rage in trying to expose them, then you know what their capable of if you cross them!   cyclops 

It may fit nicely with some of the other things on this conspiracy page?!   bom 
  just some of my thoughts

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:00 am

The study of the dispensationalist conspiracy (Dispology) is a favorite area of study for the members here. The few members here.

Welcome to the forum.

I'm Doc.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by zone Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:42 pm

Strangelove wrote:The study of the dispensationalist conspiracy (Dispology) is a favorite area of study for the members here. The few members here.

Welcome to the forum.

I'm Doc.

(Dispology) lol!

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by zone Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:46 pm

Knight2Christ wrote:......if you've experienced their damning fury and rage in trying to expose them, then you know what their capable of if you cross them!   cyclops 

It may fit nicely with some of the other things on this conspiracy page?!   bom 
  just some of my thoughts

that fury comes from the dispie foundational belief that God actually said I will bless those who bless the Jewish State and curse those who curse the Jewish State.

dat's what their Gospel is: "ya, ya, there's a church....but that's not God's Plan."
His plan is to commit genocide in the Middle East, including christians there (they're only Plan B substandards anyways) cuz He owes the jews some Real Estate.

or sumpin.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:09 pm

Again, I heartily recommend "Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism" volumes 1 & 2 by Jonas E. Alexis.

He wraps up the whole caboodle, from the last 2000 years. It's simple really. Rejection of the King.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by zone Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:45 pm

Strangelove wrote:Again, I heartily recommend "Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism" volumes 1 & 2 by Jonas E. Alexis.

He wraps up the whole caboodle, from the last 2000 years. It's simple really. Rejection of the King.

first rate.

E Michael Jones (a Catholic) has the same thesis, backed up by scripture and history. 
he uses the term rejection of Logos.

rejection of Logos:

logos: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Original Word: λόγος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: logos
Phonetic Spelling: (log'-os)
Short Definition: a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy
Definition: a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy.
HELPS Word-studies
3056 lógos (from 3004 /légō, "speaking to a conclusion") – a word, being the expression of a thought; a saying. 3056 /lógos ("word") is preeminently used of Christ (Jn 1:1), expressing the thoughts of the Father through the Spirit.
[3056 (lógos) is a common term (used 330 times in the NT) with regards to a person sharing a message (discourse, "communication-speech"). 3056 (lógos) is a broad term meaning "reasoning expressed by words."]

and simply here, from Wiki:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

..."a principle of order and knowledge."...

when you KNOWINGLY reject Christ, Logos, you reject God's order and knowledge.
which without repentance results in the judgment of blindness.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:07 am

Dispism must be TAUGHT. You cannot arrive there from absorbing the knowledge and order contained within scripture.

You must be intoxicated with the poison.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by SarahM777 Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:25 pm

Strangelove wrote:Dispism must be TAUGHT. You cannot arrive there from absorbing the knowledge and order contained within scripture.

You must be intoxicated with the poison.

And they are very good at it. But it starts to fall apart when you begin to realize that they leave a number of verses out that can NOT be explained away and make no sense in a seven year tribulation yada yada yada. What is the great deception that causes scoffers to question Jesus return and cause so many to "lose" their faith so much so that Jesus questions would He even find faith when He returns? How does is it that with all the destruction over seven years that people are so oblivious to His return that as in the days of Lot and Noah they go about marrying and eating and drinking and SUDDEN destruction comes upon them? How does that make any sense? 

Then where is the third temple built by human hands? I've tried and tried and I simply can't find it.  Rolling Eyes 

And how does one deal with what God told us the witness of what the song of Moses was to be?
Never mind the fact that John wrote Revelation to the churches in Asia minor and that is who it is addressed to and those churches with a high percentage of Jews and the Jews would have gotten what John was talking about with the symbols. Never mind God told Israel they would receive the plagues of both Sodom and Egypt. Never mind that John mentions frogs,locusts,water turned to blood,hail and lightning,and darkness. UMMM If I remember correctly weren't those also mentioned in Exodus? And didn't God say they would punished seven times for their sins? Seven thunders,seven seals,seven bowls and seven trumpets? 

What I don't understand is how that gets ignored.

Last edited by SarahM777 on Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : mangled thought)

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by SarahM777 Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:29 pm

And this also ties in with the Charismatic movement. The gifts were being restored for the end times. (I was AoG for a while)  Rolling Eyes

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by Knight2Christ Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:18 am

I've landed in Dispology Heaven!  Thanks Doc!  I think you cured me!   What a Face  

As you said Zone, it's the Dispensationalist prophecy's of the Zionist that holds this toxic theology together!  

The Dispensationalist fostered the Zionist move for 200 plus years before 1948, when the New Jewish State of Israel was brought forth.  The preaching of this bastard gospel bolsters the unbelief of the Jews and Church.  

I tried to tell some of the folks in (THAT OTHER CHAT ROOM), that the phrase 'all Israel will be saved', means:  All the faithful dead in Sheol, in 'Abraham's Bosom', and the last generation of Old Covenant Israel into the Early Church!  There was and is no more righteous line of Old Covenant Israel after Jesus! 

 I tried to tell them that from 4bc to 70ad was the last great prophetic move of God (there will be another), But they act like the historical time of Jesus and the Early Church is just a time for story telling!  And don't get me wrong, I love the story telling of Jesus and the Early Church!  

I was speaking with someone the other day and they said, with all of the Jews being back in the Holy Land the time is ripe for the coming of the Lord!  I said yea, or a third Holocaust?!  
just some of my thoughts that seem to keep me in trouble!

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by Knight2Christ Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:02 pm

Well I would like to add somethings because I don't know most of the folks in here!  First off, I don't wish any ill thing on any Jews, anymore than I'd wish them on anyone else!  One of my longest and dearest friends in the work and labor in the ministry of the Gospel is indeed a Jew boy!  

But neither do I wish to white wash any of the things I've found to be true concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Concerning the Jews, I'm not speaking to them but to the Church, because it is a form of the church which has bolstered their unbelief as Zionists and in believing they are still 'the chosen people of God'!  

I must leave the fate of the Jews, between God and the Jews!  

There is no longer any such thing as Old Covenant Israel (OCI) upon this earth!  Jesus is the last line of the faithful of OCI, He is True Israel and there is no other righteous line of Jews next to Him!  In bringing forth a first born unto the resurrection of the dead, (Rr of the Dd)!  

All of the Jews who did not come into Christ Jesus, their Messiah in that specific generation 30ad to 70ad; were cut off from Israel (their blessings) and were cast out of the Kingdom of God unto this very day!  

The Jews in the world today, whether in the New Jewish State in Israel or not; if any, who are offspring of those who were cast out of the Kingdom.  They are not 'the chosen people of God'!  

As long as the Jews keep pursuing this title, and the Dispensational church; or a church of any form calling itself by the name of Jesus.  God is going to keep raising up another evil bunch to knock them down!  ie The Roman Army; the Nazi's; modern Islam......

There is no such thing as a future 7 yr tribulation, whether pre, mid or post; being ever postponed by the Gnostic Gap of the false eschatology of Dispensationalist.  There is no prophecy in God's Word of a 3rd Temple being built!  

The Gospel is being preached to the Jews and this is a good thing; God is still holding out His Olive branch of Jesus unto them!  But a time is coming when God will turn His back on this false church that pretends to be God's Light that is set upon a hill, and the Zionist Jew who will again, not heed God's Will and Word.  

There is no more Jew or Gentile!  This means:  1) There is no more Gentile that was God's chosen people (Israel's); enemy, from Adam to Adam!  After 70ad they existed no more, the times of the Gentiles began to be phased out in 30ad and ended in 70ad!  2) After 70ad there was no more Jews who were known or called by the title, 'the chosen people of God'!  

There are no more Jew or Gentile!  
Which part of this do you not understand?

But if you take all of these things out of this generation of the Early Church, and cast them into a Gnostic future that never is to be. It is impossible to adhere to the truth in the Gospel!  

These are the things that have been taken out of their place at the time of Jesus' death on the Cross and the Early Church; and cast beyond their Gnostic Gap unto a false 7 yr tribulation.  1) The times of the Gentiles   2) the time of Jacob's trouble   3) the great and terrible day of the Lord  4)  Dan's 70th wk   5) 1st born unto the 'Rr of the Dd'    6)  Jews no longer known by the title of  'God's chosen people    I could keep going and going.......  

So it is clear to see, if all of these things have been changed it is virtually impossible to have clarity in the hearing, or the preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  There is no doubt in my mind that there are many trapped in this toxic gospel of Dispensationalism Who love Jesus!  

So, SHOUT, from the Towers all Ye Watchmen:  THE ENEMY IS IN THE CAMP!        THE ENEMY'S IN THE CAMP!  
just some of my thoughts

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:40 am


Good post Knight.  Very Happy

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by zone Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:50 pm

Knight2Christ wrote:I've landed in Dispology Heaven!  Thanks Doc!  I think you cured me!   What a Face  

As you said Zone, it's the Dispensationalist prophecy's of the Zionist that holds this toxic theology together!

hey Knight.
and it's the dispies who are to blame.
the zionists are dead in trespasses and sins, unregenerate. they're just doing what every other lost sinner is doing.
if they get help from dupes are they not going to take it? of course they are.
if they can dupe dispies, are they not going to? of course they are.

there's a CURSE on false gospels....and those who teach them.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by Knight2Christ Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:40 pm

zone wrote:

hey Knight.
and it's the dispies who are to blame.
the zionists are dead in trespasses and sins, unregenerate. they're just doing what every other lost sinner is doing.
if they get help from dupes are they not going to take it? of course they are.
if they can dupe dispies, are they not going to? of course they are.

there's a CURSE on false gospels....and those who teach them.

Howdy yerself Zone    Exclamation 


I believe I was reading in a preterist site today, about the latest talk in the New Jewish Sate of Israel, of the birth of the red heifer; and of course its ashes and a third temple being built in Mecca, I'm sorry Jerusalem!  (my bad)?  

it was   by Don K Preston  

He seems to have some good articles on full preterism, and he has a lot of debates with dispensationalist.  All of these things and books and what-not are on this website.  

Your right Zone the Zionist Jew announces these things and look to an end of the world, according to the false prophecies of these dispensational false prophets who call themselves of the church of Christ Jesus.  Satan dawns his Jesus Mask and who then can stop him?  

Man cannot stop them, because this dispensationalist funk has become a run-a-way freight train!  Headed directly for Jerusalem, and those in this New State of Israel who has called it straight unto themselves!  

The Dispensationalist created, and props-up their puppet Zionists!  But just remember God hardens the hearts of those who have in truth turned from Him, and if their is a 3rd Holocaust (which I believe there will be); it is because God has called them to this judgement, as He does all men.  

In this the Dispensationalist will be judged also.  They say this gathering in Jerusalem is to a special deliverance, of the Jew?  So, it must be proven to be, or not to be so; they have challenged God with their false prophecies of the 'last days', so let it be to them as they have said!  

The hold on the church of Dispensationalism must be broken; that which cannot be stopped is fixing to hit that which cannot be moved!  

But it can truly be said, no nation or peoples on the earth have been given so many chances to repent as Israel of Old and the Jews!   Bow   I must let the fate of the Jews be between them and God!  

God is still holding out His Olive Branch of Jesus to them, but for how much longer?

      just some of my thought's this day       Hoop

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by Knight2Christ Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:51 pm

to post...con't...

In fact, we need not forget some of the basic things about God?  ....God will not be mocked...  ...His Word will not come back to Him void...    ...what so ever a man soweth that will he also reap.....  !  

You can not!   You Can Not!  YOU CAN NOT!  
Make God a liar for almost 300 years and not expect His Vengeance!  until the fullness of this sin has been fulfilled!!!!!  Right?

One cannot speak false prophecies using the words of the Ancient Prophets of Israel, and making the Holy Spirit of God complaisant!  Then make any claim, that they have within themselves the fear of God!  Jesus said,   ...the Son will forgive... ...the Father will forgive...  ...but the Spirit of God will not forgive...  !  

In all of this I'm referring to the false prophecies that Dispensationalism is built upon; and in which the Zionist Jew, basis their existence in!  

The gathering of the Zionist Jew unto the New Jewish State in Israel, and their being saved in a special way, aside from the Gospel and the blood of Jesus.  Is wholly contingent on the return of Christ Jesus, as their lost Messiah; now delivering these same people unto Himself, as if these modern Jews were the same 'Chosen People of God', as those who were taken before 70ad!  

This is a false prophecy, attributed to both the writers of the Old and New Testaments; who were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God!  And all of the rest of the crap that goes along with their left behind garbage!  

These people have no fear of any retribution from an Almighty God, that's scary!   affraid  And the point I wished to make here.

 just some of my thoughts

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:54 am

No, I think the point your trying to make (again) is that the second coming of Christ is a false prophecy.

And as we've established in this thread, and as you admit yourself, you don't know what yer talking about. You clearly err like Hymenaeus.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by Knight2Christ Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:35 am

The second coming of Christ Jesus was not a false prophecy, Doc; 

but it is a false prophecy to proclaim it is still in the future in the 21st Century.  

So, I do not think it is I who is in err, but thanks for your thoughts!

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:08 am

Then explain what The Error of Hymenaeus is.

This time cogently.

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Dispensationalism! Empty Knight to Christ

Post by redoubt Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:37 pm

You said: 
it was   by Don K Preston  

He seems to have some good articles on full preterism, and he has a lot of debates with dispensationalist.  All of these things and books and what-not are on this website. 

I do hope you do not fall for Satan's diaprax or dialectic, that is what Preterism is.  If you go down that rabbit hole you may not come back!  You will be stunted in your understanding of scriptures, especially Revelations, when imbibing their intoxicants.  I do not want to discuss them other than they are liars and deceivers like the dispensationalists.  They are very good at what they do!  Just because they are against dispensationalists means nothing if you imbibe other falsehoods from another dead tree.  Their most blatant lie is Jesus Christ came in 70 AD...why would you quote them or even give them the time of day?

Those who want to argue the Preterist views I would leave alone, but you should know what they teach for your own gratification.


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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by redoubt Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:02 am

Knight 2 Christ
I just want to add one more warning about Preterist false doctrine.  If you continue down that path you will end up a Dominionist which is part and parcel with Zionism, Catholicism and is kin to the destroyer.  Catholics are also Preterists and Dominionists.  You cannot be remnant and associated with false doctrines of demons.  They are proud and haughty of spirit.


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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:14 am

Welcome to the forum redoubt. Bit quiet here at the moment.  Neutral

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:17 am


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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by zone Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:59 pm

heya Docster.
watching this now.
got Chromecast finally

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by strangelove Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:18 pm

Zone! Your alive!

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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

Post by outsidethecamp Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:42 pm

"Marching to Zion", Good video!


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Dispensationalism! Empty Re: Dispensationalism!

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