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what's really happening in Ukraine?

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:34 pm

this thread is for an historical review up to the present, current events in Ukraine.

first question:
who benefits?

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:41 pm

examining the propaganda can reveal who the players are and what their game theory is.

for example:

Email intercepts that included the original copies of anti-Semitic leaflets distributed in Eastern Ukraine have now been shown to be part of an elaborate false flag hoax to sabotage recent US-Russian talks.

The hoax, a “game theory warfare” operation, was meant to “sucker punch” both Russia and the US.  If those responsible, in this case the New York based ADL, were caught, and they have been, there would be no consequences.

The ADL is “untouchable.” When Secretary of State Kerry expressed his revulsion at Nazi leaflets demanding that Jews in Ukraine “register” with a non-existent government agency, little did he know he was the victim of an elaborate and highly dangerous false flag hoax.

Anonymous Ukraine, the group that intercepted emails outlining false flag terror attack plans made by the US Embassy in Kiev in March, has done it again. Emails intercepted between Washington DC offices tied to the Anti-Defamation League sent to neo-Nazi extremists in the Ukraine were the sources of the outrageous materials.

The news of pro-Russian thugs trying to impose a tax on Jews first appeared on Wednesday morning on a small, local news website in eastern Ukraine called Novosti Donbassa. Along with a photo of a neo-Nazi throwing the Hitler salute, the website offered the story of three masked goons hanging around a synagogue in the city of Donetsk and handing out anti-Semitic fliers to local Jews. The site even ran a photo of the flier, which demanded that Jewish residents of Donetsk show up to “register,” pay a fee of “50 American dollars,” and offer proof of any property they own in the region. It all looked like a crude joke.

But even though Novosti Donbassa is not the most reliable source even by the less than exacting standards of Ukrainian media, the story was apparently too scandalous to ignore. It ricocheted around the Internet on Wednesday before winding up in the Israeli press and, finally, on the website of USA Today. By Thursday evening, the article had reached U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who commented on it during high-level talks in Geneva. “In the year 2014, after all of the miles traveled and all of the journey of history, this is not just intolerable, it’s grotesque. It is beyond unacceptable,” Kerry told reporters after talks meant to resolve the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine. By that point, this flier was making news around the world.


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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:44 pm

the MMM keeps calling ukrainians who don't want to align with the fascist NATO backed illegit govt - "russian sympathizers", etc.

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:48 pm

What remains a mystery is the origin of the leaflets. They bear the signature of Denis Pushilin, chairman of the “Donetsk People’s Republic,” as the group of pro-Russia protesters currently occupying government buildings in several Eastern Ukrainian cities and purportedly backed by Russia calls itself. However, though Pushilin confirmed the flyers were distributed in Donetsk, he has denied connection to them.

It is also unclear whether the men who distributed the flyers were affiliated with the DPR or simply provocateurs. One Israeli newspaper reported Pushilin confirmed that his organization did distribute the leaflets, though claimed that he denies the DPR’s involvement; both claim he denied connection to the flyers’ anti-semitic content, and The Daily Beast quoted him as saying it “could have been the work of provocateurs hoping to discredit the pro-Russian movement.”

Haaretz, Israel’s oldest daily newspaper, tweeted Thursday night that belief in the authenticity of the document was becoming scarce:

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:51 pm

zone wrote:the MMM keeps calling ukrainians who don't want to align with the fascist NATO backed illegit govt - "russian sympathizers", etc.

Antisemitic Flyer 'by Donetsk People's Republic' in Ukraine a Hoax

City's chief rabbi states pamphlet is fake, claiming it is meant to discredit pro-Russian protesters or Jewish community

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:52 pm

Veterans Today was Right – Ukraine Jewish Registration Flyer was Fake

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:55 pm

Beneath the Ukraine Crisis: Shale Gas

Ukrainian Regime Launches Fascist-Led Crackdown

The Western-backed regime in Kiev and fascist militias allied to it launched a bloody crackdown against pro-Russian protests across eastern Ukraine yesterday. With the Kremlin massing forces on Russia’s border with Ukraine, threatening to intervene defend ethnic Russians, the situation is on the brink of a war between Russia and Ukraine, which could escalate into a direct clash between Russia and NATO.

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Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:57 pm

Top diplomat Christopher R. Hill says that Russia’s response to the Ukraine crisis means that Moscow has betrayed the “new world order” it has been a part of for the last 25 years.


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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:59 pm

Forget 1991 or World War II: The Real Historical Parallel to the Ukraine Crisis is Poland's 1863 Revolt Against the Tsar

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:00 pm

Mainstream US Media Is Lost in Ukraine
March 16, 2014

Exclusive: The U.S. mainstream news media is reaching a new professional low point as it covers the Ukraine crisis by brazenly touting Official Washington’s propaganda themes, blatantly ignoring contrary facts and leading the American public into another geopolitical blind alley, writes Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

As the Ukraine crisis continues to deepen, the mainstream U.S. news media is sinking to new lows of propaganda and incompetence.

Somehow, a violent neo-Nazi-spearheaded putsch overthrowing a democratically elected president was refashioned into a “legitimate” regime, then the “interim” government and now simply “Ukraine.”

The Washington Post’s screaming headline on Sunday is “Ukraine decries Russian ‘invasion,’” treating the coup regime in Kiev as if it speaks for the entire country when it clearly speaks for only a subset of the population, mostly from western Ukraine.

The regime’s “legitimacy” comes not from a democratic election but from a coup that was quickly embraced by the U.S. government and the European Union.


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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:02 pm


Mykhailo Hrushevsky and the
History of Ukraine-Rus′


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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:03 pm

Unelected Kiev Regime Begins Killing Spree in Eastern Ukraine

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:13 pm

zone wrote:Veterans Today was Right – Ukraine Jewish Registration Flyer was Fake

There is a long-established tradition within the Zionist community of staging false flag “anti-Semitic” incidents in order to promote immigration to Israel or mobilize financial support.
According to the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish organization Neturie Karta, Mossad units bombed North African synagogues during the 1950s in a highly successful operation that “chased” Jews who had been living peacefully in North Africa for hundreds of years into Israel.
In the US and across Europe, anti-Semitic attacks, Swastikas on synagogues and “leaflet” campaigns have been tied to Jewish support groups. These events were quickly followed up by fund raising campaigns, at times bringing in millions from corporations, many of which had supported Hitler during World War II.

American extremist group expert Laird Wilcox was a hound dog when it came to sniffing out the ADL’s long history of manipulating hate crime statistics and fabricating threats to get media headlines.
In Laird’s 1998 The Watchdogs he revealed that the annual ADL anti-Semitism statistics were compiled from polling its own mailing list. To make the process quick and easy in 1997, members could quickly check off the various abuse boxes to generate the needed statistics to falsely charge their fellow Americans with hate.

About the ADL Wilcox says, “Less well known are its espionage, disinformation and destabilization operations, not only against Neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klansmen, but against leftist and progressive groups as well.”

The ADL’s espionage operations became a scandal in 1993 when there San Francisco operations were raided where thousands of Intel files were found not only on individuals about also groups, and where much or the information had been obtained illegally by having paid agents steal police records.
At Veterans Today we call this a classic espionage operation.
What was Abe Foxman’s response to these critics at the time? He went on the attack, calling them “anti-Semites, undemocratic, and anti-American bastards.”

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:16 pm

The Truth Behind The Crisis in Ukraine. US “Covert Manipulation” and the Resurging Cold War

The hypocrisy that is part and parcel of US foreign policy throughout the globe has never been more glaring and blatant than now being demonstrated in Ukraine. Rather than succumb to the propaganda-disinformation blitz that it is Russia acting as the bad guy-oppressor, a slightly deeper examination of recent behind-the-scenes events in Ukraine would clearly indicate the opposite.

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:58 am

The Crisis In Ukraine — Paul Craig Roberts


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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:00 pm

Is the U.S. Backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Exposing troubling ties in the U.S. to overt Nazi and fascist protesters in Ukraine.

By Max Blumenthal


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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:19 pm

Israeli ex-officer leads Ukraine "peacefull protesters"

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:21 pm

There is so much disinformation today when it comes to politics. Everyone has something to say about the Ukraine protests. Who are we to believe? Barack Obama, a usurper who does not believe in the very thing by which he condemns the Russians? Vladimir Putin seems to be outdoing the old propaganda machine of the former Soviet Union. We know Obama is a liar but is Putin really telling the truth or is he planting massive amounts of disinformation in the media and on the Internet?

The western intelligence services have been busy spinning the truth so that it will benefit the covert world government. The people of Ukraine who rose up against the old communist boss, Viktor Yanukovych, and are not interested in anymore propaganda. All they want is freedom from tyranny.

This special video is dedicated to the Ukrainian uprising and in it I will share why the Ukrainians hate the Russians. I believe that once you know the truth, you will understand their plight.


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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:32 pm

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:38 pm

A former Israeli army officer is playing a leading role in the anti-government protests in Ukraine, PressTV has reported.
According to reports, the unnamed Israeli is commanding a group of 20 Ukrainian militants while four other Israelis, who had also previously served in the army, are reported to have taken part in opposition rallies in Ukraine's capital, Kiev.
The Israelis were born in Ukraine but migrated to Israel and joined its armed forces before returning to the European country for the demonstrations.

Ukrainian media has also said that an Israeli tycoon provides financial support to the opposition in Ukraine, adding that Israel's Mossad intelligence agency is one of the instigators of the unrest in the country.

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:41 pm

Ukrainian presidential frontrunner visited Israel

Businessman Petro Poroshenko made an unpublicized visit to Jerusalem meeting President Peres, FM Lieberman

The frontrunner in the upcoming Ukrainian presidential election, businessman and chocolate tycoon Petro Poroshenko, made an unpublicized visit to Israel last weekend and met with President Shimon Peres and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli daily Haaretz reported Tuesday.

According to the report, Poroshenko spoke to Peres and Lieberman about the Ukrainian crisis and the future of Israel-Ukrainian relations, emphasizing the need for Israel to support Ukraine in the crisis with Russia.

So far, Israel remained neutral and quiet on the topic, even as criticism of Russia's annexation of Crimea and later support of separatists in East Ukraine mounted from many Western countries, especially the United States and European Union member states.

Poroshenko, who briefly served as Ukraine's foreign minister from late 2009 to early 2010, has been reported to maintain a friendly relationship with Lieberman, though Lieberman denied in interviews that he supports him or any other candidate in the Ukrainian presidential elections.

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:43 pm

Ukraine's "chocolate king" Petro Poroshenko was a major supporter of the anti-government protestors in Ukraine, and continues to support the newly created government facing threats from Russia. This may be in advance of a run for president; currently he serves as a member of the Ukrainian Parliament.

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:46 pm

zone wrote:this thread is for an historical review up to the present, current events in Ukraine.

first question:
who benefits?

Nine billionaires among Ukraine's 30 richest men

end of story.

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what's really happening in Ukraine? Empty Re: what's really happening in Ukraine?

Post by zone Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:44 pm

New York Times tries to whitewash publication of faked Ukraine photos
By Alex Lantier

24 April 2014

...If “observers” have questioned the images, it is because higher-resolution versions of the Times’ photos available online show quite clearly that the two are different people. The alleged Russian soldier in Georgia is thinner and has a reddish beard, while the bearded man photographed in eastern Ukraine is stouter and has a greying black beard. (Click here for full resolution)....

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