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Romans 11 & Daniel 9

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Romans 11 & Daniel 9 Empty Romans 11 & Daniel 9

Post by zone Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:10 pm

excerpt from anti-british-israelism site:

What is the covenant that God made with them? Read Rom. 11:2627. "And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins." The expression "so all Israel shall be saved" refers to the manner in which all should be saved, by the gospel. The word "so" is an adverb. of manner, and "all" does not mean that every individual Jew would be saved, but all who should be saved must be saved in the same manner, "so," as the remnant who had accepted the gospel. The apostle then adds: "For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins." What was God's covenant unto them? To "turn away ungodliness from Jacob" and "when I shall take away their sins." Paul said: "This is my covenant with them." Can Israel obtain forgiveness now? If so, that covenant exists now. Can a Jew turn from ungodliness now and receive forgiveness? If so, that covenant has been made. And "so"—in that manner—"all Israel shall be saved"—all of them must be saved alike, just as the remnant by accepting God s new covenant, the gospel of the new testament—"this is my covenant with them, when I shall take away their sins " Did God force ungodliness from Jacob? Did he unconditionally take away their sins? Did he rob them of their iniquities? And all without their consent? No—God put his laws "into their minds" and wrote the new covenant "into their hearts."—Heb 8:1011. They should not "teach every man his brother" to know the Lord, for "all shall know" him as a condition of becoming a brother. In the Old Testament it was first a brother or citizen, then teaching. But in the New Covenant it is first teaching, then a brother or citizen. The order is reversed. So "all shall know me" simply refers to the conditions of becoming a citizen In the new covenant. And God says "their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." That is the covenant—"this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins"—God's covenant with them was forgiveness.

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Romans 11 & Daniel 9 Empty Re: Romans 11 & Daniel 9

Post by strangelove Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:22 pm

The expression "so all Israel
shall be saved" refers to the manner in which all should be saved, by
the gospel. The word "so" is an adverb. of manner, and "all" does not
mean that every individual Jew would be saved, but all who should be
saved must be saved in the same manner, "so," as the remnant who had
accepted the gospel.


Never seen it quite that way b4.

Good work Zonus.

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Romans 11 & Daniel 9 Empty Re: Romans 11 & Daniel 9

Post by strangelove Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:54 pm

Debating xtion zionist and jews here:

Anti-Semitism Raises Its Ugly Head in "Occupy"

(Used some of your stuff Zoney. Hope ya dont mind.)

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Romans 11 & Daniel 9 Empty Re: Romans 11 & Daniel 9

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