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Hosea 1 & Romans 9

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Hosea 1 & Romans 9 Empty Hosea 1 & Romans 9

Post by zone Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:13 pm

excerpt from anti-british-israelism site:

Reverting again to the Hosea 1, those who were not his people, became his people—the Gentiles. Israel and Judah also became one people under one Head. The church is now the true Israel of God, the elect race, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, according to Peter—1 Peter 2:9-11. And Paul said the prophecy of Hosea was fulfilled when the Gentiles were given the opportunity to "seek the Lord" and "trust" in Christ—Rom. 9:24-27. If Christ is not the fulfillment of these prophecies, Gentiles do not now "trust" in him, and cannot now "seek the Lord."

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Hosea 1 & Romans 9 Empty Re: Hosea 1 & Romans 9

Post by Hammer Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:50 pm

British Israelis has the same trouble Zionist Israelis have, they can't support who they claim to be. And, it doesn't matter who they are because God is not the God of the Israelites. Hosea 1 and Romans 9.


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Join date : 2012-09-18

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