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The Noahide Laws

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:16 pm

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Jplogo

For a confederation of Noachides


...And yet, there is something that I have learned from the many debates that I have conducted with leading Christian thinkers around the world. In the debates, there is always a group of people who feel uncomfortable with what they see as Christianity?s compromises and accommodations with paganism. The idea of a man as God does not appeal to them. They are likewise put off by the pagan overtones of God conceiving a child with a woman, and they are positively cold to the Christian idea of original sin and how we are all born guilty before being innocent. Finally, they believe in personal accountability, so that the idea of a redeemer shedding his blood in order to purge them of sin does not accord with their personal values.

It is to those people whom I believe we should be offering Judaism as a pure monotheistic alternative and actively promote the Torah to them as the word of God that may light their nascent spiritual fire.
Should they not wish to become fully Jewish, because they are equally unexcited by Judaism?s exacting demands of ritual observance, we should be creating a Jewish confederation of Noachides, as the Bible calls them, men and women who identify with Jewish spirituality and Jewish values but without the ritual observances.

In effect, these people would be adopting the Torah?s norms without converting to Judaism. Already, there are whole Christian congregations that have removed the cross and steeple and transformed themselves into Noachide communities who reject the deification of Jesus, observe the Sabbath on Saturday rather than Sunday, study the Torah for its general prescriptions of a spiritual life, but do not embrace all the rituals of biblical law.

Indeed, in my travels I have encountered many such former Christians who have created communities where they have Friday night Shabbat meals, observe all the Jewish festivals, study the Torah in Hebrew, and have a staunch love of Israel.
They call themselves either Noachides, or non-Jewish Jews....

Doc: Erm....Helloooooo?? Book of Galatians anyone?


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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:18 pm

FROM - Masonicpaedia

3. The historical evidence available regarding the origin of the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners is meager and hence, the precise origin of the degree is not known with certainty. Most of the theories in this regard appear to be conjectures and surmises. The legend of Noah, his sons, the Ark and the Deluge were enacted in the Mystery Plays of the seventeenth century, which was a major entertainment with a religious tinge. The catechisms in many of the early Masonic rituals contained references to the legend of Noah. There was a degree known as the Degree of Noachites or Prussian Knights in the 1750s, whose rituals referred to Noah, but was not in anyway connected with Royal Ark Masonry. Masonic historians have opined that unlike the Craft, this degree was not worked from time immemorial, but that, the degree is 2 or 3 centuries old.

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Lodgelogo

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:20 pm

Strangelove wrote:The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Jplogo

For a confederation of Noachides


...And yet, there is something that I have learned from the many debates that I have conducted with leading Christian thinkers around the world. In the debates, there is always a group of people who feel uncomfortable with what they see as Christianity?s compromises and accommodations with paganism. The idea of a man as God does not appeal to them. They are likewise put off by the pagan overtones of God conceiving a child with a woman, and they are positively cold to the Christian idea of original sin and how we are all born guilty before being innocent. Finally, they believe in personal accountability, so that the idea of a redeemer shedding his blood in order to purge them of sin does not accord with their personal values.

It is to those people whom I believe we should be offering Judaism as a pure monotheistic alternative and actively promote the Torah to them as the word of God that may light their nascent spiritual fire.
Should they not wish to become fully Jewish, because they are equally unexcited by Judaism?s exacting demands of ritual observance, we should be creating a Jewish confederation of Noachides, as the Bible calls them, men and women who identify with Jewish spirituality and Jewish values but without the ritual observances.

In effect, these people would be adopting the Torah?s norms without converting to Judaism. Already, there are whole Christian congregations that have removed the cross and steeple and transformed themselves into Noachide communities who reject the deification of Jesus, observe the Sabbath on Saturday rather than Sunday, study the Torah for its general prescriptions of a spiritual life, but do not embrace all the rituals of biblical law.

Indeed, in my travels I have encountered many such former Christians who have created communities where they have Friday night Shabbat meals, observe all the Jewish festivals, study the Torah in Hebrew, and have a staunch love of Israel.
They call themselves either Noachides, or non-Jewish Jews....

Doc: Erm....Helloooooo?? Book of Galatians anyone?

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Torch-icon
what part of "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." is so hard to get, Doc?

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:20 pm


Courts of Justice

It is important to form courts of justice so that persons can be called upon to uphold the mitzvot, the religious laws and to be able to judge between people. Sages were divided as to whether the Noahides should be judged according to the Torah concerning financial matters or whether they should be judged according to common sense. It is worthwhile that such courts of justice should give sentences according to the same law for men and for women. The judges should be men since a woman should strive not to be involved in public matters. Every person should go to a court for justice and not try to mete out justice himself. Courts of justice are allowed to enforce regulations for the benefit of the society and to improve ethics and morality. It is the obligation of the Noahide to execute justice to the fullest degree and not to be merciful to criminals.

People [NOAHIDES] have the obligation to obey the law and see that the legislative and judicial and personnel and systems obey the law.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:23 pm

#7 Establish Legal Courts

Subset : +176) To appoint judges

Application to gentiles: Required

Mandated punishment for violation: From Heaven, at minimum

Brief description: To establish theocratic courts and appoint judges in every city and district. The job of the judges is not only to enforce the entire body of Theocratic Law, but also to teach the people their responsibilities under that law, and even to enact new rules when needed to counteract various types of evil. This commandment also includes the obligation to institute police who patrol the streets and inspect people’s activities, enforcing the law and arresting violators.

A nation that does not establish law and order, or whose courts pervert justice or do not follow the principles of the Noahide Laws for gentiles, ultimately receives Divine punishment in the form of war — and may even be liable to death penalty en masse, according to at least one opinion of the Jewish sages.

Category: Justice Commandments
Biblical source(s) (Rambam): Deut. 16:18; Num. 11:16
Biblical source (Sefer HaChinuch): Deut. 16:18
Number in Sefer HaChinuch: 491

Sources explaining relevance to gentiles:

Ramban, Bereishis 34:13
Gentiles are only executed for violating negative mitzvos, not for failing to appoint judges, though they are certainly obligated to do so.

Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Melachim 9:14
Gentiles are liable to death penalty for failing to appoint judges, and for failing to judge cases; example is given of the slaughter of Shechem by Levi and Shimon.

FROM - Hacidic Uni

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:24 pm

zone wrote:what part of "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." is so hard to get, Doc?

I dunno doll, but I just got banned from ANOTHER so called Christian forum for presenting a fraction of this stuff. Starting to get real suspicious. Suspect

Pardon me while I attempt to salvage the rest of our research from various forums. The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Emoticon-misc-004

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:35 pm


One of the most grotesque aspects of the sociology of modern American protestantism is the phenomenon of Christian Zionism. While related to the theology of dispensationalism, Christian Zionism is actually something altogether different theologically. The purpose of this chapter is to explore this movement, and in particular to point out its grievously heretical theoretical basis. To facilitate discussion, we shall interact with the expressed beliefs of a Christian Zionist, Jerry Falwell. We close with a brief note on Messianic Judaism.


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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:25 pm

Structure of the United Noachide Council

The United Noachide Council must be a loose federation of Noachide councils, so as not to diminish the national character of each Noachide nation. The Structure of the United Noachide Council perhaps could be pattern after the United Nations General Assembly. Theoretically there should be 70 courts, one for each nation. Each Bnai Noach court has the role of prophet, oracle or interpreter of Torah for that nation. The court functions as a House of Scholars. The Bnai Noach court does not function as an executive branch, but it paired with a democratically elected House of Representatives (or Monarchy). The laws for one nation (for example polygamy, or sacrifices) may differ from nation to nation. Every Bnai Noach should become a "citizen" of one of the courts, because you can't mix and match laws. That tikkun comes when the nation-states work together while retaining their unique identity. Each court would interface with the UNC Supreme Court or perhaps directly with the Sanhedrin.

In practical terms this could involve an "General Assembly" where
Each nation would have equal status .

The General Assembly can pass non-binding resolutions on common causes and issues. The site would open to this page with history, information & resolutions (like

The site would host a collection of nationality rooms which would give enough history and culture to allow a Bnai Noach to know which one he should become a 'citizen' of.

A membership mechanism for allowing Bnai Noach's to become a 'citizen' and fall under the jurisdiction of a court. Each court would pass judgment on the faith and/or civil laws of that nation. Issuing proclamations.

Each court would interface with a set of diplomats (similar perhaps to the Sanhedrin's court of Nation and State) who would work to try and influence religious and civil authorities to come in line with the Bnai Noach's courts' rulings.

The role of the Sanhedrin, Bnai Noach High Court, Bnai Noach state court, and Bnai Noach 'citizen' would have to be made very clear.

In the future the UNC can set up Noachide judicial courts. The function of these courts will be to perform marriages, arbitrate contract disputes, divorce, and small claims. As provided within the laws of most host countries to voluntary religious courts. The UNC is absolutely committed to halachic, Rabbinic authority. The UNC will be organized regionally, with different organizations attending to the special ethnic and cultural needs of the region. For example, It is possible that a UNC court providing services to formerly Indian Islamic Bnai Noachs will rule differently than a UNC court providing services to formerly American Evangelical Bnai Noachs. In terms of Jewish law, a Bnai Noach is permitted everything except what is specifically forbidden by the Seven Noachide laws [INCLUDING THE WORSHIP OF CHRIST], however he/she is also bound by their "nation's" laws, which includes both civil and spiritual laws.

Every region will have two bodies: judicial and management. The Judicial body is as mentioned above, who's authority is derived from Rabbinic sources, the management body is mean to democratically express the needs Bnai Noach in terms of vote, popular resolutions, etc. The UNC will set up a diplomatic organization to lobby for acceptance of Bnai Noach principles in the civil governments where the Bnai Noach are found. The UNC will maintain a regional list of members, to assure that members restrict their participation to only one type of Bnai Noach court.

Other projects might include: a list or review of Noachide websites and maillists; a list or review of Noachide books and publications; a list of Rabbis and Beis dins available for submitting questions; a classification of the approaches; a detailed discussion of the main approaches; a history of the movement (for all time periods); a discussion of the seven laws and their sub-laws; a legal discussion of the non-Noachide court system and its relationship to BN and Jews (Jews too have a requirement to obey the law of the land, to a point), etc.

LINK: Structure of the United Noachide Council

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:32 pm

Doc you are blasting through that Noahide stUff!
love zonest

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:33 pm

Strangelove wrote:The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Jplogo

For a confederation of Noachides


...And yet, there is something that I have learned from the many debates that I have conducted with leading Christian thinkers around the world. In the debates, there is always a group of people who feel uncomfortable with what they see as Christianity?s compromises and accommodations with paganism. The idea of a man as God does not appeal to them. They are likewise put off by the pagan overtones of God conceiving a child with a woman, and they are positively cold to the Christian idea of original sin and how we are all born guilty before being innocent. Finally, they believe in personal accountability, so that the idea of a redeemer shedding his blood in order to purge them of sin does not accord with their personal values.

It is to those people whom I believe we should be offering Judaism as a pure monotheistic alternative and actively promote the Torah to them as the word of God that may light their nascent spiritual fire.
Should they not wish to become fully Jewish, because they are equally unexcited by Judaism?s exacting demands of ritual observance, we should be creating a Jewish confederation of Noachides, as the Bible calls them, men and women who identify with Jewish spirituality and Jewish values but without the ritual observances.

In effect, these people would be adopting the Torah?s norms without converting to Judaism. Already, there are whole Christian congregations that have removed the cross and steeple and transformed themselves into Noachide communities who reject the deification of Jesus, observe the Sabbath on Saturday rather than Sunday, study the Torah for its general prescriptions of a spiritual life, but do not embrace all the rituals of biblical law.

Indeed, in my travels I have encountered many such former Christians who have created communities where they have Friday night Shabbat meals, observe all the Jewish festivals, study the Torah in Hebrew, and have a staunch love of Israel.
They call themselves either Noachides, or non-Jewish Jews....

Doc: Erm....Helloooooo?? Book of Galatians anyone?

Rolling Eyes

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:27 pm

What sort of leader will Mashiach be?

Mashiach will be a man who possesses extraordinary qualities. He will be proficient in both the written and oral Torah traditions. He will incessantly campaign for Torah observance among Jews and observance of the Seven Universal Noahide Laws by non-Jews. He will be scrupulously observant and encourage the highest standards from others. He will defend religious principles and repair breaches in their observance. Above all, Mashiach will be heralded as a true Jewish King, a person who leads the way in the service of G–d, totally humble yet enormously inspiring.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:43 pm

yet another new site.
The Noahide Laws

Noahide Laws
Learn how to be holy and righteous through the Seven Noahide Laws, and how to properly observe them.

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Ark-van-noach-bij-koedijk-300x201

All people have a share in the world to come (‘heaven’). Our actions and deeds determine the size and place of this portion. While the Jews have 613 laws, there are 7 Noahide Laws which have been derived from ancient, sacred Jewish texts. These laws apply to everyone, and they are expounded upon by numerous sages. This site offers a summary and guide to these laws.

The Seven Noahide Laws cover the basics of living a life that is ethical and meaningful. Laws such as “Do not murder” and “You shall have just laws,” give people the ability to work alongside each other in a peaceful manner. is about explaining and elaborating on these seven laws. There is a lot of detail missing when you read the seven laws without explanation. Without someone teaching and explaining these laws, most of the meaning is lost. Our goal is to unveil the mysteries and show the true beauty and meaning of the seven Noahide Laws.
they got vids etc at the site (yawn)

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:54 pm

Okay so there is no such thing as lawyers for Noachides. But Noahide law is very cut and dry. If someone transgresses, then they are punished with death by beheading.

Noahide Laws – Establishing Courts of Law

Command to Establish A Just and Fair Courts System

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Gavel-300x195
The next Noahide law that we will analyze, is the commandment of setting up a courts system to enforce the 7 Universal Laws. Bnei Noachs (children of Noah) are commanded to establish courts to carry out justice and maintain human righteousness and morality. Having a corrupt courts system would be counter productive to following the Noahide Laws because it drives Hashem’s blessings from the world. When the world is corrupt, Hashem withdraws his heavenly presence. This is one of the many reasons that in today’s world we cannot see Hashem’s divine assistance so clearly.

Punishment for Transgressing This Commandment

Anyone who fails to establish a fair courts system, that is, someone who lives in a community or city where there are no courts, and who does not have a means to correct and discipline wrong doers, is punishable by death. A community or city that establish laws that are contradictory to the 7 Noahide Laws is also punishable by death.

Noahide Lawyers?

Okay so there is no such thing as lawyers for Noachides. But Noahide law is very cut and dry. If someone transgresses, then they are punished with death by beheading.

Also circumstantial evidence is admissible in a Noahide court of law.

What Noahides Should Know

Here is a quick break down of the Noahide law system:

  • Every individual must accept the legal decision given to him.
  • If is forbidden for individuals to render judgments by themselves, (vigilante justice) without seeking the advice of the courts.
  • No warning is necessary to the transgressor. The children of Noach are responsible to have complete and full knowledge of the 7 Noahide Laws. (Good thing you’re reading this)
  • It is forbidden for the courts to have mercy on a murderer.
  • In financial litigation, the court may not have mercy on a poor person, thinking the rich plaintiff has an obligation to support the poor.
  • It is forbidden to pay prejudicial respect to a great person. The judge cannot show favoritism towards any party.
  • A judge is not allowed to delay judgment and he must judge righteously.
  • A judge must not be haughty. Judges have a huge responsibility and should take the proper time to carefully examine the case, the witnesses, the evidence, etc. A judge who is quick to make a decision is considered stupid, wicked, and egotistical.
  • Cases concerning a large sum of money and a small sum of money must be given equal consideration
  • Judges are forbidden to take bribes
  • It is forbidden to offer a bribe to a judge

Compromises (Settling Outside of Court)

It is considered meritorious to settle disputes outside of court. Arbitration and mediation or any other means of finding an mutual settlement or compromise, thereby avoiding a court trial is desirable and it is a commandment to seek compromise.

Attributes for Being a Judge

Every judge should have the following 7 traits:

  • Wisdom
  • Humility
  • Fear of Heaven
  • Fear of Sin
  • Contempt for Money
  • Love of Truth
  • Loved by His Fellow Man

Who Cannot be Used For a Witness

There are ten people who are not allowed to testify in Noahide courts.

  • Women
  • Slaves
  • People who would benefit from a decision in the case
  • Husbands of women involved in the trial
  • Small children
  • Fools and the insane
  • The deaf and the mute
  • The blind
  • Known transgressors
  • People who care not how they behave in public
There is much more details that need to be explained to fully understand this law. These will be discussed in future articles. Please feel free to send us questions and comments on establishing a Noahide courts system.

Posted in Noahide Laws | Tags: courts system, Noahide court, Seven Laws of Noah

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:11 pm

Tyranny from a Torah Viewpoint
by Myles Kantor
Published: 02/15/11, 1:46 PM

Non Jews can be righteous and share eternal life. Tyrants represent a specific form of evil from a Jewish perspective.

I recently saw the documentary Kimjongilia, which examines the despotic crime family that has enslaved North Korea since 1948. Early in the film, victims of the regime state about "Eternal Leader Kim Il Sung, who died in 1994

• "They had us all worship him as a god."
• "Christians say grace before their meals. We said grace to Kim Il Sung."
• "He was like a supreme being."

This is hideous by any reasonable perspective. Considered from a Judaic perspective, there is a very specific evil here.

Judaism does not threaten damnation for everyone who is not Jewish. On the contrary, righteous gentiles have a share in eternal life. As Rabbi Yishayahu Hollander has noted, “You can be a G-dfearing and G-d-serving person without being Jewish.”
The universal standards Judaism obligates gentiles to follow are called the Seven Noahide Laws.

Among these laws are the prohibition of murder, theft, and idolatry. The Jewish sage Maimonides wrote of their observance, “Everyone who accepts the Seven Laws and is careful to do them, this person is one of the very pious of the nations of the world, and he has portion in the world to come.”

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Institute for Judaism and Civilization

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:17 pm

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Logo_blackMission Statement

The Institute for Judaism and Civilization examines the moral and spiritual tradition transmitted from the general revelation at Mount Sinai. It explores this both in its specific Jewish form as well as in the set of universal values and laws, known as the Noahide laws (after the Biblical survivor of the flood and common ancestor of humanity, Noah), which are at the root of the world religions. These values were endorsed by the US Congress in 1991 as the "bedrock of society since the dawn of civilization". It pursues the study of the relationship - the "interface" - between the tradition and the arts, sciences, professions and values of general society at three levels: in its research and publications, its program of courses, and in actions bearing on policy

Politics, Society and Religion
The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Noahtrans-blackIntroduction

The Noahide laws comprise seven basic laws biblically binding upon all humanity. They include prohibitions on idolatry, blasphemy, forbidden sexual relationships, murder, theft, cruelty to animals and the failure to implement orderly processes of justice. Its principles were called by a joint resolution of the United States congress in 1991 "the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization", without which "the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos".
In 1998 an international conference on the Noahide laws was held in Melbourne and since then the Institute has also published a number of articles in this area.

To see some of the Institute's work consult the Journals page and look at the cumulative index under "The Noahide laws". See also the newly published monograph on the Noahide laws and the Bulletin in the Noahide laws published by the Institute.
See courses of the Institute on the Noahide laws, "Universal ethics",
Israel, the Noahide Laws and the Conflict of Cultures
Video forum with Tsvi Tal, former Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, Professor Aharon Enker, founding Dean of Bar Ilan Law School and Professor Nahum Rakover, Former Deputy Attorney General of Israel, moderated by Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen
View here (click on each part)




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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty PDF: "The Noahide Laws, Israel and Peace"

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:31 pm


PDF: "The Noahide Laws, Israel and Peace"


ISSN 1832-6498
Bulletin in The Noahide Laws
Volume 4, No. 1. 5769 (2009)

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:39 pm

September 2010 Newsletter
The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Mono2Review of the year's activities of the Institute.
Essay: A statement of shared ground between Judaism,

Christianity and Islam.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:40 pm

June 2010 Newsletter
The Noahide Laws - Page 2 2010-06-01Victorian, NSW and Federal Politicians and the Noahide laws.
Essay: Thoughts on amending the Sentencing Act foir identity motivated hate crimes.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty G-d and contemporary and classical physics

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:42 pm


April 2010 Newsletter
The Noahide Laws - Page 2 2010-04-01Professor Yaakov Friedman, Jerusalem College of Technology
Recorded lecture on G-d and contemporary and classical physics
Upcoming seminars in the Noahide laws
Essay: Social policy: core and symptom
To hear audio, click here

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Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:46 pm

Message from the Governor General, Major General Michael Jeffery

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Michael-jeffery01

I commend Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen for his research into the universal features of the world religions and his commitment to promoting discussion on the Seven Noahide Laws.

These laws, or ethical principles, apply to all contemporary issues and therefore play an important role in our day-to-day lives.

In our modern society where fame and wealth often seem to be the primary measures of success and where family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse sadly are on the increase, I believe it is important to concentrate on the values and ideas that unite rather than divide us, and to nurture our ethos of tolerance, decency and mutual respect.

Our natural orientation is to do good, not evil, and this spirit is within us all. It is perhaps the fundamental characteristic of humanity. However, this spirit needs nurturing from childhood, and this is why parents, chaplains and mentors must play a vital role.

Ignorance of other religions can lead to intolerance, narrow-mindedness and, in the extreme, inhumane acts of terrorism. It can therefore be instructive to recognise the importance, indeed the essentiality, of an interfaith dialogue - understanding our commonalities and respecting the different views and approaches of others.

I therefore encourage everyone to reflect and discuss these principles and values with respect to how we live our lives, and to more fully understand the contribution of religion to the fundamental values of our society.


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Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:49 pm

News and events

Message from Chief Justice Murray Gleeson of the High Court of Australia

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Murray-gleeson-message01

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) on social economics and Noahide law

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:52 pm

The Noahide prohibition of theft includes the "theft of mind", such as deceptive advertising.

News and events
A forum with Graeme Samuel, Chairman of the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) on social economics and Noahide law

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Samuel-cowen

The following is a record, not reviewed by Mr Samuel, of his discussion of Noahide concepts bracketed at the beginning of each section

The nature of corporate responsibility

The concept of corporate responsibility connects in Noahide law with the welfare of society and beyond this to "charity". However, the baseline notion of charity in Noahide society is not necessarily prescriptive - how much charity should be given and to whom - as much as the negation of uncharitableness

Corporate social responsibility" is a term that is used a lot in discussions about corporate behaviour and is not a term with which I am very comfortable, nor with which boards of directors of companies are very comfortable. The truth of the matter is that the legal responsibility of directors is to maximise the wealth of shareholders and to conduct the company's affairs in connection with the laws of the day which encompasses a whole range of laws - from occupational health and safety to environmental laws to corporations' and securities law. Now that, however, doesn't mean to say that you then turn around and ignore your responsibility to society at large

I rather prefer the term corporate social sensibility rather than responsibility. Because responsibility suggests that you've got a legal responsibility to conduct your corporate affairs in a way that may be inconsistent with the legal responsibilities imposed under corporations' law - to act always in the interests of your shareholders. Corporate social sensibility, on the other hand, means that you don't conduct your business affairs in a way that is insensitive to their impacts on the community. If you don't meet community expectations, it is likely that governments at some stage will force you to meet community expectations as Parliament of course does. If you are walking down the street and you see someone that is ailing, or you see a blind person that wants assistance, you don't just turn the other way you actually proceed to assist that person. Now, when you go into a boardroom, you don't suddenly change your character as an individual in society and say 'Ah, I'm no longer responsible for the society at large. I'm no longer responsible as a member of society at large.' Therefore, I carry that ethic of living in society into the boardroom - as I must do.

When we come, on the other hand, to a prescriptive norm of philanthropy, corporate social responsibility always runs into a rocky shoal; we move beyond the process of reacting in accordance with community expectations or not acting insensitively to community expectations. What we are starting to do is move into the proactive area of giving away assets or money. And that is a matter of individual choice. Society at large does not have a law or even an ethic that says you shall give away a certain percentage to charity


There is a view that price-hiking - overcharging - is included in the Noahide prohibition on theft. But in determining the fairness of a price, it may be sufficient that the price be one which is competitively determined, in which case proper competitiveness must be established

In a competitive marketplace competition sets a fair price. The only time when "fairness" enters into the equation as being set other than by the market, by competition, is where you don't have competition - that is monopolies. And in telecommunications we have this issue at the very present time where at times the government and/or the ACCC is there to set a price because there is no competition. And so we set prices as what are regarded as efficient, cost-effective means of providing a service and a fair profit-margin

The alternative to allowing competition to determine a fair price is that you get a bureaucrat in Canberra called Graeme Samuel to set the price. And so I sit there and I say 'Well, I think the fair cost of petrol is this, based on crude oil and refining costs and for fair margins I give this much and therefore the price is this.' Now I'll tell you if I did all that, one, I'd get it wrong, absolutely certain I'll get it wrong. Two, the petrol companies will stop supplying petrol in Australia - they will simply export all the petrol they are producing overseas and there will be petrol shortages. And then there will really be problems with people lining up petrol at stations to buy their petrol and there won't be enough petrol supply. And more importantly, the motorists who are smart enough to buy their petrol on Tuesday or Wednesday [when prices are lower than on the weekend] will say 'Hang on, I used to buy my petrol at a price down here. Now you've set it up here and this is unfair'

The ACCC and Trade Practices Act are about ensuring that in every market possible we have competition. The disciplines of competition is three-fold. The first is that competition ensures that if you overcharge you will be pulled down because others will charge less. The second is quality - if you provide a lower quality of goods and services at an incorrect price, your competitor will provide better quality and you will be beaten in the competitive stakes. The third one is an important one - it's innovation, it's doing something new. Because if you don't and your competitor does, your competitor will steal the market off you, will provide your consumer with something it wants. So they're the three fundamental disciplines that competition imposes and they're all directed toward consumer wellfare, consumer wellbeing. We don't do it for the sake of some economists or governments. It's about doing it for the benefit of 20 million Australians

Advertising and deception
The Noahide prohibition of theft includes the "theft of mind", such as deceptive advertising. But must advertising also not target a particularly susceptible audience, such as children? Or restrict items which are not felt to be beneficial (even if they are not outright harmful)?

This is the most difficult one of the issues. We have this come before us on almost a daily basis. To give an example: you have different ranges of advertising. There is advertising which is straight dishonesty, it's just wrong. We had a case this week of a brand of fruit juice which for fifty years has been advertising that it is high in Vitamin C and it wasn't. It was high in sugar and water, not in Vitamin C. Ultimately we prosecuted them and the New Zealand authorities had to deal with it. That's at the one end of the spectrum. The advertising was all directed to children and was directed at them to get their parents to buy this fruit juice. It was dishonest because it made claims that could not be sustained about Vitamin C content. It wasn't dishonest because it was directed to children. And there was no way in the law you could prosecute them for directing themselves to children as the case may be

Now, you have others. Certain breakfast cereals which market themselves as being good for your daily diet, good for your health and they're basically no more than chocolate and fat and sugar. And there is a view amongst a number in the regulatory area that we ought to try and stop this advertising. The argument for stopping it is we are stopping damage to children - we're limiting obesity, we're limiting development of bad eating habits etc, all the nutritional issues. The argument against stopping it, is again, the famous bureaucrat in Canberra. With an ideal of a do-gooder who sits in Canberra who wants to prevent advertising that infringes the particular sensitivities or sensibilities at some particular time, we get into some dangerous territory. You know, unfair contract terms - what's unfair? Is it unfair to say to an individual if you want a certain price for mobile phone charges you've got to sign up for 24 months which means you can't move out of that contract. But if you want to pay much higher charges you can sign up for 24 hours. And so the trouble I have is that once you move over the line banning dishonest advertising (that is misleading and deceptive) into banning advertising that crosses the line of an individual minister's sensibilities or an individual's or consumer groups' sensibilities, you then start getting into quite dangerous territory.

Here, our eye on marketing directed to children will be much more stringent in terms of dishonesty than it will be for adults. But the sorts of things we're talking about like Coco Pops - while they are directed to children, the ultimate person to act on the advertising are parents. So little Jimmy says to Mum and Dad, I want you to buy Coco Pops. Mum and dad make the decision to buy them. Little Jimmy doesn't go and take them off the shelf.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:01 pm

The libertarians say that liberty is a prime value in democracy and the communitarians says that we should recognise that we live in a community and that means not just keeping off each other's patch, but helping each other to get a fruitful and enduring society.

News and events
A seminar with Professor Brian Hill, Consultant to the former Federal Government in its "Values in schools" program, on values and the Noahide laws

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Brian-hill01
Professor Brian Hill, Professor Emeritus of Education at Murdoch University, Western Australia, was consultant to the last Federal Government in its project of "values in schools". The following is a record of his remarks for the Institute for Judaism and Civilization relating to (bracketed) concepts in Noahide teaching.

Belief as the motivator to concrete ethical conduct
[There is a necessary connection between belief and concrete ethical conduct by children. Values are not internalized when taught as "concepts", but rather because they already have priority on account of held beliefs, which stem from traditions, from "home influence].

A school might choose to teach "honesty" for a week and then "resilience" for a week. It may be helping the student to understand what the term means and maybe even to say 'That's a good thing, I like that'. The question is still hanging: so what does it come to - in your actual living, in the way you behave? It doesn't seem to translate to the playground. Values are not just understandings - they are priorities - which are determined not only by our reason. And so one of the things that the educator needs to do, is to help students understand where they are getting their priorities from - partly from explanations and the use of reason, but partly also from other sources like home influence, which need to be brought to light and studied.

[Value conflicts are ordered and resolved by reference to an overall framework, such as have been delivered through tradition]

There are many values that are seen as priority - how do we bring them all together? You can sometimes see values education as some kind of smorgasbord and in effect you say to students, 'Learn all these values and give them priority yourself.' But how do they fit together? What priority does this have over that? It is very difficult for the individual to get it altogether, because there are so many competing messages coming at them through the communication media and multi-cultural society. Sometimes values conflict; in fact, a lot of the decisions we have to make regarding values are in dealing with one good thing versus another good thing - but which is the most important in this particular case. And the answer to these questions to get away from this idea of a smorgasbord of values and to recognise that we make judgments over our priorities not just on the basis of individual values like "honesty" and so on but because of where we are coming from as a whole person.

So people have talked of the framework of meaning that individuals have as a self, as a whole person.And basically, however long we live, our life world can be boiled down to those three constituents - [1] with whom we relate as persons and [2] how do we relate to the natural world, and [3] who we think we are in our most inner selves.

It seems to me that a lot of talk about values education falls short of recognising that it must be nested within the project of helping students to understand how people live by frameworks of meaning or life worlds or religious viewpoints. In fact, one of the things that seems necessary to say is that many who say that they have no religion actually have a religion called "no religion", that they are in denial of the investigation of spirituality that other people hold so valuable. So for this reason I wholeheartedly support what Rabbi Cowen has said about the necessity of seeing that values do not just hang loose in space but come to us from wider views of what life is about as human beings.

Democracy and values
[Democracy does not produce values, but finds ways of accommodating differences between individuals who must already have developed value structure from other sources].

Liberal democracy is an order in which people accept each other's dignity and are allowed to do what they like so long as they do not harm others. But as Dr Cowen said that does not necessarily guarantee that the kind of community you get out of a liberal democracy will be a caring and compassionate one. In the field of ethics in recent years there has been debate between what we might call the libertarians and the communitarians. The libertarians say that liberty is a prime value in democracy and the communitarians says that we should recognise that we live in a community and that means not just keeping off each other's patch, but helping each other to get a fruitful and enduring society.

The Judaic and Christian traditions have together brought cultural development to the point where people felt safe in such a society such as to propound the theory of liberal democracy. And that coheres with what Rabbi Cowen was saying about the idea of common values that pop up when you look comparatively at traditions. And I agree with him that there is a great deal that can be derived in this regard from the Noahide laws.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty The Ad Hoc Interfaith Committee - NOAHIDE LAWS

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:05 pm

News and events
The Ad Hoc Interfaith Committee
The Institute has been instrumental in co-convening a committee composed of distinguished representatives of the major faith groups in Australia. Its goal has been to examine the common resonance amongst the world cultures and faiths of the root biblical values of the Noahide laws, and to establish common positions on matters of public policy. See "Social policy" p. 22

The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Nicholas-tonti-filippini01 The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Scowen-t The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Imam-riad-galil01
The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Denise-cooper-clarke01 The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Ross-carter01 The Noahide Laws - Page 2 David-palmer01

Amongst the members of the Ad Hoc Interfaith Committee (left to right): Associate Professor Nicholas Tonti-Filippini (Catholic: John Paul II Institute for Family and Marriage), Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen, Imam Riad Galil (Muslim: Imam, West Heidelberg Mosque and Muslim Chaplain, RMIT University ), Dr Denise Cooper-Clarke (Anlgican: Adjunct Lecturer, Ridley Melbourne Mission and Ministry College), Rev Ross Carter (Uniting Church: Chairperson, Committee on Bioethics, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania Uniting Church in Australia), Rev David Palmer (Presbyterian: Convenor, Church and Nation Committee, Presbyterian Church of Victoria).

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty PSYCHOTHERAPY - NOAHIDE LAWS

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:09 pm

The Institute for Judaism and Civilization has done significant work in exploring the relationship between the practice of psychotherapy and the norms of Judaism and the Noahide laws.

See the index to articles published in the Journal of Judaism and Civilization on this subject at and the translations of Viktor Frankl produced and published by the Institute in its monograph, The rediscovery of the human - basic texts of Viktor Frankl , at
All these reflect basic research interests of the Institute in the area of psychotherapy and spirituality.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:35 pm

Talmudists Pass Law to Kill Christians

Talmudism is now the State Religion in the USA!
Under Guise of “Education Bill”, Titled: EDUCATION DAY USA

Judaism/Talmudism is now the officially recognized religion of the US
PUBLIC “LAW” 102-14
Comment- If there is this big separation of church and state and the liberals go ballistic over Christianity, why then did Congress make the Jewish religion the officially recognized religion of the United States?

No, you say?

Below is Public Law 102-14 [HJ Res. 104] March 20, 1991:

Education Day, U.S.A Proclamation, Joint Resolution designating March 26, 1991 as Education Day USA , and it states:
WHEREAS Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great nation was founded;
WHEREAS these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they are known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
WHEREAS without these ethical values and principle the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;
WHEREAS society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that have resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;
WHEREAS the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished part tot he generations of the future;
WHEREAS the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;
WHEREAS Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;
WHEREAS in tribute to this great spiritual leader, “the rebbe,” this, his ninetieth year, will be seen as one of “education and giving,” the year in which we turn to education and charity. To return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and
WHEREAS this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as “Education Day, USA ...” The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the U.S. to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
This resolution was adopted, ratified and signed into law by George Bush.

The following commentary on this resolution was written by Don Bell, Box 2223, Palm Beach, Fl 33480, March 1992:

“The Seven Noahide Laws are mentioned twice in Public Law 102-14, but are not spelled out. They seem difficult to find in English translation. We were not able to find them. A Christian pastor and subscriber informs us that they appear in a book written by one Rabbi Marvin Antelman, but we haven’t been able to locate the book. However, they can be seen in the Institute of Judaic-Christian Researcher, January, 1990, in the following form:
(1 ) Thou shalt not engage in idol worship; (2) Thou shalt not blaspheme God; (3) Thou shalt not shed innocent blood of a human or fetus nor ailing person who has a limited time to live; (4) Thou shalt not engage in bestial, incestuous, adulterous or homosexual relations nor commit the act of rape; (5) Thou shalt not steal; (6) Thou shalt establish laws and courts of law to administer these laws, including the death penalty for those who kill, administered only if there is one testifying witness; (7) Thou shalt not be cruel to animals.

Further information concerning the Noahide Laws are found on Page 737 of Encyclopedia Americana: “A Jewish Talmudic designation for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt Sinai and consequently binding all mankind. Beginning with Genesis 2:16, the Babylonian Talmud listed the first six commandments...After the flood a seventh commandment, given-to Noah, forbade the eating of flesh from living animals (Genesis 9:4). Throughout the ages scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human rights for all.”

Now Facts With Comment.

In the Bible there is a reference to the Noahic Covenant and the rainbow and its symbol and promise, but there is no mention of any Seven Noahide Laws. These come not from the Bible, but from the Babylonian Talmud. (The Torah is defined by Webster as “the whole body of Jewish religious literature including the Scriptures, the Talmud, etc.) Since these laws apply to all mankind, it is said in Noahidic literature that “The Seven Noahide Laws may now receive a recognition as a source of international law. By stating that the ‘ethical principles’ which have been ‘the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization’ are the Seven Noahide Laws,” Public Law 102-14, provides national recognition to both a theoretical foundation and the justification for general principles of law as sources of international law rules.

This theoretical foundation anticipates further international recognition by its incorporation in an ‘international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state,’ and essaying to ‘return to the world’ the Seven Noahide Laws for ‘international law.’ Here we see the real reason for passage of Public Law 102- 14. It is a step towards establishment of a law code for a one world government.....” End of comment Referring to the Seven Noahide Laws, Gordon Ginn, Phd., comments: “A superficial reading of these ‘laws’ may elicit a favorable response from those who have not done their homework. But the crux of the matter is how they are interpreted. FOR EXAMPLE, IF ORTHODOX JEWS INTERPRET THEM, EVERY CHRISTIAN WOULD BE GUILTY OF VIOLATING NUMBER ONE (THOU SHALT NOT ENGAGE IN IDOL WORSHIP) BECAUSE NO CROSS, CRUCIFIX, IMAGE, PHOTOGRAPH, OR ANYTHING THAT COULD BE CONSTRUED AS AN ICON WOULD BE ALLOWED. CHRISTIANS WOULD BE GUILTY OF VIOLATING NUMBER TWO (THOU SHALT NOT BLASPHEME GOD) BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS GOD IN THE FLESH, AND THAT IS BLASPHEMY TO THE JEWS. THE JEWS BELIEVE THAT JESUS WAS NOT THE SON OF GOD BUT ONLY A PROPHET. TECHNICALLY, EVERY CHRISTIAN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH COULD BE EXECUTED UNDER THESE LAWS. [Editorial note: How about number 7: That it is a violation of the Seven Noahide Laws to eat the flesh of animals? Shall all Christians then be executed because one witness saw them at Black Angus restaurant eating a steak? Think about it.]

“Whoever is behind the ‘Seven Noahide Laws’ is not wasting any time nailing down their dastardly plans On the day (March 2Oth) that George Bush signed the resolution into law, the Wall Street Journal carried a front page story about the Noahides. And now that we are saddled with this “law,” the Noahides are exploring the feasibility of taking it worldwide through the United Nations. It seems to me that this fits right in with Bush’s New World Order.” End of Ginn quote.

There is more material but due to space constraint, I’ll have to leave it up to readers to research this for themselves. The bottom line is this: It’s unconstitutional to display the 10 Commandments anywhere in public now. Crosses placed at the side of the road by people who have lost a loved one are now under attack because some people are offended by seeing a cross. But Congress can vote into law the requirement that Americans adopt the Jewish religion and that these Seven Noahide Laws will now somehow constitute international law? Isn’t this unconstitutional?

Give me a break. Only a fool can’t see what’s going on here. And why would Congress even consider such action in favor of one religion over another, say a resolution to support Muslims? Perhaps this might shed some light on that question:
In AN ESSAY REPRINTED IN THE MAY 27, 1996 ISSUE OF THE NEW YORK TIMES, Ari Shavit, an Israeli columnist, reflected somewhat sorrowfully on the wanton Israeli killing of more than 100 Lebanese civilians in April.
“We killed them out of a certain naive nubris. Believing with absolute certitude THAT NOW WITH THE WHITE HOUSE, THE SENATE AND MUCH OF THE AMERICAN MEDIA IN OUR HANDS, THE LIVES OF OTHERS DO NOT COUNT SO MUCH AS OUR OWN.”

This is a shocking statement in more ways than one. First of all, what does Mr. Shavit means when he says the Jews have the White House, the Senate and much of the American media “in our hands?” [Reader Insert: No mystery here ; Dr. Fields,editor of THE TRUTH AT LAST newspaper in Marietta,Georgia had an article several years back showing that Klinton was surrounded by a 75% jew Kabinet!]

And second, what does that have anything to do with the “wanton killing of more than 100 Lebanese civilians?” What does the wanton killing of more than 100 human beings have to do with Jews having the White House, the Senate and much of the American media “in our hands?” How does this equate to other people’s lives not being as important as Jewish lives? These statements are very serious and should make all Americans, including those of the Jewish faith,[”faith”?] ponder the implications of such words. If you are an American citizen, your first allegiance should be to America, not Israel or Germany or Canada.

Getting back to a Public Law passed by Congress that America should adopt Jewish laws as the bedrock of our society, our great nation was not founded on the Seven Noahide Laws or the Jewish religion. It was not founded on the Catholic Church or the Baptist faith or Buddhism. It was founded on Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ, not a specific religion or church. I am one of the most religiously tolerant people I know. I have read the religious doctrines of more than 30 world religions. I disagree with many of the precepts of these religions, i.e. that I am the SPAWN OF THE DEVIL AS PREACHED IN THE ISLAMIC RELIGION BECAUSE I WAS BORN “WHITE.” But, as long as someone doesn’t try to force their religion on me, as I would not do unto them, let us live in peace and harmony together. And, let us hope that Public Law 102-14 gets challenged in court and is struck down because it is grossly unconstitutional to establish any religion as the religion of the United Stats, never mind the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, the media and some of these religious “leaders” don’t want us to live in peace and harmony. If we don’t agree with their religion, we automatically must be anti-Semitic or anti-something, just as long as it inflames the passions of the people. Just say no and refuse to be drawn into this race and religion baiting. If we refuse to play their game, they won’t have a battleground and we will win. Divided we will fall.[Mrs.(?)Kidd has left out the best part of this jew-plan.If you break one of their “Noahide” laws,the punishment-now backed up by YOUR government-is DECAPITATION.You are to be beheaded just for naming the name of JESUS!]

“Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern, which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus.”—Thomas Jefferson Commentary by Joe Farah of World Net Daily April, 1999 Thomas Jefferson to W. Canby, 1813

The Noahide Laws
It is worth noting that the Noahide Laws will be administered by a restored Sanhedrin, the ruling body of the Jews which found Jesus Christ guilty of blasphemy on the accusations of two false witnesses. Under the Courts of Law section of the Noahide Laws is stated: "A person may be convicted in a Noahide court on the testimony of a single witness, but only if the witness is known to be righteous." [ Researcher Note: A study of the filthy Talmud will reveal that ALL “jews” are considered righteous !]

There is, at present, a worldwide movement with many points of entry (Lubavitcher Movement, Nazarene Movement, Hebraic Roots/Messianic Movement, Latter Rain/Roman Catholic Year of Jubilee) to bring all of mankind under the Old Testament Law. These trendy movements to adopt the customs and feasts of the Mosaic Covenant are effectively laying the groundwork to mobilize the Church for Jay Gary's call to "experience the Jubilee" Year in AD 2000 and be "reconciled to our spiritual roots." Jay Gary wrote in THE STAR OF 2000:
The annual calendar of Israel was built around three major festivals: Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles... The Year of Jubilee encompassed these three festivals, only raised to a higher power ...Then, as well as today, Jesus calls us to experience His jubilee... It's time to blow the ancient trumpet. It's time to be reconciled to our spiritual roots. (pp.84-5)
This massive movement also seems to be leading toward the global establishment of the Noahide Laws (already U.S. law), for which disobedience the penalty is beheading (Rev. 20:4) THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JUDAISM lists these seven universal laws and indicates their binding nature on all Gentiles:
Full-page ads in the New York Times and other newspapers have proclaimed: ‘All nations of the world: Fulfill the 7 universal Noahide Laws given to you in the Torah of Moses.’... One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation. (Sanh. 57A)

THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JUDAISM identifies the Babylonian Talmud (T.B.) as the source of "The Noachide Laws." According to Maimonides, acceptance -- on the basis of the Bible -- of the seven universal precepts means that any such righteous Gentile is numbered with 'the pious ones among the nations of the world...deserving a share in the world to come' (Tosef. Sanh 13.2)
(1) Civil justice [the duty to establish a legal system];
(2) Prohibition of blasphemy [which includes the bearing of false witness];
(3) The abandonment of idolatry;
(4) The prohibition of incest [including adultery and other sexual offenses];
(5) The prohibition of murder;
(6) Also that of theft;
(7) The law against eating flesh [a limb] cut from a living animal [ie., cruelty in any shape or form] (T.B. Sanh. 56A)

Hebrew scholar, Eliezer Segal, documents that the Babylonian Talmud (T.B.) is a commentary on the Mishnah composed by Babylonian Jewish sages (Ravs) from the early third to the sixth century. Although it is claimed by the Lubavitch, Nazarene and Hebraic Roots Movements that the source of the 7 Noahide Laws is the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy), the evidence of history proves that the Talmud and Mishnah are derived from Babylonian traditions that Jesus said contradicted and nullified the teaching of Scripture. Likewise, the "root" of the Hebrew Roots Movement is not the written Torah given to Moses, but rather the occult traditions adopted from the mystery religions of ancient Babylon.

Then came (Jesus') disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be ROOTED up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (Matt. 15:12,13)


The Mark of the Beast: The Six-Pointed Star
The Semitic New Testament
The Hebrew Movement: The Fourth Wave
Midrash...The Camel's Nose
Under the Law: The Lubavitch Movement & Noahide Laws
The Deadly Fruit of Kabbalah
The World Sabbath
The Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism
The Lost Tribe of Dan
The Spirit of Elijah
The Jew & Israel as the Bible Presents Them
Judaising the Christian Church
"Tishrei" Heresy & Israel's True Biblical Position Today
The Attack on the Name of Jesus


also spelled Qabbalah, KABALA, KABBALAH, CABALA, CABBALA, OR CABBALAH (Hebrew: "Tradition"), esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. Kabbala has always been essentially an oral tradition in that initiation into its doctrines and practices is conducted by a personal guide to avoid the dangers inherent in mystical experiences. Esoteric Kabbala is also "tradition" inasmuch as it lays claim to secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (divine revelation) that was communicated by God to Moses and Adam. Though observance of the Law of Moses remained the basic tenet of Judaism, Kabbala provided a means of approaching God directly. It thus gave Judaism a religious dimension whose mystical approaches to God were viewed by some as dangerously pantheistic and heretical.

The earliest roots of Kabbala are traced to Merkava mysticism. It began to flourish in Palestine in the 1st century AD and had as its main concern ecstatic and mystical contemplation of the divine throne, or "chariot" (merkava), seen in a vision by Ezekiel, the prophet (Ezekiel 1). The earliest known Jewish text on magic and cosmology, Sefer Yetzira ("Book of Creation"), appeared sometime between the 3rd and the 6th century. It explained creation as a process involving the 10 divine numbers (sefirot; see sefira) of God the Creator and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Taken together, they were said to constitute the "32 paths of secret wisdom."

A major text of early Kabbala was the 12th-century Sefer ha-bahir ("Book of Brightness"), whose influence on the development of Jewish esoteric mysticism and on Judaism in general was profound and lasting. The Bahir not only interpreted the sefirot as instrumental in creating and sustaining the universe but also introduced into Judaism such notions as the transmigration of souls (gilgul) and strengthened the foundations of Kabbala by providing it with an extensive mystical symbolism.

Spanish Kabbala
In the following century, the Sefer ha-temuna ("Book of the Image") appeared in Spain and advanced the notion of cosmic cycles, each of which provides an interpretation of the Torah according to a divine attribute. Judaism, consequently, was presented not as a religion of immutable truths but as one for which each cycle, or eon, was said to have a different Torah.

Spain also produced the famous Sefer ha-zohar ("Book of Splendour"), a book that in some circles was invested with a sanctity rivaling that of the Torah itself. It dealt with the mystery of creation and the functions of the sefirot, and it offered mystical speculations about evil, salvation, and the soul.

Following their expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Jews were more than ever taken up with messianic hopes and eschatology, and Kabbala found wide favour.

Lurianic Kabbala. By the mid-16th century the unchallenged centre of Kabbala was Safed, Galilee, where one of the greatest of all Kabbalists, Isaac ben Solomon Luria, spent the last years of his life. According to Gershom Gerhard Scholem, a modern Jewish scholar of Kabbala, Luria's influence was surpassed only by that of the Sefer ha-zohar. Lurianic Kabbala developed several basic doctrines: the "withdrawal" (tzimtzum) of the divine light, thereby creating primordial space; the sinking of luminous particles into matter (qellipot: "shells"); and a "cosmic restoration" (tiqqun) that is achieved by the Jew through an intense mystical life and unceasing struggle against evil. Lurianic Kabbalism was used to justify Shabbetaianism, a Jewish messianic movement of the 17th century.

Lurianic Kabbala also profoundly influenced the doctrines of modern Hasidism, a social and religious movement that began in the 18th century and still flourishes today in small but significant Jewish communities.

also spelled CHASIDISM (from Hebrew hasid, "pious one"), a pietistic movement within Judaism that began in the 18th century in southeastern Poland (Volhynia and Podolia) and persists today in small but vigorous groups, especially in the United States and Israel. Hasidism was a reaction against an orthodox religious system that had, many felt, become rigidly legalistic and in which the spiritual yearnings of the common people were lost. Rather than emphasize Talmudic learning, Hasidism made an appeal to emotionalism and anti-intellectualism.

In the 18th century a simple, devout, mystically inclined lime digger, Israel ben Eliezer, attracted crowds of simple people with comforting homilies and mystical expositions of the Scriptures. His reported cures of the sick and his unstinting devotion to the spiritual needs of the common people soon earned for him the reputation of a saint and miracle worker. The people called him the Ba'al Shem Tov, the "Master of the Good Name."

The Ba'al Shem Tov viewed true religion as being neither an ascetic withdrawal from the world nor a concentration on traditional rabbinic scholarship. He did not reject the Jewish faith or its customs and traditions but rather injected new elements--or at least new emphases--into Judaism by insisting that true religion was knowledge of the immanence of God in all creation. Awareness of this fact, he taught, leads to communion with God, mainly through prayer, although true worship relates to every activity of human life. Piety is superior to scholarship, and all men, however poor or ignorant, can commune with God if they have enthusiasm (hitlahavut) and a warm and trusting heart. If people serve God with a joyous heart in humility and meekness, the disunited world can be restored to unity, and saving grace will flow more freely. From God people would gain a sense of pride and dignity despite their lowly status.

The actual founder of the Hasidic community was Dov Baer ("Great Preacher"; c. 1710-12), whose reputation as a scholar made it possible for him to win important converts from among the learned rabbis. By investing Hasidic leaders (tzaddiqim, "righteous ones"; singular tzaddiq) with powers of intercession, he added an important element to Hasidic teachings. These tzaddiqim were said to have special sparks from heaven and to possess superhuman faculties unrelated to rabbinic learning.This concept prepared the way for countless small Hasidic communities in Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, and Palestine, each clustered around a tzaddiq. As the movement spread, shouting, dancing, singing, wild movements of the body, and stimulating drink became part of communal services, all geared to produce sudden bursts of rapturous prayer and induce states of ecstasy.

Hasidism eventually came into conflict with the Talmudically educated rabbinate. Long-smoldering opposition from Orthodox rabbis (called Mitnaggedim, or "Opponents") reached a climax in 1772 when Elijah ben Solomon, the gaon (spiritual leader) of Vilna, excommunicated the Hasidim for their practical repudiation of traditional Judaism, for pantheistic tendencies, for the adoption of esoteric Kabbalistic teachings, and for excessive veneration of the tzaddiqim. Elimelech of Lizhensk had, in fact, established Hasidic dynasties by claiming that charismatic qualities were transmitted by heredity from a father to his son. Despite such opposition, the movement continued unabated.

Many Hasidic leaders gained considerable renown, among them Jacob Isaac (d. 1815) of Lublin, Pol., popularly believed to be clairvoyant. He revived earlier stirrings of messianic hopes by declaring that the Napoleonic Wars were a prelude to messianic redemption that could be hastened by the use of magic. Shneur Zalman of Ladi (White Russia) attempted to combine mystical piety with rabbinic learning, but all to no avail. The opposition of the Mitnaggedim remained firm until the spread of the Haskala (Jewish Enlightenment) in eastern Europe in the 1830s presented both Hasidim and Mitnaggedim with a common enemy.

As the 20th century dawned, the pristine spirit of the Hasidim had greatly deteriorated. It began to take on an ultraconservative character and attacked any manifestation of modernity within the Jewish community. The tzaddiqim gained excessive power in their elaborate "courts," and the principle of dynastic succession proved detrimental to the movement's capacity for further change. In eastern Europe the Hasidim nevertheless remained a numerically strong group within Orthodox Judaism. Hasidism suffered a staggering blow when huge numbers of eastern and central European Jews were put to death by the Nazis during World War II. The few tzaddiqim who survived emigrated to Israel or the United States and established new followings. The most successful was the Lubavich sect headed (1950-94) by the Russian-born Menachem Mendel Schneerson, which numbered about 200,000 in the late 20th century. The philosopher Martin Buber, among others, did much in recent times to interpret Hasidism to the modern generation.

Masonic Connexion
Lubavitch Noachides Masons

Chabad Lubavitch explains that the children of Noah are the Gentiles:
"With respect G-d's commandments, all of humanity is divided into two general classifications - the Children of Israel and the Children of Noah. The Children of Israel are the Jews, the descendants of the Patriarch Jacob. They are commanded to fulfill the 613 commandments of the Torah. The Children of Noah are the Gentiles, comprising the seventy nations of the world. They are commanded concerning the Seven Universal Laws, also known as the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah or the Seven Noahide Laws."

According to Masonic doctrine, a Noahide is an average Gentile, while a "true Noachida" would be a "righteous Gentile" (eg., a Mason) who pursues the study and keeping of the 7 Laws, thereby attaining to an advanced level of spirituality:
"When one of the Children of Noah engages in the study of the Seven Universal Laws, he is able to attain a spiritual level higher than the High Priest of the Jews, who alone has the sanctity to enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem."

Albert Mackey upholds the binding nature of the Noahide Laws for salvation and "These seven obligations...are held binding on all men, inasmuch as all are descendants of Noah, and the Rabbins maintain that he who observes them, though he not be an Israelite, has a share in the future life, and it is the duty of every Jew to enforce their due observance wherever he has the power to do so." 12.

Noahide Lubavich
The Lubavitch Movement
The Noahide Laws
Freemasons: True Noahides
The Hebrew Roots Movement
The Lubavitch Movement

The highest judicial body of the United Nations, the World Court, is in the process of creating an International Criminal Court (ICC) which will soon excercise global authority over individual persons without the encumbrance of a Bill of Rights or common law tradition. As of 16 June 2000, 13 of the 60 ratifications of the treaty to establish the ICC have been received. The deadline is 31 December 2000:

"The Court, which is to be a permanent judicial body with jurisdiction over crimes committed by individuals, has now received 13 of the 60 ratifications necessary to bring it into being (Senegal, Trinidad and Tobago, San Marino, Italy, Fiji, Ghana, Norway, Belize, Iceland,
Tajikistan, Venezuela, France and Sierra Leone). So far, 97 countries have signed the treaty establishing the Court. The treaty remains open for signature until 31 December."

"On the matter of crimes initially within the Court's jurisdiction -- genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity -- the Commission is working to identify what elements would constitute those crimes and would need to be proven in order to obtain convictions. In the category of crimes against humanity, it is discussing such crimes as murder, enslavement, extermination, persecution, disappearance and sexual crimes."

Increasingly supported by the U.S. and other governments, the U.N.'s Hague Tribunal is only lacking a set of general principles by which to administer international law. "...the ICC's authorizing statute 'should be one of principle and not of detail...' [It should] be a flexible statute based on principles which may be developed by the Court as circumstances require while still providing sufficient guidance to establish an international framework within which the Court can work... also... the ICC must be able to employ 'an element of compulsion' in order 'to redress gross violations of human rights and international law....'"

Scripture states that the Antichrist will change TIMES and LAWS:
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws... (Dan. 7:25)

The New Age must inaugurate a new calendar in recognition of the new Christ. The opportune time for this transition would logically be the beginning of the new millennium which, according to the Greenwich 2000: Millennium website, "officially starts on 1 January 2001 (there was no year 0)."
This report will be concerned, however, with the other aspect of the Antichrist's administration. The imposition of international law is currently the objective of a worldwide, multicultural and politically-oriented religious network that is working diligently to hasten mankind's departure from the Age of Grace and return to "The Law." Indeed, according to dispensational theology, the Age of Grace closes with the rapture of the Church, commencing the 70th week of God's dealings with the nation of Israel and return to the Mosaic Law. (Dan. 9:27)

The many-faceted movement to enforce an international code of law is demanding that entire nations submit to a set of principles variously termed the Noahide Laws, the Moral Law, Natural Laws, Universal Laws, etc. This would normally not concern Christians, who are required under most circumstances to obey the laws of the higher authorities. However, this movement is not working exclusively outside the pale of Christianity, but is subtly seeking to establish its legal framework within the Church, which is not under Law but under Grace. (Romans 6:14) It therefore behooves believers to avoid the trap of always looking "out there" for purveyors of the traditions of men. We find in Scripture that the apostle Paul gave this warning to the elders of the Church of Ephesus:

Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. for I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. (Acts 20:28, 29)

Dr. James Dobson 501( c )( 3 ) Wolf Extraordinaire
On March 4, Christian radio stations nationwide aired an address to the Council for National Policy by James Dobson, President of Focus on the Family. Expressing his determination to do whatever is necessary to restore the observance of "moral law," Dr. Dobson reasoned that, since God created Wisdom before He created anything else, the Moral Law is the law of the Universe. The identical appeal for nations to be governed by "natural law" and "moral law" has historically been made by the Orders of Freemasonry.

The demand for international law is also emanating from the worldwide Lubavitch movement, the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon (which has close ties to the Council for National Policy), and the many groups represented within the CNP, such as Christian Reconstructionists, Moral Re-Armament, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, etc. The insidious legalism and Kabbalism of the Lubavitch movement has also entered the Church disguised as the Hebraic Roots of Christianity. It is the purpose of this series to examine a vast network of religious organizations and movements whose common cause is bringing Christians into spiritual bondage to the Mosaic Law and, by extension, the Babylonian traditions which were appended to the Torah.[And Talmud !]

As you read this, bear in mind that the “moral” “Dr. Laura”[Schlessenger; jewess] Is a member of Lubavicher Synagog in California. She is laughing her guts out every time a "goyim" Christian calls in to her show for advice from her Anti-Christ self, and spills their life story over nationwide radio.

On the University of Calgary web site, the pages of Associate Professor of Theology, Dr. Eliezer Segal, present much information about ancient and modern Judaism. One of the modern schools of Judaic philosophy is Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism, which Dr. Segal describes as Kabbalist movement:

"The name 'Chabad' is a Hebrew acronym for the expression 'Chokmah,' 'Binah" and 'Da'at' -- Wisdom, Intelligence and Knowledge. These Kabbalistic terms are central to the distinctive intellectual theology of the movement... The name Lubavitch refers to a town in Lithuania that was the centre of the movement for a brief period during the nineteenth century...Chabad Hasidism continued to be a major force among Russian and Lithuanian Jews from its inception...

"In 1940 the head of the movement Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneerson moved to America from Russia. From the outset he expressed his determination to make the Lubavitch movement into an American religious movement (e.g., by abandoning the traditional European long frocks in favour of American-style dress)."

Chabad-Lubavitch is now an international movement with headquarters in New York. The American Friends of Chabad Lubavitch in Washington, D.C. coordinates activities for Chabad on Capital Hill, lobbies for Chabad causes, and runs study groups and social programs geared towards congressional staffers. In 1991, Chabad-Lubavitch in cooperation with President Bush established the observance of Education Day, USA "to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws."
Public Law 102--14 (H.J. Res. 104): March 20, 1991 Education Day, USA Proclamation Joint Resolution to designate March 26, 1991 as "Education Day, USA"

Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;

Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;

Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;

Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;

Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;

Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;

Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe", this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of "education and giving", the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and

Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as "Education Day. U.S.A.". The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

Approved March 20, 1991.

The doctrines of the Lubavitch Movement are derived from the Kabbalah, the source book of Jewish mysticism or Gnosticism. The Encyclopedia of Religion states that the Lubavitch Hasidic interpretation of the Lurianic system of Kabbalah is among those taught in traditional Jewish institutions:
"The dominant brand of Qabbalah in the modern Qabbalistic Yeshivot (traditional Jewish academies) is the Lurianic system. It is studied according to the interpretations offered by Mosheh Hayyim Luzzatto, by Eliyyahu ben Shelomoh Aalman, by Habad, the Lubavitch Hasidic Movement and by the Sefardic Qabbalists of the Beit El Academy in Jerusalem." 1.
The "Lurianic system" of Kabalah was developed by Rabbi Luria (Ari). The Inner Dimension web site states: "Ari is an acronym for 'The Divine Rabbi Isaac [Luria]' (1534-1572), who received and conveyed revolutionary new insights into the wisdom of Kabbalah."

Rabbi Luria is identified by the Encyclopedia of Religion as the most influential of the Kabbalist/Theosophists: "The success of Luria's thought was instantaneous: his theosophy was accepted unanimously . . . and his Qabbalah was regarded as superior to the Cordoverian system." 2.

H.P. Blavatsky traces the Kabbalah to the ancient mysteries of Babylon and Egypt: "As is well known, the Kabala never originated with the Jews, who got their ideas from the Chaldeans and the Egyptians." 3.

The Secret Book of the Egyptian Gnostics claims that the sacred Book of the Cave of Treasures is alleged to contain the secret teachings that were written by Adam who, prior to his interment in Persia, transmitted them to Noah. According to the Gnostic tradition, "nascent Christianity" commingled with Zoroastrianism and the commands of Adam to Noah were preserved in Persia for the generations to come:

"The principle work in which ...all these traditions became synchrotized was The Book of the Cave of Treasures...It puts all these revelations into the mouth of Adam as the first of a long series of prophets, who predicts how the Magi will await the announcement of the Saviour, near this cave in which Adam himself will have been interred, and where the Treasures are concealed which the Magi will carry to Bethlehem...

"In The Book of the Cave of Treasures ...let us quote from it these lines, supposedly spoken by the Magi: Adam imparted revelations to his son Seth...he recommended his son Seth never to fail in justice as he Adam had done. Seth welcomed the teaching of his father with a pure heart and it was given to him to inscribe this wisdom in a book and to teach it...And thanks to him, for the first time in this world, there was seen a book written in the name of the Most High. Seth bequeathed to his descendents the book thus written, and that book was handed down even to Noah...(who) took with him into the Ark the books of these teachings... He ordained in his turn that the generation that came after him were to repeat...the mysteries in the books of Seth...These mysteries and this narrative were handed down even to our fathers...who passed them on to us." 4.

The Encyclopedia of Judaism locates the Noachide Laws in the Talmud Bavli, the Babylonian Talmud. [NOTE: On the Babylonian Talmud (T.B.), the following statement is representative Jewish scholarship: "There are two editions of the Talmud, the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. Of these two, the Babylonian Talmud is authoritative for Orthodox Judaism, which regards it as divinely inspired... The superiority of the Babylonian Talmud is so great, that when people now talk about the Talmud, they always mean the Babylonian Talmud. The authority of the Babylonian Talmud is also greater than that of the Jerusalem Talmud. In cases of doubt the former is decisive."] 5.

The Noachide Laws - The Encyclopedia of Judaism

(1) Civil justice [the duty to establish a legal system];
(2) Prohibition of blasphemy [which includes the bearing of false witness];
(3) The abandonment of idolatry;
(4) The prohibition of incest [including adultery and other sexual offenses];
(5) The prohibition of murder;
(6) Also that of theft;
(7) The law against eating flesh [a limb] cut from a living animal [ie., cruelty in any shape or form] (T.B. Sanh. 56A)

The Talmud also states the penalty for disobedience: "One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation. (Sanh. 57A)"

The Chabad Lubavitch in Cyberspace provides information on the Noahide Laws:

The Seven Noahide Laws - A Guide for Mankind
In Depth Look at the Seven Noachide Laws

The Noachide Code And The Messianic Era
Courts Of Law

It has been pointed out that the second Noahide Law which prohibits blasphemy will preclude the worship of Jesus Christ, who was once accused of this very crime by the Sanhedrin. Moses Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon - 1138­1204), better known as the Rambam, is universally recognized for his preeminence as a Jewish philosopher and thinker. His influence remains unabated until the present time. Maimonides classic work, Mishnah Torah, opens with a section on systematic philosophical theology, derived largely from Aristotelian science and metaphysics.

Maimonides Mishnah Torah, in Chapter 10 of the English Translation, states concerning Jesus Christ:

"It is a mitzvah [religious duty; ARC], however, to eradicate Jewish traitors, minnim, and apikorsim, and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot." 6.
The Mishnah is the early Talmud or the forerunner of the Talmud. To the Mishnah the rabbis later added the Gemara (rabbinical commentaries). Together these comprise the Talmud. Scholars will claim that the Talmud is partly a collection of oral traditions given by Moses which had not yet been written down in Jesus' time. However, Christ condemned the traditions of the Mishnah (early Talmud) and the Scribes and Pharisees who taught it, because the Talmud nullifies the teachings of Scripture. The warning of Jesus Christ about the traditions of men that make null and void the Word of God (Mark 7:1-13) is a direct reference to the Mishnah.

Likewise, the commands found in Genesis 9 and Acts 15 are not the equivalent of the 7 Noahide Laws of the Kabbalist/Lubavitchers, nor does the context in which these commands appear have any correlation to the radical agenda of the movement promoting the Noahide Laws. The information I will be posting on the Kabbalistic movements within Judaism does NOT implicate true orthodox Judaism as a component of the Antichrist religion. Rather, MYSTERY BABYLON of Revelation 17 will consist of the vast network of Mystery Religions covering the globe, of which many seek to identify with Judaism and Christianity as a covering for their sin.

In the course of this series, it will be seen that the Christian Church has been infiltrated by modern Judaizers who would commit believers to various obligations of their particular system of legalism. For those who would be His disciples, however, Jesus Christ enunciated the two greatest commandments which encompassed all the Law and the Prophets: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind... Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self." (Matt. 22:37,39)

The Noahide Laws
Path Of The Righteous Gentile
One purveyor of the Noahide Laws, the B'nai Noach, defines the term "Noahide" as a Gentile:

"A bat Noach [daughter of Noah] or b'nai Noach [son/child of Noah] is a non-Jew (Noahide) who follows the Jewish laws specifically given by God for them."

The Chabad Lubavitch, B'nai Noach and even some Messianic organizations identify the Noahide Laws with the command given to Noah in Genesis 9 and/or the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. However, neither passage contains a these 7 commandments as a code of universal law, nor did God's purposes for giving these commands remotely correlate with the political agenda of the Lubavitch movement.

The Chabad Lubavitch in Cyberspace further states that God gave the 7 Noahide Laws at Mount Sinai with the intention that the Children of Israel should keep them and teach them to the Gentiles:

"...the Seven Universal Laws were given on Mount Sinai at the time when the Torah was given to the Jewish people...With the Giving of the Torah, the G-d of Israel chose the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as His Chosen People, commanding them to fulfill the 613 precepts of the Torah. He also commanded the righteous of the other nations of the world to keep the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah and commanded Moses and his people teach them how."

Why should Gentiles need to be taught by Jews?
"The Scriptures prophesy that the Gentiles would go to the Jews and ask to be taught by them. There are many things found in the Hebrew Scriptures which cannot be understood without learning their Jewish context."
B'nai Noach cites Zechariah 8:22, 23 and there are other Scriptural references to the Messianic period when the Gentile nations will come to Jerusalem. However, understood in their proper context and with the revelation of the New Testament, these passages pertain expressly to the millennial reign of Jesus Christ:
Zechariah 8:22, 23: "Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts; in Those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you."

Isaiah 2:2,3: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem."

Isaiah 60:1-5: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of they rising. Lift up thin eyes round about, and see; all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thin heart shall fear, and be enlarged because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee."

Lubavitch prophecies look for the messiah to arise from among their own leadership:
"The sect's early leaders prophesied that only seven rabbis would lead them, and before the death of the seventh, Messiah would come... The Lubavitcher’s prime candidate for being the Messiah, Rabbi Schneerson, died in June of 1994. The powerful Orthodox/Jewish sect has been left in a quandary, since they had been claiming that the Messiah would appear in Jerusalem before Schneerson’s death. While some Lubavitchers are actually still looking for Schneerson to soon be resurrected to prove his Messiahship, most others are looking elsewhere for the expected deliverer."

A link to the B'nai Noach, Light to the Nations, does not believe that Jesus fulfilled the criteria required of the messiah. Again, no Scripture references are given for the mission of the anticipated messiah:
"According to the prophets of the Bible, amongst the most basic missions of the messiah are:
to cause all the world to return to G-d and His teachings,
to restore the royal dynasty to the descendants of David,
to oversee the rebuilding of Jerusalem, including the Temple, in the event that it has not yet been rebuilt;
to gather the Jewish people from all over the world and bring them home to the Land of Israel,
and to reestablish the sanhedrin,
restore the sacrificial system,
as well as the Sabbatical year and Jubilee.
The Inner Dimensions website presents tables showing the correspondences between the Noahide Laws and the Sephirot or path of initiation taught in the Kabbalah, the book of Jewish mysticism. In other words, through observance of the Noahide Laws, the Righteous Gentiles ascend on path of initiation toward perfection.

"Every human soul possesses 10 sefirot, or spiritual powers. The first three are intellectual, while the remaining seven relate to the emotions. . .[T]he seven Noahide commandments correspond to the seven emotive powers of the soul. These, in turn, correspond to the seven major parts of the body...these seven commandments are arranged in the sefirotic structure familiar to students of Kabbalah. . ."

It is worth noting that the Noahide Laws will be administered by a restored Sanhedrin, the ruling body of the Jews which found Jesus Christ guilty of blasphemy on the accusations of two false witnesses. Under the Courts of Law section of the Noahide Laws is stated: "A person may be convicting [sic] in a Noahide court on the testimony of a single witness, but only if the witness is known to be righteous." The Noahide Laws are termed The Path of the Righteous Gentile.

Who are the righteous Gentiles?
Psalms 14 and 53 state emphatically that there are NONE (no not one):
...They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are altogether become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. (Ps.14:1-3)

To those Jews who considered themselves righteous, the Lord Jesus Christ said, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)
And to those who strove to ease their burden of sin through obedience to the Law, He extended an invitation to come to Him for release from their bondage to sin:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matt. 11:28-30)

The false doctrine of merited righteousness through observance of the Noahide Laws is an affront to the grace of God, who imputes Christ's righteousness to sinful men on the basis of faith alone. Ephesians 2:1-10 describes true salvation whereby God unites the believer with Jesus Christ, who enables him/her to overcome the power of sin:
1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace are ye saved;)
6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus;
7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of god:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Matthew Henry thus described the marvelous salvation which God has provided for sinners - Jew or Gentile:
"Our Lord Jesus is our Redeemer, our everlasting Redeemer; he looked with compassion on the deplorable state of fallen mankind…at a vast expense he redeemed the heavenly inheritance for us, which by sin was forfeited into the hands of Divine justice, and which we could never have been able to redeem. He purchased a peculiar people, whom he would espouse to himself, though strangers and foreigners…

"Though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor; but he was abundantly recompensed by his Father, who, because he thus humbled himself, hath highly exalted him, and given him a name above every name. To this union Christ invites the perishing sinner. This relation to the poor, despised believer, he avows and glories in. Let us then joyfully accept his salvation, look for all our happiness from him, and devote our selves to his service."

The Dawn of Civilization
If the Noahide Code of Universal Law is contrary to the Word of God, what then is its source?

The first two clauses of the U.S. Joint Resolution designating March 26, 1991 as "Education Day, USA, stated that the United States of America was founded upon "Seven Noahide Laws" which were the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization:

"Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;
"Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;..."

Chabad Lubavitch in Cyberspace presents a fabricated History Of The Noahide Laws as having been given to Adam, Noah and Moses, and cites the Talmud and a Jewish sage, Rashi, as contributing to this mythology. You will note in the following Chabad Lubavitch passage a Talmudic extrapolation of Scripture in regard to the Sabbath - a practice of the Pharisees which Jesus noted as well.

"When G-d charged Adam, 'And the L-rd G-d commanded Adam, saying: Of every tree in the garden you may surely eat. But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not eat of it, for on the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.' (Genesis 2:16,17) This single commandment contained the source of the Seven Noahide Commandments. And more, Adam was charged by G-d with the responsibility to teach the laws to future generations...

"It is a principle in Biblical analysis that when a verse states, 'And the L-rd spoke to Moses, saying...' it means that G-d taught Moses something and that He expected him to teach it to the Jewish people, or, as in the case of the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah, to all of mankind. And so, Adam taught his children the Seven Universal Laws...

"The clear proof that the descendants of Adam knew these laws and were expected to obey them by the Divine Judge and Father, was that 1557 years later, He brought the Great Flood as a punishment for mankind's failure in keeping these commandments. 'And G-d saw the earth and, behold, it was corrupted, because all flesh had corrupted its way on the earth.' (Genesis 6:12)

"And so, with a new world and a fresh start at building it in sanctity, G-d reaffirmed the original seven commandments that He had taught Adam. G-d blessed Noah and his sons and their wives and promised him that He would never again destroy the world as He had done, sealing the promise for all time by striking a covenant with Noah as mankind's father. The rainbow with its seven colors reflected the beauty and divinity of the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah...

"The Talmud states that in one opinion, the fruit of the tree of knowledge was the grape. What Adam had done was drink wine in a profane manner. It had been G-d's intention that Adam would wait until the Sabbath, which was to come in just a few hours, and then the fruit of the tree, the grape, would be used to sanctify the Sabbath and bear witness to the fact that G-d had created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. It is argued that Noah knew this deeper meaning of Adam's transgression and by planting a vineyard and using the wine for holy purposes, he could achieve the complete rectification of the sin. But Noah failed. He became intoxicated, and discovered naked by his youngest son Ham, who shamed him by calling Noah's other two sons, Shem and Japheth to see their father's drunken nakedness.

"Rashi comments on this verse (Genesis 9:22) that Ham either castrated his father or had homosexual relations with him or both. Shem and Japheth respectfully covered their father with a garment, but the damage had been done. Noah awoke and cursed Ham and his descendants and the Divine Presence looked down in pity, now from the fifth heaven. The Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah remained, as before the Flood, unheeded by all but a few, notably Shem and his grandson Eber, who established Houses of Study for the purpose of understanding and fulfilling the Noahide Laws."

The House of Bondage
Under the guise of orthodox Jewry, the modern Kabbalists are taking both Jew and Gentile back to Egypt, the ancient house of bondage - a fact confirmed by Theosophist, H.P. Blavatsky, who traced the Kabbalah to the mystery religions of Babylon and Egypt: "As is well known, the Kabbala never originated with the Jews, who got their ideas from the Chaldeans and the Egyptians." 7.

The Secret Book of the Egyptian Gnostics presents an account of Adam and Noah that is quite similar to the Chabad Lubavitch. Author Jeanne Doresse revealed the existence of a sacred Book of the Cave of Treasures which synchrotized the traditions of nascent Christianity with...Iranian and Jewish myths (Zoroaster)" including the "wisdom" or "mysteries" that were handed down from Adam to Seth to Noah:

"In The Book of the Cave of Treasures ...let us quote from it these lines, supposedly spoken by the Magi: Adam imparted revelations to his son Seth ... he recommended his son Seth never to fail in justice as he Adam had done. Seth welcomed the teaching of his father with a pure heart and it was given to him to inscribe this WISDOM in a book and to teach it...And thanks to him, for the first time in this world, there was seen a book written in the name of the Most High. Seth bequeathed to his descendents the book thus written, and that book was handed down even to Noah...(who) took with him into the Ark the books of these teachings... He ordained in his turn that the generation that came after him were to repeat...the MYSTERIES in the books of Seth...These MYSTERIES and this narrative were handed down even to our fathers...who passed them on to us." 8.

FREEMASONS [Or rather, Free(?)Masons]
The True Noahides
In The History of Freemasonry, HIGH ADEPT AND PRINCE OF MASONRY, ALBERT MACKEY, provides the sequel to the Egyptian/Kabbalist accounts of Noah:

"After Noah’s emergence from the Ark, he is said to have promulgated seven precepts for the government of the new race of men of whom he was to be the progenitor... [1] To do justice [2] Worship God [3] Abstain from idolatry [4] Preserve chastity [5] Do not commit murder [6] Do not steal [7] Do not eat blood." 9.

Mackey further identifies Noah as the originator of a mystery religion known as the Arkite Worship.

"The influence of Noah on Masonic doctrine is to be traced to the almost universal belief of men in the events of the deluge, and a consequent establishment in many nations of a system of religion known to ethnologists as the 'Arkite Worship... Hence arose that system known to modern scholars as the 'Arkite Worship' in whose rites and mysteries, which were eventually communicated to the other ancient religions. There were always some allusions to the events of the Noahic flood - to the Ark, as the WOMB OF NATURE, to the eight persons saved in it, as the Ogdoad or sacred number - and to the renovation of the world, as symbolizing the passage from death to immortal life." 10.

Regarding Arkite Worship, the Watch Unto Prayer report A Sacred Assembly, explains the blasphemous Kabbalist doctrine that the Holy of Holies within the Jerusalem Temple is the "womb of nature" (Hat-hor) or Isis. It is from this Kabbalistic interpretation of Scripture that Freemasonry derived its initiation rite of the third degree, in which the Master Mason is baptized into the death of Osiris and resurrected to immortality.

Prince Adept, Albert Mackey, wrote that Masons are required by the Old Charges to obey the precepts of Noah as "the Moral Law," i.e.., "that religion in which all men agree."

"...(A) revision of the Old Charges...contained this passage: 'A Mason is obliged by his tenure to obey the Moral Law.' In the edition of 1738, Dr. Anderson has, without authority, completed the sentence by adding the words, 'As a true Noachida. ...the only religious laws which a Freemason is required to obey are those which are contained in the code that has been attributed to Noah. This sentiment is still further expressed toward the close of the 'Old Charges' where it is said that the Mason is obliged only 'to that religion in which all men agree,' excluding therefore atheism and requiring the observance of such simple laws of morality as are enjoined in the precepts of Noah." 11.

A History of English Freemasonry web site defines the Old Charges of Freemasonry as the moral "duties" of the Mason: "These are parchment rolls up to nine feet in length or paper sheets formed into notebooks containing a legendary history of the mason trade and Charges reciting the duties of a mason to his God, his master, his craft and his fellows."

Chabad Lubavitch explains that the children of Noah are the Gentiles: "With respect G-d's commandments, all of humanity is divided into two general classifications - the Children of Israel and the Children of Noah. The Children of Israel are the Jews, the descendants of the Patriarch Jacob. They are commanded to fulfill the 613 commandments of the Torah. The Children of Noah are the Gentiles, comprising the seventy nations of the world. They are commanded concerning the Seven Universal Laws, also known as the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah or the Seven Noahide Laws."

According to Masonic doctrine, a Noahide is an average Gentile, while a "true Noachida" would be a "righteous Gentile" (eg., a Mason) who pursues the study and keeping of the 7 Laws, thereby attaining to an advanced level of spirituality: "When one of the Children of Noah engages in the study of the Seven Universal Laws, he is able to attain a spiritual level higher than the High Priest of the Jews, who alone has the sanctity to enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem."

Albert Mackey upholds the binding nature of the Noahide Laws for salvation and "These seven obligations...are held binding on all men, inasmuch as all are descendants of Noah, and the Rabbins maintain that he who observes them, though he not be an Israelite, has a share in the future life, and it is the duty of every Jew to enforce their due observance wherever he has the power to do so." 12.

The Hebrew Roots Movement
The Masonic New World Order

1. Encyclopedia of Religion, "Qabbalah"
2. Ibid.
3. H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, Theosophical Pub. House, 1888, p. 240.
4. Jean Doresse, The Secret Book Of The Egyptian Gnostics, 1986, pp. 198, 184.
5. R.C. Musaph-Andriesse, Torah to Kabbalah, New York, Oxford University, Press, 1982, pg. 40.
6. Maimonides Mishnah Torah, Chapter 10, English Translation, pg. 184.
7. The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, p. 240.
8. Jean Doresse, 1986, p. 198, 184.
9. Albert Mackey, The History Of Freemasonry
10. Albert Mackey, pp. 406-7.
11. Albert Mackey, pp. 408-11
12. Albert Mackey, p. 409.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:33 pm

"[Christians have to make a choice] either retain their present belief system and be anti-Semitic or form a partnership with the Jewish people ... As long as Christians keep Jesus as God, they will be antisemitic because that belief must lead them to believe that those who reject Jesus reject God ... That's how the process of satanising the Jew's began. That belief is the root cause of 1,500 years of the Christian idolatrous anti-Semitism which led to the Holocaust."

- Rabbi Dr Pinchas Hayman of the Bar-llan University, the second largest university in Zionist State of Israel who is active in Jewish-Christian dialogue and especially in encouraging modern Christianity to return to its "Jewish roots" by observing certain Jewish Observances, the Talmudic Laws called the Seven Noahide Laws. The Australian Jewish News July 26, 1996



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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:15 pm

"Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfilment of these Seven Mitzvos [Seven Noahide Laws] and is precise in their observance is considered one of the hasidei umos ha'olam ["Hasidim of the nations of the world"] and will merit a share in the World to Come."

- Maimonides, The Laws of Kings (8:11), Mishneh Torah

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:37 pm

"Influencing non-Jews to keep their mitzvos, the Seven Noahide Laws... will assist our task of making the world into a dwelling place for God, and help bring about the arrival of Messiah ...Every Jew has the obligation to ensure that all the peoples of the world observe the Seven Noahide Laws ... The religious tolerance of today, and the trend towards greater freedom, gives us the unique opportunity to enhance widespread observance of these laws."

- Menachem Mendel Schneerson, 1984

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The Noahide Laws - Page 2 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:43 pm

" ... the peoples of the world will be divided into two main groups, the Israelitic and the non-Israelitic. The former will be righteous; they will live according to the wishes of one, universal God ... All the other peoples, on the other hand, will be known for their detestable practices, idolatry, and similar acts of wickedness. They will be destroyed and will disappear from earth before the ushering in of the ideal era ... To understand the Rabbinic conception of an ideal world it will help us if we can imagine a hand passing from land to land, country to country, marking righteous or wicked on the foreheads of each one of the inhabitants of the earthly globe ... Consequently, idolatry and idol-worshippers, wicked people, unrighteous nations, will disappear from the earth."

"A model ideal state will gradually spread its teachings and influence from nation to nation. The people of Israel will thus conquer the nations of the earth."

- Rabbi Michael Higger, The Jewish Utopia p.37,39 (1932)

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