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The Noahide Laws

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:09 pm

The scholars stated, A heathen is executed for the violation of four precepts [including idolatry]. But is a heathen executed for idolatry? Surely it has been taught: With respect to idolatry, such acts for which a Jewish court decrees sentence of death [on Jewish delinquents] are forbidden to the heathen. This implies that they are merely forbidden, but their violation is not punished by death! — R. Nahman b. Isaac answered: Their prohibition is their death sentence.29

Footnote 29. I.e., in speaking of heathens, when the Tanna teaches that they are forbidden to do something, he ipso facto teaches that it is punishable by death; for only in speaking of Jews is it necessary to distinguish between prohibition and punishment.

- Sanhedrin 57a (Babylonian talmud)

LINK: Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:41 pm

Talbot School of Theology is a theologically conservative, evangelical seminary in Southern California near Los Angeles. With almost a 60-year heritage of biblical fidelity, the seminary couples solid evangelical scholarship with intentional character development to prepare students for a lifetime of relevant, effective ministry. The seminary's six master's degree programs and three doctoral degree programs are led by a faculty of nationally renowned, widely-published and actively engaged ministry leaders.

The emphasis in Messianic Jewish Studies, offered at the New York City extension, provides training and preparation for a variety of professional ministries that serve the Jewish community in roles such as Messianic congregational leader, outreach, missions worker, or educator. Includes opportunities for specialized study of the Bible and theological reflection with a focus on aspects of Jewish studies. Enrollment in emphasis-specific courses is limited to students admitted to Messianic Jewish Studies emphasis.


As a result of this program, the student will:

  • Master the Hebrew language.
  • Develop competency in Hebrew exegesis.
  • Incorporate an understanding of Rabbinic thought and Old Testament Law in course studies and discipleship.
  • Employ knowledge of Jewish culture and values effectively in diverse ministry situations.
  • Develop skills of ministry specifically appropriate for the Jewish community, including the following proficiencies:
  • Students will be skilled in using Jewish liturgy in Messianic worship and practice (holidays, funerals, marriages, rites of passage, and music).
  • Students will speak and write with understanding about Jewish backgrounds of the Christian faith.
  • Students will be able to prepare biblical messages appropriate for the Messianic Jewish community.
  • Students will provide biblical pastoral counsel for the unique needs of the Messianic Jewish community.
  • As a result of personal experience, students will be able to describe the significance of modern Israel in the Jewish community.

Talbot School of Theology Messianic Jewish Studies

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:46 pm

A post from a forum I frequent:

" a former Christian who is now fully Jewish, I have no particular objections to Christians adapting Jewish observances to their own practice.

Most Jews are aware of the deceptive nature of Jews for Jesus, and of "Messianic synagogues." In my experience, the vast majority of "Messianic Jews" were never Jewish, and are in fact Christians who want to practice Jewish ritual and observances and call themselves Jews. I no longer have any objection to that either,
and here's why:

Once a Christian begins to look into the Jewish religion, he (or she) may discover, first, that the Jewish Messiah and the Christian Christ are two entirely different concepts with almost nothing in common (as I have detailed elsewhere, and more than once). Then, he may discover the refreshing absence of dogmatism in the Jewish religion, and the equally refreshing freedom of thought and openness to debate and argument -- indeed, the fact that rational debate, argument and discussion are integral to a deeper understanding of the Jewish religion and always have been. He may eventually decide that he prefers Judaism to Christianity and become a "Noachite" -- that is, a Gentile who worships the God of Israel, an option that few know even exists; or he may eventually go for full conversion. I didn't take the "Messianic Synagogue" route myself, but more than a few Jewish converts have.

We don't have a fake "Christians for Judaism" program that pretends to show Christians how they can adopt the beliefs and practices of Judaism and remain Christians -- mostly because they can't -- though we do have a "Jews for Judaism" organization which was founded and is intended to counter the deceptions and distortions characteristic of fundamentalist efforts to convert actual Jews to Christianity. Even so, Christians are converting to Judaism in surprising numbers. That's anecdotal; we don't keep records of such things, to my knowledge, and we don't trumpet it to the skies; but, even here in Dallas, a town rather well-known to be heavily Christian and heavily fundamentalist, an astonishing number of Jews that I know personally, in five (5) different synagogues and temples, have turned out to be converts. I know of four former Methodist ministers, including myself, who have converted to Conservative Judaism; one of them is now a rabbi. I also know of Jews who are former Catholics, Lutherans and Episcopalians (Anglicans, for our UK friends), and a few who are former Baptists.

We Jews, don't advertise, we don't seek out converts, we don't put on "crusades" or evangelize, and we don't actively promote conversion in any way; in fact, as is (I hope) well known here, we traditionally discourage potential converts at first, and for quite some time after they begin to show interest. Jews do not proselytize Gentiles, as a rule. (It is true that some Orthodox Jews, notably the Lubavitcher Chasids through the Chabad network, proselytize liberal or secular Jews in an effort to bring them into the Orthodox branch and encourage strict observance, those efforts do not extend to non-Jews.) Still, Gentiles are converting to Judaism in remarkable numbers, and from what I've seen, that trend is accelerating. I can only regard that as a good thing; but then, I'm Jewish now."

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by KingdomSeeker Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:31 am

"We Jews, don't advertise, we don't seek out converts, we don't put on "crusades" or evangelize, and we don't actively promote conversion in any way"

No instead they have "Christians" doing it for them.

Gentiles are converting to Judaism in remarkable numbers, and from what I've seen, that trend is accelerating. I can only regard that as a good thing; but then, I'm Jewish now


..The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Indifferent0003


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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Sheva Mitzvot

Post by zone Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:09 pm

Welcome to ShevaMitzvot.Org

ShevaMitzvot.Org is an online information source for Righteous Gentiles (Bnei Noach), and anyone interested in learning about Bnei Noach. By using the links above and to the left, you will learn who the Bnei Noach are and what the Tanach (Hebrew Bible) teaches about them. This site is a general resource for those interested in Bnei Noach, however, contact with an Orthodox rabbi is recommended for those interested in leading a life as a Bnei Noach.


Messiah is a term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe priests and kings, who were traditionally anointed with the holy anointing oil as described in Exodus 30:22-25. In Jewish eschatology, the term came to refer to a future Jewish King from the Davidic line, who will be "anointed" with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age.1

"And if a king shall arise from among the House of David, studying Torah and indulging in commandments like his father David, according to the written and oral Torah, and he will impel all of Israel to follow it and to strengthen breaches in its observance, and will fight Hashem's [Hashem's] wars, this one is to be treated as if he were the anointed one. If he succeeded and built a Holy Temple in its proper place and gathered the disperesed ones of Israel together, this is indeed the anointed one for certain, and he will mend the entire world to worship the Lord together, as it is stated: "For then I shall turn for the nations a clear tongue, to call all in the Name of the Lord and to worship Him with one shoulder (Zephaniah 3:9)."

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:10 pm

Inspiring blog from a Christian HERO Pamela Schuffert (Exposing FEMA camps/Guillotines/Noahide Laws fame):


BY Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

There is no life and no hope and no salvation except through the LORD JESUS CHRIST! EVERYONE must come THROUGH HIM and BY HIM and by HIS GRACE to the LIVING GOD, the ONE TRUE GOD. You must give your life to HIM for SALVATION, because there is NO OTHER HOPE in this world or in the world to come. Your sins can only be forgiven through faith in HIM and NO OTHER WAY. HE IS your only hope of life!

You will never find peace or hope or life through any other religion. There is no hope of eternal life or salvation through Judaism that rejects Jesus Christ as their only Messiah and Savior.

In fact, Communism and the planned destruction of Christianity worldwide and the introduction of a very Jewish led/inspired New World Order and communism is a direct product of Jews rejecting Jesus Christ as Messiah and continuing the persecution initiated from the very days of Jesus Christ, their rejection of Him, and persecution and martyring of His disciples who preached Him.

OF course, not ALL Jews are involved, and this is not a stereotyping of Jews. God BLESS the wonderful Messianic Jews nationwide, in Israel and worldwide! God BLESS those who are working for justice among the Jewish people and inside Israel.You have many MANY Gentiles, groups, organizations, etc., who are walking in darkness who are working hard for the NWO agenda worldwide.

But many Jews by their own admission are involved, and Communism was directly inspired and the the Bolshevik revolution funded and raised up by Jewish rejecters of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Rothschilds and supporters from NYC), leading to the brutal persecution and martyrdom for tens of millions of Christians in communist regions, beginning in Russia and spreading beyond. I have experienced Jews bragging to me that my reporting is correct on the GUILLOTINES of the NOAHIDE LAWS, and that "...the antichrist you Christians fear, will be our NEW MESSIAH to get RID of you Christians and bring forth our 'Messianic' world reign!"

THIS bogus "messiah" will indeed be the antichrist of Revelation 13 and the "MAN OF PERDITION" of II Thessalonians.

This is the type of communist NWO government they hope to impose on North America as well, with Christians arrested and sent to camps by boxcars, as they were in Russia for decades to the communist gulags. This is why Christians will be among the first to be arrested and condemned and sent to the camps I have reported on under martial law.This is why FEMA will seize churches under martial law, like the communist seized churches under their Bolshevik revolution.

Under Jewish written legislature of NOAHIDE LAWS, Christians will be condemned for breaking two of them, declared guilty of idolatry and blasphemy against God. They will be EXECUTED BY BEHEADING, and the modern guillotines are HERE TODAY in the world, as I have reported extensively. They are in prisoner boxcars with shackles. They are in military bases worldwide. Our military and foreign miltary are being trained to operate them even as your read this.Yes, Christians will die by the millions worldwide under distinctly Jewish NOAHIDE LAWS and their modern guillotines.

Communism, Noahide laws, sabbateanism, the ACLU that seeks to take away all Christian freedoms in America today and much more, they are all direct products of Jews who reject Jesus as Messiah and Savior and Lord. These are the sad fruits of a people who reject their only hope and Messiah, Jesus Christ.

And certain Jews today are now preparing and raising up their "NEW MESSIAH" whom we know to be the antichrist, and some Jews have bragged to me that their new Messiah will bring in their Jewish world reign and get RID of the Christians who stand in their way! This IS their New World Order of antichrist and persecution and martyrdom of the Christians. What sad fruits of a people God loved from the beginning and called into fellowship with Himself through His beloved Messiah and Lord Jesus Christ!

IF you are Jewish, COME to Jesus your only hope and Messiah today. Your life will be changed and you will never be the same, and miracles will come into your life. There is no hope in the false "messiah" they are preparing! The Bible says that all who follow the false messiah will be condemned eternally. The Bible further states that the NEW WORLD ORDER will fail, will be judged by the Lord God, and all it's promoters and followers will be condemned eternally.

There is no hope through ISLAM, with a false prophet and a false religious doctrine and a false "moon god" Allah. There is no hope through idolatry, Hinduism, Buddhism and pagan doctrines of other religions. There is no hope in the occult.There is no hope in the doctrines of the NEW WORLD ORDER. There is no hope in COMMUNISM or world globalism, nothing but death and destruction of everything GOOD and Godly.

There is only hope through JESUS CHRIST, SAVIOR OF THE WORLD and SON OF THE LIVING GOD. HE is YOUR LIFE, HE IS YOUR HOPE, HE is your only SALVATION, period.


REPENT of your sins and be FILLED with the DIVINE HOLY SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD! The Holy Spirit gives LIFE and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.

Be washed in the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST TODAY, and saved from yourself and the wicked world as well.

HE is your only hope both now and forevermore.

Jesus Christ is MY Lord and Savior and will remain so throughout the coming times of persecution and martyrdom of the saints of God under the NEW WORLD ORDER.

And if we suffer with HIM we will reign with HIM eternally. "Be thou faithful unto death..." and HE WILL GIVE YOU the crown of LIFE!

DON'T be afraid of the prisoner boxcars with shackles, the modern military guillotines (Revelation 20:4) or the FEMA/Homeland Security camps or any of the coming tribulations. BE afraid of "Him who can destroy body and soul in HELL eternally.Be afraid of DENYING HIM Who bought you with His blood, Christians!

Remember..your body is destined to DIE! It's cell's are NOT immortal! They are all programmed to slowly expire and DIE. You will LEAVE this old body behind and join Jesus Christ eternally for your REAL life and REAL home and REAL reward. We are destined to die, to reign with Christ forever. Without death of that which must pass away, we cannot enter into life.

Think of your body as merely a placenta housing your eternal SPIRIT redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. The placenta must die for the baby to be released into life. And your mortal body MUST die to release your NEW CREATION spirit into eternity...the very purpose for which Jesus Christ redeemed you! Think of death as a wonderful gift and passing into LIFE ETERNAL!

I remind myself of this every single day...every day...every day. I know what I face...and what many of YOU will also face. Prepare yourselves TODAY for what is to come, both good and evil.

God bless you all.
-Pamela Schuffert

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty 7 Noahide Laws campaign: following Earthquake

Post by zone Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:50 am

7 Noahide Laws campaign, along with food and water distibution following Earthquake

Written by Rabbi Binyomin Edery on March 15th, 2011
The Noahide Laws - Page 3 2011_03_15__212
It is impossible to ignore our Japanese “Mitzva Tank”!, On top of it an elegant menorah is proudly displayed, declaring our Jewish values and hailing the victory of light.

Together with our humanitarian efforts, we combine “The Seven Noahide Laws” campaign and distribute materials to residents of Japan, emphasizing that the strengthening of religious practice adds security the entire country.
“For now, we continue our activities with the blessing of the Rebbe Shlita. The government has announced that there is no danger to residents of Japan, and we sincerely hope that this situation will proceed well and G-d willing without interruption.”
The Noahide Laws - Page 3 2011_03_15__061
Rabbi Edery notes that he was accompanied by Mr. Moto, a close friend of Chabad who himself helps spread the Seven Laws of Noah.
“It is interesting to note that before all this happened, it occurred to him to ask the Rebbe Shlita whether to bring his mother, who lives in the area hit by tsunami to Tokyo. (His father is no longer alive.) Based on the answer he received through Igros Kodesh he decided to bring her and she is only alive in this merit, as her home was severely damaged.”
In the coming days, Chabad will continue to work in a state of emergency, although they themselves are dealing with power outages, and gas and water shortages.
Click here to see photo gallery of some of Chabad Japan Relief Activities
Click here to Donate to Chabad Japan to assist us in helping people in need.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:00 pm

Mute evidence of their full intentions to execute these Noahide laws sentences upon Christian necks are the documented millions of modern GUILLOTINES, 6 1/2 feet high, with hand restraints for each hand ( as in the case of FORT LEWIS WA)that are now stored in many of our US military bases.

We have received word of these modern guillotines being imported originally from China and Japan, and distributed across this nation by witnesses including former CIA, Pentagon sources, and truckers confirming this, since the 1970's. By later accounts, they are now being manufactured domestically at various locations including military bases.

7 Noahide Laws campaign, along with food and water distibution following Earthquake

Written by Rabbi Binyomin Edery on March 15th, 2011

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by ada Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:44 pm

Synagoge of Satan
aka Chabad terrorists all over the world?

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:50 pm

zone wrote:Together with our humanitarian efforts, we combine “The Seven Noahide Laws” campaign and distribute materials to residents of Japan, emphasizing that the strengthening of religious practice adds security the entire country.


They dont waste any time getiing in there with the noahides do they?

Out with the old world in with the (talmudic) new.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:55 pm

The Japan chabad website links to this new Noahide site I havn't seen befire.

Notice how professional and perfect all the sites are.

Theres a video on the front page. It wont load for me maybe someone else can give us the gist?

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:01 pm


Just as the horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed, as incomprehensible as they are, have shaken the entire world for the worse. So every good deed done now can reveal untold blessings and change the world for the better. That is why G-d gave Seven 'NOAHIDE' Commandments. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Shneerson, a prophet and perhaps the greatest Jewish leader of all time, announced over ten years ago that we are entering the Messianic era every good deed done now will reveal untold blessings and infinite good. Yes, by observing these seven living principles you can actually help make a new world; a world without war, misery, injustice, cruelty, and even disease. You can help make the world into the paradise it was when it was first created.

horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed
horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed
horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed
horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed

Are they saying Satan is responsible for this Earthquake or is this a tepid admission that it was man-made?

Veeeeery interesting.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty They dance the Unholy Mystery Babylon Abomination dance!

Post by ada Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:19 pm

In Part8 of the Seventh Day Abomination documentary, we document Hasidic
Judaism, being Kabbalah. Baal Shem Tov, a student of the teachings of
Issac Luria. the founder of Modern Kabbalah.
Hasidic Judaism’s founder Baal Shem Tov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger is a skull and bones Austrian Nazi Party remnant.
The unbelieving Jews are trying to make a counterfeit “one new man”
(Ehp 2:15), through the kabbala. They are of the disposition that the
Goyim(=gentile) don’t have the flesh for Third Temple worship. So they
want the Goyim to accept the kabbalah, through the Noahide Laws, to make
a Satanic one new Mystery Babylon man, for their new Eden on corrupt
earth. For Thanksgiving we made a video about holy dance. Now, the
Babylonians also dance, for the creation of their abominable New World
Order! And they cannot stop dancing until Babylon is built! That is why
they dance together in Satanic fellowship. And there followed another
angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because
she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Rev 14:8

Last edited by ada on Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:30 pm

Seventh Day Abomination documentary series is Gold!


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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:02 pm

Strangelove wrote:


They dont waste any time getiing in there with the noahides do they?

Out with the old world in with the (talmudic) new.

Jewish Community Rushes Aid to Japan

by Hana Levi Julian

The worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidic movement and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee are deeply involved in the Jewish community's response to Japan's growing national disaster.

Rabbi Mendy Sudakevich, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Japan said goodbye to his wife and six children and turned his attention to providing relief for some 400,000 of the country's homeless and hungry


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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by jerry Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:07 pm

Noahide law is simple :
The 10 commendents
The 7 noahide laws.... Which changes the word of God.
You eather follow 10 ..... or you follow 7
I will follow 10 Very Happy


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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:28 pm

jerry wrote:Noahide law is simple :
The 10 commendents
The 7 noahide laws.... Which changes the word of God.
You eather follow 10 ..... or you follow 7
I will follow 10 Very Happy

good for you jerry.
gotta be able to tell Moses & The prophets from The Talmud.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:27 am

Welcome to:

The Noahide Laws, Understanding Humanity’s Obligation to God will answer
these and many other questions concerning God’s laws and the obligation of
mankind to obey them. Read the Noahide Laws and allow God to give you
understanding regarding His Universal Laws and your obligation to obey
them. Purchase this book, it will change your life.

The Noahide Laws By Joyce J. Toney

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:08 am

Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden because they disregarded it. Cain was punished for defying it. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were decimated for violating it. The generation of Noah met with destruction for desecrating it. Before the Law was given on Mount Sinai, there was a simple moral code that all mankind was to live by, a code of conduct that long antedated the Ten Commandments. Yet for nearly two thousand years, Christians have forbade its teaching, fearing that if adopted it would make Christianity obsolete and relegate the Triune deity to the dustbin of theological history along with the ancient gods of Zeus, Isis, and Mithra. It is called the Noahide Code, and those who learn about it will never look at the Bible the same way again.

The Noahide Code [Paperback]
Alan, W. Cecil (Author)

The Noahide Code

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:29 am

The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Wc_2011_logo

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:13 am

FROM - Gateway to Heaven - Judaism's Message to Mankind

6) G-d instructs us, through His prophets.

There are very strict qualifications for prophesy, listed elsewhere. Among them: all prophets must be Jewish, and know and observe all the Torah.

All prophesy must be ONLY, to strengthen Torah observance. Other religions, who claim, that a prophet came to negate or reinterpret the Torah, are false.

7) Moses is the greatest, and the 'father', of all the prophets.

He brought us the Torah. And every word in the Torah, both written and oral, is precisely the word of the Creator.

8) The Torah of Moses, is unchanging.

The Torah that we have today, including the Oral Torah i.e. Talmud etc., are precisely the same, that G-d gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai. There has been no alteration, addition, or subtraction.

9) G-d does not want us to alter, add or subtract, anything from the written or the oral Torah.

Rabbinical edicts, are not an alteration, rather they are a fulfillment of the Torah commandment: "Don't stray from what they tell you, etc." (Deut. 17:11)

(Needless to say, there are qualifications, as to who can be a Rabbi, and what are their powers and restrictions.)



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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:56 pm

Strangelove wrote:Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden because they disregarded it. Cain was punished for defying it. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were decimated for violating it. The generation of Noah met with destruction for desecrating it. Before the Law was given on Mount Sinai, there was a simple moral code that all mankind was to live by, a code of conduct that long antedated the Ten Commandments. Yet for nearly two thousand years, Christians have forbade its teaching, fearing that if adopted it would make Christianity obsolete and relegate the Triune deity to the dustbin of theological history along with the ancient gods of Zeus, Isis, and Mithra. It is called the Noahide Code, and those who learn about it will never look at the Bible the same way again.

The Noahide Code [Paperback]
Alan, W. Cecil (Author)

The Noahide Code
wow. they are getting really bold.The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Hockey-fight

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:57 pm

Strangelove wrote:FROM - Gateway to Heaven - Judaism's Message to Mankind

6) G-d instructs us, through His prophets.

There are very strict qualifications for prophesy, listed elsewhere. Among them: all prophets must be Jewish, and know and observe all the Torah.

All prophesy must be ONLY, to strengthen Torah observance. Other religions, who claim, that a prophet came to negate or reinterpret the Torah, are false.

7) Moses is the greatest, and the 'father', of all the prophets.

He brought us the Torah. And every word in the Torah, both written and oral, is precisely the word of the Creator.

8) The Torah of Moses, is unchanging.

The Torah that we have today, including the Oral Torah i.e. Talmud etc., are precisely the same, that G-d gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai. There has been no alteration, addition, or subtraction.

9) G-d does not want us to alter, add or subtract, anything from the written or the oral Torah.

Rabbinical edicts, are not an alteration, rather they are a fulfillment of the Torah commandment: "Don't stray from what they tell you, etc." (Deut. 17:11)

(Needless to say, there are qualifications, as to who can be a Rabbi, and what are their powers and restrictions.)


what a bunch of vipers and liars.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:18 pm

Mornin' Zone...

Found this doco on the noahides....seems a little jehovahs witnessy.............thinking about making my own.


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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:13 pm


The Noahide Laws - Page 3 EW_Chabad

Signing off on 'Education Day U.S.A.' Public Law 102-14.

Last edited by Strangelove on Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by ada Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:07 pm

Oh yes a long term history of ill-fated contracts.


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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by zone Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:42 pm

Strangelove wrote:Mornin' Zone...

Found this doco on the noahides....seems a little jehovahs witnessy.............thinking about making my own.
FINALLY doc some ppl are talking about it. good score. DO MAKE YOUR OWN DOC.
we've been at this a long time brother...i love you. let me know if i can help.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:38 pm

zone wrote:FINALLY doc some ppl are talking about it. good score. DO MAKE YOUR OWN DOC.
we've been at this a long time brother...i love you. let me know if i can help.

Ya I'm seriously considering turning this thread into a little 20 minute doco. Just need a structure....gather some pics...whack 'em into windows moviemaker...put some text over it and lay on a funky lounge/beats soundtrack. Boom.

Anyhoot...heres more from 'Rebbe-God' blog. (helloooo?? blasphemy?)

"The newly elected president of France Nicolas Sarkozy, met with the Shliach of the Rebbe Melech Hamoshiach to Neuilly, Rabbi Dovid Zaoui, who presented the president with literature on the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach. The bond between Sarkozi and Rabbi Zaui began about 12 years ago when Rabbi Zaui opened the Beis Chabad in Neuilly "Sarkozi always showed support for all Chabad activities, and he always seeks my advice before any important steps" Rabbi Zaoui told Rabbi Zaoui offered him to write to the Rebbe by way of the Igros Kodesh...

...and he always received unbelievable answers.

Recently, after Sarkozy was elected as president of France, he has not forgotten his close friend and confidant, who he shares an ongoing relationship with."

The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Sarkozi

P.S. This guys blog claims that Schneerson IS GOD!

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:58 pm

But wait...surely its just these fringe Chabad fellas that think Shneerson is the Messiah?

The Noahide Laws - Page 3 96158

Poster campaign in israel.

Picture of Schneerson and it says Moshiach Oseh Nisim ......'Messiah makes Miracles'.

The last word is taflaot or summink....dunno what that means.

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The Noahide Laws - Page 3 Empty Re: The Noahide Laws

Post by strangelove Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:35 pm

Now that there's a Sanhedrin, who needs the Supreme Court?

One year after a new assembly of Torah scholars was established, the esteemed Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has become its president.


"A year after its establishment, it is impossible to see the new Sanhedrin as the domain of the extreme right wing alone: at a large gathering in Jerusalem's Har Nof neighborhood Tuesday, Rabbi Adin Even Israel Steinsaltz, a well-known Talmud scholar who is much esteemed in Torah circles, both in the ultra-Orthodox world and in the national-religious sector, came forward as the president of the Sanhedrin."



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